Now is the time when we all want to start our New Year’s resolutions. I agree that making positive changes and setting goals is a very good thing to do; however, it is important to do this all year round.
We become these excited little souls and we make big lists of the positive things we are going to change about ourselves in the New Year. First thing I want to share about this is, YOU are already perfect the way you are and if you feel like making a few adjustments in areas of your life that is wonderful… However, please remind yourself that you are already perfect and that you are just deciding to show more love to yourself.
My concern is that only about 5-10% actually stick with their resolutions up to the end of February because they have made such huge lists in January rather than spreading it out over the year. Then comes our ego, making us feel like failures and that we are not strong enough to accomplish our goals. When it comes to setting goals for yourself, focus on solutions, NOT problems.
If we run out to the store to buy all these books and start to force the connection, we are actually working against the flow of life. Just like if you start to workout really hard your body will tire out after a month. Our egos love to feed on this energy, so please be gentle with yourself and know that simple, easy steps are the way to make changes that will stick and become a part of your energy field and eventually a part of who you are.
I send you all huge waves of positive energy to achieve your goals (remember to do affirmations about your goals; this will help keep you focused).
One of the best things to do to keep you focused is to show yourself love everyday. Wrap your arms around yourself and say to yourself “I love you; just the way you are”.
A very Happy New Year to you all and sending you all blessings of great new adventures, love and joy.
Photo Credit: Max Elman
Wonderful thank you and my blessings.