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Alayjiah Bargnare

Start each morning off by being grateful for waking up. Say “thank you” for all the stuff you currently have and expect to receive in the future. Focus on all the things you love and how they make you feel. Watch what you think and say because they become your reality.

I am a survivor of a few of life’s most horrible crimes and I was very bitter and angry for a long time. I had constant negative thoughts and fears that plagued my success. I did not realize God had spared my life through all those situations so I could be a positive light and testimony for someone else going through a tough time.

I learned to change the way I felt about life and myself by just focusing on the things I love and appreciate, instead of dwelling on what I did not love or did not have. I found, as a single parent, it’s tough sometimes to balance all you have to do like bills, kids, work, school, etc. Sometimes life feels unbearable and unfair but you are not alone and you can’t give up. God is with you always and if you just ask for the help and strength He will give it to you if you believe.

Make a list of all your goals, revisit the list daily and pray over the list. I promise you will notice some of the items on your list are being provided, slowly but surely.

I found my true worth by learning to love and respect myself because if you don’t love you, no one else can love you. I also learned to stop chasing down love or a relationship. If you are single, take the time to prepare yourself for that special someone. That means making sure you don’t have excess baggage. This means making sure that you’re emotionally and physically prepared and not holding on to your past.

Keep in mind, if you have been single for a while and you’re ready for that special someone but are having trouble finding him or her, God also has to prepare your mate for you. You don’t want to meet them not prepared for a relationship because then you’ll end up hurt all over again. So patience is the key.

Look at life in a positive way because you are beautiful, intelligent, full of love and compassion, and you don’t have to settle for anything but the best! You are destined for greatness and greatness is not easy to come by. You are worthy and highly favored in God’s sight so let everyone see the awesome person inside.

I believe through positive thinking and hard work nothing is impossible. I make a point daily to help someone else in any way possible. It can be something really simple like helping an elderly man or woman in the grocery store with their groceries. I know I would not be here today if people were not willing to help me when I was homeless and hopeless. So I find joy in helping others. I follow the Golden Rule because I know God is constantly watching our behaviors.

Do something positive, daring and spectacular that you always wanted to do but were too scared to do. You only live once! Please stay encouraged and prayerful and you too will see that you are worth a million dollars!

Alayjiah Bargnare

Alayjiah is the author of the inspirational book Girl You Are Worth A Million Dollars. She is also a motivational speaker and the founder and CEO of Extended Blessings, Inc, a non-profit organization for homeless, abused teens.

Alayjiah is a survivor of several horrible crimes but still has joy in her heart. She was an emotionally and sexually abused woman who survived being molested as a child and raped several times. Alayjiah married young to an abusive man who abused her physically, mentally, and spiritually and nearly killed her, but she escaped and vowed to no longer be a victim to her tragedies and refused to give up until she reached success and happiness.

Alayjiah now resides in Florida with her 3 wonderful children and enjoys helping motivate and inspire people to believe in themselves and dream big and never settle for mediocrity.



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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. I love what you wrote, you are a major inspiration for me ! I will keep your words near by, thank you ! : )

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