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“Someday is not on the calendar.”

Since 1988, that has become my motto. It was on a cold November night that year when my beautiful 23-year-old sister died four inches from my side in the passenger seat of my car. We were hit head-on by a drunk driver.

Death of a loved one, or our own near-death, always offers new perspective on what truly matters… and what is simply irrelevant or insignificant. It is an acute reminder of both life’s fragility and unpredictability and, for me, a “note to self” that while our dreams have no expiry date, our physical time on this earth does.

I no longer wait for “someday” to pursue what really matters. Near-death experiences can be extreme wake up call… and I don’t want to sleep through the alarm.

The time, to make time, for the people, causes or work you truly care about is always now.

Here are 6 of my favorite ways to live fully:

1) Put your true desire(s) at the top of your To-Do list.
Your desires are yours for a reason, and are often (if not always) part of your purpose here. And remember, the journey should be as much fun as the destination.

2) Decide what’s most important to you and take action NOW.
Don’t wait for next month, next year or the next decade. Even small steps can lead to big changes… make a move toward greatness.

3) Schedule time for your dreams.
Book a date or set a deadline (even a tentative one) to meet your goal or promise. The universe loves commitment; it implies that you are serious about taking action and then the universe will conspire to support you.

4) Notice synchronicity and act on opportunities.
Once you move toward what you love and “follow your bliss”, as Joseph Campbell said, “doors will open to you where you didn’t know they were going to be.” Check out what’s behind those doors!

5) Show up.
Be there for the people, projects and passions that count. Action begets action; and that requires “showing up” to do the work. If you want to publish a book, you must show up at your desk and write; if you want to be an entrepreneur, you must show up and run your business; if you want to have more love you must show up and give more love.

6) Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.
Since that life-changing year of 1988, I’ve switched careers (from a pediatric nurse to a writer with an MA in Journalism); started my own business; become a bestselling author; lived, worked and studied on four continents (realizing an array of audacious dreams); and created unforgettable experiences with family and friends.

My crazy goals and wildest dreams have become a reality because I never forget “someday is not on the calendar.”

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A passionate writer and experienced journalist, Barbara Edie believes in the power of one to change the lives of many. She is the author of #1 Amazon bestseller Sparking Change Around the Globe: 5 Ways to Make Your Difference in the World, and is featured in another #1 Amazon Bestseller, Breakthrough! Inspirational Strategies for an Audaciously Authentic Life, with New York Times bestselling authors Janet Bray Attwood, Chris Attwood, and Marci Shimoff.

In addition to writing non-fiction books and magazine articles, Barbara helps entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations share their message and tell powerful stories to promote their work, businesses, or vision.

A self-described “global soul,” she has lived, worked and traveled on four continents, and is currently writing a book about visionary changemakers in disparate parts of the world, working to create a more educated, sustainable, and conscious planet. In Feb. 2014, she launched the Visionary Changemakers Teleseries, interviewing extraordinary experts and transformational leaders on how to make your project, program or vision a reality.

Barbara currently lives in Winnipeg, Canada, and keeps her passport valid and her laptop handy.

For more information, please visit

Comments (40)

  1. Thank you! Reading your article is part of my own synchronicity, and watching doors open and intentions manifest. It is a gift to live each day fully. Thank you for the reminder

  2. I’ve been in ‘change’ mode for sometime and forgot. Forgot to act, forgot to dream, forgot to notice and haven’t showed up. It is just what I needed to remind me to get back in. Today, I am getting back in. In to what’s most important and take action! Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Barb, your story is so inspiring and I love your directions/suggestions for living fully. Reflecting upon my history, I appreciate the steps (and sometimes leaps) I have taken to evolve and discover the truth of who I am, knowing that there is always more to come when I am courageous and committed to my journey. Thank you for the reminder of how precious life is and how it is up to us to live it fully!

    1. Hey Lisa, thank YOU for the reminder to live with courage and commitment, and the willingness to “go deep” to discover who we are and why we’re here. Here’s to living fully, and thanks for being part of my (sometimes crazy) journey. Much love to you.

    1. Thanks Nor! And I’m so grateful for you for showing up, making the time, and making this wild journey we call life so much more fun. Here’s to taking “inspired” action and enjoying our “Desire To Do” list. Much love to you. xo

  4. Barbara, I am on yet another magazine deadline (story of my life). Maybe someday a change will be good or early retirement even better lol!. I needed the break to read your inspiring message…and I did. So true, and how we forget. My husband Mike and I keep trying to finish the cabin at the lake, since you were last out at Ingolf, ON a few years back now re: Cottage Story, still not yet finished. Started addition in 2004 to the 70 year old log cabin, I had a five year plan, Mike realistic had the 10 year plan (which is now), not close on finishing yet (Rome was not built in a day). Decided 2 years back take the whole family to Hualtuco, Mexico for my nephews wedding 46 of us in total, yes cost $$, but, the great memories live on. Not planned and so well worth it. More trips planned soon. The Log cabin and lake life is my Happy Place, when I get there never want to leave and still hope and dream to retire there., Yet, always busy, we have taken time to enjoy more also (need to do more), work will always be there. But, yes, tend to forget what really matters most, family & friends and make the time to get together and do what we want to do, no excuses. Keep smiling and having fun along the way! TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF OUR LIVES…ENJOY…CHEERS!!

  5. This is such a touching story, thank you for sharing such a personal story and reminding me how important it is to make every moment count. ” Note to self” live life to the fullest!

  6. My Dearest Barbara,

    I wish that I had met your sister. I bet that you were her inspiration and that she would have been a wonderful role-model too.

    I’ve known you for over 20 years and you have consistently been the “hit the ground running”, “what’s my next adventure?”, globe-trotting, well-read, involved, inquisitive, “bonne vivante”, that I have always known, with a good balance on introspective and spiritual life.

    Your vision has only gotten more fine-tuned with age, as has your insight.

    Since I am rearing 4 children, it’s a bit of a challenge to keep up with you, but you are still an inspiration, when I do some of the things that I do, like that little voice over my shoulder. You’re also good story-telling material, for my kids, when I need an example of how life can be lived. It’s no wonder that so many kids know about Barbedie.

    1. Allo Valerie! Thanks for your kind words…and yes, if you’d have met my sister I think the two of you would have been great friends–she was the same age as you and beautiful, generous and fun-loving like you are ;). And you, Valerie, are an inspiration to me… as the adventurous, world-travelling mom of 4 smart, creative, multi-lingual and “upwardly global” children. Here’s to living fully and creating more great stories to tell!
      Much love to you and your family xo

  7. I love your quote “someday is not on the calendar”. It is an essential statement for planning and good time management. I look forward to reading one of your books. thanks.

  8. My sister was also hit by a drunk driver on April 10th, 1987 and she survived, although was in a coma for almost a year. We are thankful she is still with us but it is not easy to accept the negative impact that her severe head injury has had and continues to have on her life and our family. It would be so nice to find a way to inspire her! Unfortunately each day is a challenge and change is never handled well by those who are head injured. Thanks for your message.

  9. Thank you so much for this timely post! So beautiful and true. I am moving toward standing in my NOW which used to be my SOMEDAY!!

  10. Thank you for the reminder. Actually I opened the computer straight away after just awaken and straight away I was connected to my mail box, your message. Your wisdom resonates me.

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