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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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28 Days to a Life of Gratitude

What if you could live in a state of joy--not just some of the time, but always? What if you could revisit every passage of your life, from birth to adulthood to your final days--and see it as a profound soul journey? What if the hardships of the past faded away, and you saw them as simply part of the path we each travel? With warmth and compassion, spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman helps you open your eyes to the beauty of your own life--the good, the bad, the all of it--and recognize it as infinite blessing. As you journey through each of the 28 vignettes, you'll come to a new understanding of your life from a soul perspective, including: growing into your authentic self, building a life of meaning and purpose, releasing old hurts and regrets, and more. If you're ready to let go of adversity and find joy, it's time for 28 Days to a Life of Gratitude.

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5 Choices that Will Change Your Life

We can choose to grow habits of the mind and the heart that will guide us naturally to love and service. We can blossom through presence and good mental habits to awaken our authentic spirit. Love is the common denominator. Love is the universal energy of the universe. The human condition is enduring; adversity will forever ascend. The impact of adversity can be an insidious virus or rich nourishment for our souls. We can choose to use adversity as nourishment to awaken our authentic spirit. Our authentic spirit is our love, which we are, and our service, how we act.…

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The Power of Dreams, Love, and Gratitude

Before my daughter goes to bed at night, I reaffirm to her what I believe are some of the most important thoughts and beliefs that I have used to guide me, my closest family, my friends, and my patients as well. These are the principles that I share with her: One, believe in your dreams and desires and know that there is absolutely no limitation for any of them. It is not our job to ask as to how they will be provided by the universe, but simply to trust that you will achieve them and receive them. It is…

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Sing a Song of Gratitude

Sing a song of gratitude, every day, to remind yourself daily how to be thankful. Remember that the Universe loves you. The Universe loves me. Love is within, without, and all around us. Love is in every being, every object, every thing. Remember the magic of life that is in life. Play with the faeries and angels and animal spirits. Let them be your helpers. Thank your ancestors and all those who have come before us, for the lessons that they teach us and the help that they have given us, so that we can be here now. Smile. It…

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Your True Essence…

You are love. Your true essence is love. Be aware that you are love in all you do, say, think, feel, smell, taste or know, and you will be happy and healthy all the days of your life. When life is challenging, it is often because we have lost sight of the focus on love and well-being. Everything is energy. All energy vibrates on waves - like sound waves – circling out and returning to the source. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and words are broadcasting and creating future reality. Through the use of tools like meditation and contemplation, you can…

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Finding the Magic In Life

What does it take to be inspired today, when stress is all around us due to the economy, environment, war and more? To me, it is about being truly grateful on a daily basis and, sometimes a minute-by-minute basis, on those days when you feel you just can't take one more step. Everywhere we turn, there is continued devastation. Every minute, there is a child raped, a person murdered, a rainforest dying, an iceberg melting. But what if we looked at everything, good, bad, or indifferent, and saw the magic? What if we saw things from a different perspective and…

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Accept No Limits

The greatest lesson I have learned is that we are truly unlimited beings. It seems easy to believe all that we have been told, "Life is hard", "You have to work hard and sacrifice to get ahead", "Life sucks then you die" but none of these hold any truth with our soul. When you connect with yourself truly and deeply, life flows and can seem magical. WE are the ones causing our own limitations. In hearing and getting to know the true us, our soul, we become limitless. Learning to love and forgive ourselves for acting from what we knew…

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Alayjiah Bargnare

Know Your Worth With Optimistic Gratitude

Start each morning off by being grateful for waking up. Say "thank you" for all the stuff you currently have and expect to receive in the future. Focus on all the things you love and how they make you feel. Watch what you think and say because they become your reality. I am a survivor of a few of life's most horrible crimes and I was very bitter and angry for a long time. I had constant negative thoughts and fears that plagued my success. I did not realize God had spared my life through all those situations so I…

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Release Judgment, Choose Compassion

One of the keystones to cultivating a perspective that brings greater fulfillment and happiness is the attitude of gratitude. By ACTIVELY seeking things to be grateful for and appreciate, we begin to see things from a higher perspective. We see the sacredness and the perfection of life, as it is. That doesn't mean we can't shoot for an upgrade too, but we might as well enjoy where we are in the moment as well. I maintain, it's not what happens to you in life, it's what you do with it. Perspective is everything. Once I was walking down a street…

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