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Believe it or not, God loves you forever and always and can never depart from you, because you are an expression of it! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT TO UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE IN ORDER TO EXPERIENCE THE LOVING MAGNIFICENCE OF THIS UNIVERSE. All suffering is a result of believing that you are separate from God; which is impossible, since God is your very source.

God is a mysterious loving, creative energy that exists everywhere, without exception, including in and around you.

God is all good.

You are forgiven.

You are an on-purpose creation and extension of Source (God).

You are worthy of every good thing because of your divine heritage.

Other names for God include (but are not limited to): Love, Energy, Universal Intelligence, Divine, Spirit and Source.

Intuition is Spirit communicating to you for your greater good and it is always right, follow it always.

Ego-based worry and anxiety are complete and total wastes of time and energy.

Your thoughts combined with feeling are creative.

Whatever you can deeply believe and feel to be true for yourself, without a doubt, will come to pass in your experience.

Anything is possible, as infinite potential and knowledge are attributes of the Universe. The cliché is true: through God, all things are possible.

The Universe exists in perfect divine right order. We live in a reciprocal universe. This means that everything you have experienced or will experience is a perfect mirror image of your consciousness; there are no mistakes. It’s true, you will reap as you sow.

When you mentally live in the past by reliving painful experiences or bringing harmful people into your current consciousness, you cannot manifest the infinite positive that exists in the now. The ability to experience good now will be blocked; however the goodness of Spirit is always present. An analogy would be that although you may be experiencing a cloudy, rainy day, the sun is still shining above the clouds. You always have a choice as to what to think, feel or believe.

You have inherited the following attributes of Spirit by birthright and these attributes can be expressed at any time by recognizing and claiming them: love, peace, abundance, beauty, intelligence, wisdom, joy, perfection, unity, harmony, ease, grace, substance and every good thing you can conceive of God to be. Claim your inheritance now.

Love is the most powerful energy that exists.

Love trumps all appearances of evil or negativity.

Believe it or not, Love is the ultimate reality!

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After working in corporate America for 16 years, Maryann Patalano followed an inner calling to make a significant life change, embarking on a 4-year journey of intense study and training through the Centers For Spiritual Living. She is now a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner (RScP) and founder of The Answer Within [] – an organization focused on helping others realize their potential through spiritual principles. In addition to her formal training, she has been involved in the New Thought community for many years. Through her research, study, and knowledge of spiritual laws, she assists individuals in effecting changes in their lives by making changes in their consciousness through the application of spiritual law. She specializes in providing one-on-one Spiritual/Life Coaching, Affirmative Prayer, lecturing and teaching spiritual principles, hosting workshops, providing ceremonial blessings, and writing/publishing articles on the application of spiritual principles. She enjoys the continual study of New Thought, including the works of Ernest Holmes, Louise Hay, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Wayne Dyer, and Gary Zukav, among others.

Originally from New York, she now resides in beautiful North Carolina with her husband and two amazing children. Her work can be found in print and on-line in various spiritual publications.
Accomplishments & Experience
• Founder, The Answer Within (theanswerwithin.NET)
• Licensed Religious Science Practitioner (RScP) - 4 years of Study at the Triangle Center for Spiritual Living.
• Instructor - “A Course in Miracles” workshops.
• Instructor - Abundance workshops.
• Published work - “I Changed My Life to Become a Spiritual Leader” (Community Sanctuary), and “Get Your Big ‘But’ Out of the Way”, soon to be (Science of Mind magazine, August 2015).
• Lecturer – Sunday Sermon entitled “Acceptance”.

For more information, please visit

Comments (6)

  1. I think the words stated in the writing was absolutely true and inspiring. It truly uplifted my spirt and made me feel whole. Love is the one thing that this world as a whole lack, without love it’s very difficult to make positive changes in any areas of our daily lives. Thank you and may GOD richly bless you!!!!

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