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3 Issues To Tackle On Your Path To Success

I would share my thoughts on some topics that concern most of us.... Fear and Struggle There seems to be a lot of fear out there now, a lot of uncertainty. One thing most of us fear, to some degree, is the possibility of struggling. We fear the unknown. It may be a struggle to get a new job, or end a relationship that's really over anyway. I believe the pain of struggle is temporary, but the pain of staying stuck is much more devastating. But how do we overcome that fear? I suggest by learning, by trial and error, by getting…

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Your Built-In Truth Detector & How To Have It All

In life there will be doubt, in even the strongest of minds and hearts. When in doubt, trust the body to lead you through it. Hand on heart, and the other on your stomach, ask if an option you consider is right for you. The heart will warm and feel light with a yes, the stomach will shrink and feel leaden or cold for a no. Your body may differ, but it will always give you equally clear signals, of what is best for you. Don't trust what your tongue says as it makes its arguments for or against a…

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5 Steps to Total Success

Success is when your thoughts and actions move you closer to your goals, and when your goals move you closer to happiness. When I began my dental practice over three decades ago, I never dreamed my goals would take me down this path from successful dentist to motivational speaker and eventually to author. It was a natural evolution. In the beginning, I felt I was running my practice inefficiently, so I hired people to teach me how to run the business better. My mentor helped me learn a goal-setting process, beyond making haphazard resolutions. I eventually found that "Total Success" requires…

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3 Lessons Learned from Serious Illness

When I was born doctors quickly realized something was wrong. I started to turn blue. It was my heart. Doctors told my parents that if I was going to survive, I needed open-heart surgery and quickly. I was put on a helicopter and flown away for open-heart surgery. The surgery was incredibly risky but it was successful. After a lengthy recovery, my parents took their new son home. There were more surgeries and hospital visits, but it was 22 years before I faced the biggest challenge of my life. It was 2002 when my condition grew worse. Suddenly I couldn't…

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What Baby Steps Will You Take Today?

If you're anything like me, with the New Year ahead of us, our minds are now turning to the things we'd like to accomplish in the New Year and to our resolutions. With the close of one year, it seems natural to look at our accomplishments and our outstanding goals and dreams. Sometimes that reflection can bring a feeling of excitement, and sometimes it can create a feeling of overwhelming proportion when the mountain ahead of us appears too large to summit. It's critical when looking at any large task to remember one thing. You first learned to walk by…

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Sponsored: One Door Closes

Are you looking for a vehicle to break through the roadblocks and detours that have sidetracked you on life's highway? One Door Closes: Overcoming Adversity By Following Your Dreams presents the inspiring stories of 16 individuals from all walks of life who have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve their dreams. They share a road map guiding readers to discover how to live life with vision, courage, determination and passion. Also included are 10 holistic self-assessment tools readers can use to design their own, personal blueprint for success. One Door Closes will help you to clarify and set your goals, and then use the power you already have within to achieve your goals. Discover how to reach your dreams and be inspired!

Order One Door Closes now!

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Reflections on Freedom

We are born with the spark of freedom that burns brightly within all of us, no matter where we live geographically or what we may experience politically. Freedom is the opportunity to do what we want, when we want and choose how we want to do it. It's following that voice inside, no matter where it might lead and oft times walking to a different drummer. It is the ability to think our own thoughts and make our own choices. Collectively, freedom can be expressed as a small group or as a country, but it always starts within the mind…

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Ask a Luminary

HOW Do You Find Your Passion in Life?

"HOW do you find your passion in life? I am a 54 year old single woman who has been in the nursing field for over 30 years and I am ready for a change, but unable to take the plunge, change course, and do something different. I want to try something different, but am struggling with what that is....can anyone help? Thanks!" ~ Barb, Lakefield Your passion is a story of emotional authenticity, responsibility and magic. It is a story of self-discovery and embracing the power within you. The specifics of what you are meant to do will come alive…

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Health and Wealth Because of a Little Blue Dress

About a month ago, I was in New York City and stopped into Loehmann’s, an off-price store known for great deals on high-end merchandise. I stumbled upon the perfect little blue cocktail dress at the right price and bought it, even though I had no idea where I would wear it. This dress was a designer dress and the original price was over $2000, but it was discounted to only $180.  The dress is gorgeous and the perfect color for me. The only thing “wrong” with it, is that it’s the wrong size (or I am), but I bought it…

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How to Go About Challenging Yourself

A challenge isn't easy, it isn't meant to be. That is why terms like 'get outside your comfort zone’ and ‘break out of the box we put ourselves in' are bandied about a lot. We know how good we feel when we reach a goal and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. Often the more difficult the challenge or even the more attempts we have made at it, the greater the sense of achievement during, and afterwards, especially when we have tried our best. Challenging yourself can be extremely motivational. Below are some tips to help you challenge…

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Summer of 2012

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Memorial Day has come and gone. Families had picnics, went swimming, went boating, played ball, and ate too much potato salad and ice cream. Right? If that picture doesn’t match your day, you’re probably not alone. Some people had a front-row seat as the President lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Have you lost a family member in one of the wars? Do you honor him on Memorial Day or every day? Some people spent the day in a tollbooth or a ticket booth. Others stood behind the counter at 7-Eleven, or…

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Keeping New Year’s Resolutions Simple

Now is the time when we all want to start our New Year's resolutions. I agree that making positive changes and setting goals is a very good thing to do; however, it is important to do this all year round. We become these excited little souls and we make big lists of the positive things we are going to change about ourselves in the New Year. First thing I want to share about this is, YOU are already perfect the way you are and if you feel like making a few adjustments in areas of your life that is wonderful……

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Top 10 Things I’ve Learned from Bejeweled

Recently, I learned yet another lesson from a game called Bejeweled 2. I blogged about this game some time ago, but find I'm compelled to write about it again. For me, this game is a form of meditation as it requires great focus. I play it in my spare time, like when I'm waiting at the dentist's office or at the airport. Some days that may be 15-20 minutes and sometimes life gets too busy and I won't play for days. However, I always come away from the experience with a lesson. So, I decided to share my Top 10 Things…

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Take Action on Your Dreams!

I was privileged to recently attend the filming of Beyond the Secret as a guest of my friend Marcia Weider. We are proud to have her as the luminary today on Inspire Me Today. When you read her Today's Brilliance you’ll see how she helps people do the most important thing possible- live the life of their dreams and get into action. This was also the key message I saw being taught in ‘Beyond the Secret’.  Taking action is simply the most important thing you can do to improve your life. Without taking action you’ll find that year after year your…

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