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When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke.

That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life.

I have been learning that life is rigged in my favor and there is a loving presence leading me onward. What has helped me to realize this is that I start each morning by going within and making contact with what is true. This inward journey has helped me to realize that everything here is an inside job. The love that I seek outside myself is right here within. The peace is also here. The guidance is here too. To access this, I must be willing to stop, be quiet and let this truth fill me.

Second, for ten years, I took care of my dear husband who had vascular dementia. In the beginning, he often asked questions like, “What are we going to do?”, again and again with only a few seconds between each question. I would become enraged. Then I would stop and see what button within me was being pushed. When I saw the button and focused on it, it could be healed. As the button was healed, my husband’s questions magically stopped. This happened many times. It led me to know that there is nothing outside of me. It is all within. This dance that my husband and I did together was not a tragedy. It was a gift that brought us closer and closer. Three weeks before he passed, he told me with his “three year old mind” that he loved me and it wasn’t even hard to do. When it looks like the world is crashing down on you, look within and you will find a treasure just waiting to be seen.

Third, I am here for one purpose and it is to uncover and heal all the ways that I am blocking the love that is always here. My work is about helping people begin to love themselves by realizing their magnificence. You can’t begin to love God if you don’t first love yourself. As I love myself more, I have more capacity to love others and God.

Each day it is our job to be happy. Each night it is our job to be grateful and to discover how life was meaningful that day. When I can’t do this, I know there is a belief waiting to be seen and healed. When I do this, I know that life is rigged in my favor.

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When Renée Mollan-Masters was in second grade, her best friend was moved to third grade because the teachers thought this child was much smarter than the rest of the class. And then during their freshman year of college, both had a botany class together which was taught experimentally. It wasn't just a lecture class--you experienced it! And the course's tests were given in the same way. The outcome: Mollan-Masters received the highest grade in the class and her "smarter" friend received a "C."

What happened was not a matter of intelligence. It was a matter of how the ideas were presented. One way lined up with one of the girl's brain talents and the other way lined up with the other child's brain talents.

Today Renée Mollan-Masters, MA, teaches people that YOU ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK. Her internationally renowned book, teaching program and new online Journey helps people discover their best way to learn and how to maximize it.

For 25 years Renee has been changing the lives of students. Nursing students in the 90's were dropping out at 80%, with only 20% remaining in the program. After they were introduced to the You Are Smarter Than You Think Program, retention went to 80%. In a study conducted by the University of Minnesota, kids on probation became A and B students. Students who couldn't get into their major got in easily after learning how to use their brains correctly. Renee's program has changed the lives of thousands of students. They come back and tell their instructors how thankful they are to have learned that You Are Smarter Than You Think!

For more information, please visit

Comments (10)

  1. Love the stories and the insight. And yes I agree with our purpose here on Earth, albeit in different words. I believe we are here to expand upon our knowing and experience of our Self which in turns helps us expand upon our knowing and experience of the Divine. Very beautifully expressed..Blessings, Jim

  2. Just what I needed! My mum has vascular dementia and this has helped a great deal. Appreciate your sharing.

  3. I can understand what,and how you felt. My mother also died. But a couple of years before, it was my father to. It devastated me when he past away. The way I coped was with alcohol, and drugs. That was a waste of time. I was angry that they died. I got lost in myself. Wasn’t till I stopped, that I discovered it’s a inside job. How I was acting, and behavior I had to change, and grow.I did a lot of inside work on myself, to see what needs to be changed. Everything. I came out of it spiritually. Today I love myself and others. Thank you Renee.Lots of love

  4. Both my parents passed away in 3 weeks in 2012 and I totally understand what you have gone through. There are so much commonalities in our lives that sooner or later we’ll all experience those valleys. I totally resonate that you must love yourself first before you can love anyone including God. Thank you for sharing.

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