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This Perfect Day

Dear Readers, I know this Today's Brilliance is a bit different, but I received this message early this morning with the instruction to write it down... This the perfect day I give you. Accept it. Use it. Express My Love through it. Rejoice in your talents through it. Rest in My certainty through it. I give this day to you freely, lovingly, fully. Use it for My glory and your joy. Feel the joy. Feel the rightness. Feel the fullness. Know you are doing all the right things this day through Me. If you are not sure, step away and ask.…

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The Art of Living

Life is nothing but living with nature in a natural and divine harmony. If we know to how to transform our life in such a way that we live in harmony with nature, we can enjoy a wonderful and amazing life. It can help us not only improve our quality of life, but also the lives of all other fellow beings we come in contact with, because our positive mindset emits positive energy. Living in harmony with life itself makes you energetic, enthusiastic and bubbling with joy. Accidentally, you learn how to love yourself, and if you love yourself, you…

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Through God All Things Are Possible

Believe it or not, God loves you forever and always and can never depart from you, because you are an expression of it! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT TO UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN ORDER TO EXPERIENCE THE LOVING MAGNIFICENCE OF THIS UNIVERSE. All suffering is a result of believing that you are separate from God; which is impossible, since God is your very source. God is a mysterious loving, creative energy that exists everywhere, without exception, including in and around you. God is all good. You are forgiven. You are an on-purpose creation and extension of Source (God). You…

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Become Aware of Your Real Wisdom

The real wisdom does not need words or explanation: it is silent. It is always inside of you, and you have to quiet your thoughts to hear it. You don’t even have to try to do anything special to hear The Wisdom. It is your essence; it is natural to you. It is who you are. You just need to be aware of who you really are. You already are everything you want to be. You are perfect, you are the Divine part of the Infinite Whole. Often you are not aware of it. Everything around you is perfect. All…

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7 Pearls of Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life

Is it true that man is the product of his environment? The answer is NO, because growing up in Haiti in times of political instability, insecurity and extreme poverty, the fate of my life couldn’t be anything but an enormous failure. I would not let circumstances define who I am but instead who I am would change my circumstances -- and who I am is a conqueror. Indeed, it took me some time to fully understand who I am; nevertheless, when I finally figured it out, nothing could stop me from living up to that standard. During my journey to…

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The Time Will Come by Betty Hawley Scott

Have you done everything you can to accommodate your difficult or emotionally abusive person, but the relationship stays the same? Where is God in this pain? The Time Will Come offers encouragement, hope, Godly wisdom, and insight as you travel through life with this person. Betty Hawley Scott writes of her personal encounters with God and insights and knowledge she has gained through her experiences and observations of emotional abuse. As a retired public school counselor, she uses her counseling skills to encourage you to see life events from God’s unique perspective. The Time Will Come empowers you to: • heal from emotionally abusive relationships • live with dignity and confidence • help and understand others who struggle with a difficult person • stay encouraged • know that God has not forgotten you.

Click here to learn more and order the book.

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Connecting With a Higher Power

You are a fascinating, unique, and wonderful creative being, and the power that dwells deep within your soul is eternally connected to the very source of your being, God. You are blessed with certain spiritual gifts and talents and you hold divine potential within your soul. You have the free will to express your individual creative power in any way you choose as long as it is in agreement with divine love and divine truth. Do not concern yourself about your specific life purpose and destiny as you simply need to allow your creativity to blossom. It is time to…

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One World, One Life

There is one world. We have one life. We have one chance to get this right. Pause your life for a moment and think about this. We look out at the world, and see a place of unending wonder. One part of us wants to attribute the wonder to a God overhead; another part of us hears the voices of the scientists who say it all began when a tiny, infinitely condensed seed exploded, scattering matter to the far reaches of the cosmos, where it gradually formed into stars, galaxies, planets, and then, somehow, life itself. Our minds are split…

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Sitting in the Realm of Abundance

When you realize to your core of being that there is only love, you start to live life knowing that there is nothing that can harm you nor can anyone harm you. You will also not consider harming anyone with your words or deeds. We have all been gifted with invisible powers and they create our reality. They are the power of thought, imagination, and intention. We create or mis-create with these gifts and we also re-create our reality if we find we don’t like what we’ve created. Thoughts are substance, energy and things, and we can form whatever we…

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Alayjiah Bargnare

Know Your Worth With Optimistic Gratitude

Start each morning off by being grateful for waking up. Say "thank you" for all the stuff you currently have and expect to receive in the future. Focus on all the things you love and how they make you feel. Watch what you think and say because they become your reality. I am a survivor of a few of life's most horrible crimes and I was very bitter and angry for a long time. I had constant negative thoughts and fears that plagued my success. I did not realize God had spared my life through all those situations so I…

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3 Ways to Live Happy and Healthy

When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke. That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life. I have been learning that…

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