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Jaden Sterling

What You Know to Be True, Happens for You

During the course of daily life, we are faced with a series of choices. Each choice comes with its own consequences, some lasting longer than others. Choices made out of fear or desperation will lead you to reacting from your head rather than leading with your heart. Fear is a useless emotion that will cause you to say and do things you will surely regret. Always have a plan in place to nip fear in the bud when you feel it start to bubble up. This will serve you well. The distance from your head to your heart is only…

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Avikal Costantino

3 Steps to Becoming Present

Take your time; there is no other time. Even when everything seems to accelerate beyond control - especially then - take your time. Time does not exist as an objective thing; it depends completely on your perception and your connection with yourself. If you are present, in touch with how you experience reality and open to what you are experiencing, then you are the master of time, not its slave. How do we do that? The method is simple: it has a few basic steps that require no particular skills, talents or techniques. It is called "practicing presence". I imagine…

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It Isn’t Personal

Seek to understand, for with understanding comes acceptance, peace, and – in many instances – love. We cannot hate what we understand. Remove the ego. Everyone you meet, every person who makes you smile, dance, cringe, swear, and scream, each one is simply trying to get through the day the best way she knows how. Each is striving to become the person he wants to be. Each is working to live the life she wants to live. Whatever pain anyone in your life may cause you, remember this: It isn't personal. It is simply a product of that person moving…

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Express Who You Are Through What You Do

We all want to be successful in life, but finding what it takes isn’t as easy as it might seem. In our culture, there is a strong tendency to equate success with position, power, and money, and that was my perspective as I prepared myself for a business career and as I advanced in the corporate world. I assumed that I would feel complete as a person when I achieved enough position, power, and money. But how much is enough? It was only after becoming CEO of a startup company that I realized there would never be enough, that I needed…

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Use Your Time Wisely… Simple Lessons for Daily Life

I would begin with the notion that time is our most precious inventory, and that the quality of our lives reflects how and where and with whom we spend it. The tragedy of modern life resides in the everyday Faustian exchange of time for false promises and trivial distraction. Free time is the only meaningful measure of a free society, and real freedom is always defined and defended by the option not to participate. As with knowledge and wisdom and peace, therefore, the path to freedom is subtractive, not additive. Things to do on a daily basis... 1. Whatever your…

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Wake Up to Your Full Potential

No matter where you are in your life right now - whether you're currently succeeding at an extraordinary level, or if you're struggling to find your way - there is at least one thing I know we have in common (probably a lot more than one, but one that I know for sure). We both want to improve our lives, and ourselves. This is not to suggest that there is anything wrong with us, or our lives, but as human beings we were born with the innate desire and drive to continuously grow and improve. I believe it's within all…

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Make Time for What Matters Now, Not ‘Someday’

“Someday is not on the calendar.” Since 1988, that has become my motto. It was on a cold November night that year when my beautiful 23-year-old sister died four inches from my side in the passenger seat of my car. We were hit head-on by a drunk driver. Death of a loved one, or our own near-death, always offers new perspective on what truly matters… and what is simply irrelevant or insignificant. It is an acute reminder of both life’s fragility and unpredictability and, for me, a “note to self” that while our dreams have no expiry date, our physical…

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Unleash The Leader in You

We are all blessed with a huge potential. We must understand this fact and unlock our potential. However, most people waste their precious time by thinking about their unpleasant past which cannot be changed, and worrying about their future which cannot be predicted. What we have now is the present. Hence, we must make use of the present to unlock our hidden potential to achieve amazing success in life, and help others grow in their lives. Great leaders are great learners, and help build the next generation of leaders. Hence, you must grow as a leader first to groom others…

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Greatness Takes Time 

The greatest piece of wisdom I have gained from my experiences to date is that greatness takes time. We have all heard the saying that “patience is a virtue". However, there is deeper wisdom in this statement and relevance to your life journey than you may recognize. Starting out as a keen and motivated young leader, I’ve been known to neglect this virtue. Perhaps driven by my passion and eagerness to create change, I have always tried to bring my ventures to fruition as quickly as I can. If someone was to tell me it would take over a year,…

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Your Most Valuable Asset

Time is our most valuable commodity bar none. It is, hands down, the most precious thing we have, yet it is the one thing with which we are most often wasteful. You can't recycle it, regain it, rejuvenate it, rediscover it, or reuse it. Once it's gone, it's gone. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't have relaxation time, hobby time, lay on the couch and read a book time, or sit in the sun and do absolutely nothing time. It's all about balance in our lives. But we all need to have some type of time management tool that assures…

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Your No Worries Number

Thousands of years ago, the leaders of the Mayan culture created a deep-time calendar. We can only guess why they thought it so important. Perhaps our distant ancestors believed they could somehow control the future by mapping it. Many speculated whether or not this Mayan calendar pointed to the end of the world, since it appeared to conclude with the date 12/21/12. Why did it end there? The world did not end that day. Is it possible that this symmetric number, once so far into the distant future, represented instead a time after which the calendar's creators saw no need to…

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Are You Taking Care of Your Inner Garden?

Your life is a seed and life is a series of seasons. What do I mean by this? Well, imagine that Planet Earth is a huge garden and that each individual life is a seed. A person's environment becomes their garden and each person is their own gardener. If a gardener does not understand that his seed needs to be protected in a safe garden environment and nurtured regularly; or that it will only sprout after a cycle of seasons passes, he might starve his seed, dig it up prematurely or let other gardeners or bad weather prevent it from…

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Today Is Your Someday

On our deathbed, it really won't matter how successful we were, how many awards we won or how many deals we closed. We won't regret buying "that house" or "that car" or "that new gadget." We won't long for anything other than more TIME. Time to spend with the special people who touched our lives: our friends, our significant others, our parents, our children. Time to love, to laugh, to hug, to kiss, to cherish, to encourage, to teach lessons, to learn, to pray, to praise, to hold... time for things that no currency could ever buy. Knowing that, as…

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