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We are all blessed with a huge potential. We must understand this fact and unlock our potential. However, most people waste their precious time by thinking about their unpleasant past which cannot be changed, and worrying about their future which cannot be predicted. What we have now is the present. Hence, we must make use of the present to unlock our hidden potential to achieve amazing success in life, and help others grow in their lives.

Great leaders are great learners, and help build the next generation of leaders. Hence, you must grow as a leader first to groom others as leaders.

Most people think that they cannot become leaders, when in fact, everybody is a leader. The mother who leads at home; the father who takes responsibility; and the janitor who delivers his goods with excellence is a leader. Leaders are the ones who lead from front by taking responsibility. They spread fame during successes and take blame during failures.

Hence, take responsibility to lead from the front. Realize your hidden potential as everybody is born as a genius, and nobody is born as a stupid. Develop a positive, right, and strong attitude to excel in your life. Contribute your best. Emphasize excellence regardless of the area of activity you are into. Emphasize means, not ends. Keep people before profit. Make the people around you special, and help them dream and achieve big.

Time is very precious. Whether you are rich or poor, you are blessed with time. Make use of it wisely. You have only one life. Hence, use your time judiciously to provide meaning to your life.

Balance your personal, professional and social life. Trifurcate your goals into three categories such as personal, professional and social goals. Set these goals based on your passions and value system.

Here is the way to go about setting these goals in your life. Ask yourself what you want to achieve in your personal life. Find out your strengths and weaknesses, and set your personal goals based on your passions and strengths. Identify the careers in which you are passionate about, and set your professional goals accordingly.

Finally, what value would you like to add to society? What would you like to be remembered for? And set your social goals accordingly.

Surround yourself with positive people to build a better world. Remember that knowledge is more important than money. Hence, share your knowledge to make a difference to the world.

Work for satisfaction, not for recognition. Remember, satisfaction is the end-product while recognition is the by-product. Be passionate about what you do. Don’t worry about setbacks. Think out-of-the box to achieve success in your personal, professional and social life.

Be a continuous learner and take feedback constantly to grow in life. As long as you love and learn, you are young. The day you stop loving people and learning things, you become old.

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Professor M.S.Rao is the Father of ‘Soft Leadership’. He is an International Leadership Guru and an internationally acclaimed leadership educator, executive coach, speaker, and consultant. He has 34 years of experience, and the author of 30 books including the award-winning 21 Success Sutras for Leaders, ranked as one of the Top 10 Leadership Books of the Year – 2013 by San Diego University.

His award-winning book Success Tools for CEO Coaches: Be a Learner, Leader, and Ladder is the Community Award Winner for 2014 by Small Business Trends.

His blog Where Knowledge is Wealth  was named among the “Best 21st Century Leadership Blogs”.

His award-winning book Smart Leadership: Lessons for Leaders was published as a Spanish language e-book.

His vision is to build one million students as global leaders by 2030. His vision program was ranked as one of the Top 10 Finalists in the ‘Not For Profit’ category of Leadership 500 Excellence Awards 2015.

He received Outstanding Reviewer for Human Resource Management International Digest in the Emerald Literati Network 2015 Awards for Excellence.

He has been honored as an upcoming International Leadership Guru by Leadership Gurus International  and listed as one of the leading achievers around the world in Marquis Who's Who in the World in 2013.

He serves as an Advisor and Judge for several prestigious international organizations including Global Leadership Awards in Malaysia and Small Business Book Awards in the United States.

He received International Award - International Coach of the Year 2013 from Prestigious ‘Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc’.

He coined an innovative teaching tool – Meka’s Method; leadership training tool – 11E Leadership Grid; and leadership learning tool – Soft Leadership Grid, based on his new leadership style, ‘Soft Leadership’ which is the most frequently downloaded research paper in ICT, Emerald, UK.

He contributes articles to Association for Talent Development (formerly ASTD). He successfully led a webinar on Soft leadership organized by International Leadership Association.

Most of his work is available free of charge in his four blogs

E-mail him at [email protected]

For more information, please visit

Comments (4)

  1. I agree….just would like to know how to get started!!! But I’m going to figure it out! Thanks for the information….

  2. Thank you so much for your inspirational words. I learn things every day, incredible to find out there are more and more to learn things.

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