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Live Your Life as if Your Body Were Perfect

Over the years, I have both loathed and loved my body. I have found that loving my body is much, much better. So I made a decision to love my body, not in spite of imagined flaws or ways that it deviates from the media ideal of what a body should look like, but rather because it is mine and it is perfect. I spent decades putting my life on hold—waiting to achieve an acceptably, socially, skinny body. I didn’t lose any weight (at least not permanently). All I lost was a few decades. So one day I made a…

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Your Greatest Responsibility

Perhaps the most important thing I have learned in this extraordinary life is that we are responsible for our own happiness. It is not determined by anything outside of ourselves even though it often appears to be. The rich can be miserable ("Oh, I'm so unhappy. I wanted Johnson to drive me to Tiffany's in the Lamborghini but now I have to go in the stupid Rolls. How awful.") And the poor can be joyful ("Ah, there is enough food for the whole family this year. We are so blessed.") With that reality we have tremendous power; we can stop…

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Participating in Your Own Rescue

When people ask what I've learned from the experiences in my life I have to smile. What always comes to my mind is faith, accountability, courage, forgiveness and compassion. I have learned perception is everything, And, most of all participating in your own rescue is not an option. It's a necessity. My life has been an amazing adventure from the very beginning. Some may hear my story and say, "How did she survive"? I have gone from the highs and lows of a childhood where I had no idea that my sense of always being different, feeling and seeing so…

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How to be Delighted with Yourself

This is your life, no one else's. You can decide your direction. You are the leader of your life. Always pay yourself first in all you do, make sure the future you would thank you for spending what you save. Other people are there for your guidance, some will show you what to do and others what not to do. Observe them well, but never judge them as there is no benefit in that. Take what you learn and test it, avoid assuming it to be right. Treat others as you wish them to treat you. Other people deserve to…

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Go Make Pies

All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory. What I have learned is that we are all infinite beings with infinite power, abilities and access to infinite amounts of love. Look at nature and see how abundant it is, with plants, trees, birds, flies, animals abound. The same amount of abundance is available to each and every one of us. We are all infinite beings, we are equal, not better than, not worse than, but we all still have a unique essence (flavor). As an individual, you matter. You add something to the mix called life that…

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Live Your LIfe With Purpose

I would share my knowledge of doing the right thing and listening to my mind and body all of the time. You see, your body can give you honest feedback - it doesn’t lie to you. If you pay attention to how you feel in any given circumstance, you will know what the right moves are for you and what the wrong moves are. With me, it is my heart and solar plexus that I pay the most attention to because I have spent so much time nurturing my mind/body/soul connection, I know right away if something will be a benefit…

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How to Learn to Love Yourself, Rather Than Abandon Yourself

When I was a young woman, I believed that life was about getting - getting love, approval, recognition, validation, money, success... getting what I thought I wanted. But if today were my last day of this planet, getting something would be the last thing on my mind. I would be focused on sharing love. That's it. That's all. That's everything. There is a major confusion in our culture about love. Somehow, most people have come to believe it is getting love from another or others that feels the best, and they spend much energy trying to get love. They try…

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3 Ways to Live Happy and Healthy

When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke. That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life. I have been learning that…

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12 Keystones to Reclaiming Your Happiness

As I looked back over my journey from fear to love, I discovered Twelve Keystones that I had to embody, or perhaps I should say master, so that I could reclaim my happiness and awaken to the truth of my magnificence. Through teaching about my experiences, I found they apply universally. I have shared them here! You are the playwright of your own life! The backdrop for life is like a Magical Theatre, and as the star of the production, we are each free to create our own roles, changing them at will but first we need to investigate the myth, truth,…

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Give Yourself the Permission You Need

Did someone in your past hurt you to the point where you can't let go? Were you abused as a child by a parent, guardian, or another adult? Or were you mistreated as a young adult and you're still waiting for that person to apologize for what they did? You are a beautiful, talented, and precious individual. The people you love need you here and now—100%. But it’s very possible that past experiences may be holding you back from living your dreams and being fully present for them. There’s also a chance you’re never going to get the apology you've needed for…

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Faith, from “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date” by Absolute Love Publishing

The Wild Journey to Healing Starts at Home

One of my big demons has been codependency. For a lot of people, this is a bizarre concept. At first glance, the characteristics of the caretaker seem positive. Caretakers are often sensitive, compassionate, deep feelers and problem solvers. They take care of stuff. They feel called to save the world. No problem is beyond them. Part of what makes healing from care taking patterns so difficult is because on the surface these appear to be positive qualities. Why would a person like this need healing? The answer is that the deeper and often subconscious motivation for these ‘selfless’ behaviors is…

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6 Straightforward Tips for a Better Life

There will be many people you meet in this life that do not like you; don’t be one of them. Place your concern on the opinion of the person you see most – YOU. You owe it to yourself and the Universe to make peace with whatever is causing you pain. Be kind, forgiving, and patient. Know that you deserve -- and are worthy -- of your own love and respect. When you believe this with every ounce of your being, everything else will fall into place. There is a lot of negativity in this world; don’t let it bring…

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Be Inspired By Your Life

We often look for inspiration outside of ourselves – from gurus, celebrities, Oprah, the Royal Family, the Pope, those who are unreachable. Inspiration has always been right in front of you and inside of you. The sun rises and sets every day without interruption and rarely do we take time to notice. What is the point? Inspiration is all around us. Today, you are where you are because you have absorbed inspiration along the way. Your third-grade teacher, your mother, a beautiful flower, the tree that you planted in your backyard, a pet, or the kids playing in the street…

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