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4 Principles To Create a Magnificent Life

I made the most life-changing discovery of my life when I was 20 years old. I began to realize to fully grasp the fact that our thoughts and emotions are physical in the universe. I began to realize that time and time again, the thoughts and emotions that I was experiencing the most frequently were directly dictating how my life played out before me. When I made this realization, I had the "AH-HA" moment that I had complete control over how my life would transpire until I left this consciousness. It was one thing to understand this on an intellectual…

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Wabi Sabi Love

Does your significant other do things that make you crazy? Have you noticed they probably aren't going to change? There is an easy solution, and it's a fabulous book that shows you how to go from "annoyed to enjoyed" quickly! You can fall in love all over again when you read Arielle Fords's Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that honors all things old, worn, weathered, imperfect, and impermanent. In fact, it seeks to find “beauty and perfection in the imperfections.” The best way to learn Wabi Sabi Love is through stories and fun, simple exercises, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book. Arielle reveals the Wabi Sabi secrets that create a passionate, joyful, and loving relationship. If you are ready for more love, fun, harmony, and passion in your relationship....

Order Wabi Sabi Love now!

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Avoiding Relationship Troubles

We all struggle in our relationships with others. We want to be understood and to understand, but something prevents us from getting to the place we desire in most of our relationships. And, many times we find relationships where we just don't connect, can't relate or fundamentally dislike the other person. We waste time and energy lamenting these relationships, or trying to "fix" another person. The difficult person can consume our focus and zap our energy. I have learned that the root of our problems with others is that fundamentally we simply don't understand other people. We don't take the…

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Empower Yourself and Our Girls to Pursue Dreams – Sponsored

Through the development of a mentoring relationship, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls guides women and girls through a reflective process of identifying what they truly desire in life. Using her own life’s lessons, Danielle Joworski provides affirmations and stories that will motivate female readers of all ages to build their self-belief and confidence in order to start sharing their dreams. As the mentoring relationship grows stronger, readers will be inspired to help and support each other to break down the internal and external barriers standing in the way of their dreams becoming a reality. Great ready to learn more about yourself and the thoughts and dreams of a young girl and to see the truly amazing results of what can happen when you both pursue your dreams.

Get the book!

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10 Success Tips From Sir Richard Branson

Complied from an interview with Gail Lynne Goodwin at Richard's home on Necker Island. (Being shared with you today in honor of Richard's 65th birthday. Happy Birthday Richard!) 1) The Most Important Thing in Life is Family Our relationship with our family is the most important thing in life. As part of a close-knit family, raised in the countryside of England, Richard was strongly influenced by his parents, who still remain an integral part of his life today. 2) Live Life As An Adventure and Have FUN! Life is meant to be lived as an adventure and, equally as important,…

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How You Can Prepare For Your Destiny

No matter what life scenarios or predicaments you're in, just think of two words... adventure, adventure. We've heard the song, "Que será será, whatever will be, will be." Yet whatever is going to be, doesn't always have to become what is expected. Fate, destiny, karma, miracles, chi (qi), the Force... they're all intangibles in the invisible energies of the world/universe, yet their narratives, stories and conclusions are as visible as the ways they've been written and lived. We can't stop the next day from happening, yet if you're willing to work hard, you can prepare for the days ahead knowing…

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7 Lessons Found in Grief

Three knocks at the front door wake me. Two emergency responders greet me with news that my twin daughter is dead. She is 16 years old; me, just 40. An odd clarity washes over me... We are all rowing our boat across the river of life; all starting on the same shore, all going to the shore across the way. Some row one way; some row another way. The current runs swift in some areas; in other areas we can glide. Yet, in the end, we all get to the other shore. Eight years later, this I believe: What matters…

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The Time Will Come by Betty Hawley Scott

Have you done everything you can to accommodate your difficult or emotionally abusive person, but the relationship stays the same? Where is God in this pain? The Time Will Come offers encouragement, hope, Godly wisdom, and insight as you travel through life with this person. Betty Hawley Scott writes of her personal encounters with God and insights and knowledge she has gained through her experiences and observations of emotional abuse. As a retired public school counselor, she uses her counseling skills to encourage you to see life events from God’s unique perspective. The Time Will Come empowers you to: • heal from emotionally abusive relationships • live with dignity and confidence • help and understand others who struggle with a difficult person • stay encouraged • know that God has not forgotten you.

Click here to learn more and order the book.

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What would life be like if you could actually create the deep and real connections you’ve been longing for in your everyday relationships? Many of us feel unable to create deeper, more soulful (i.e. intimate) connections with friends or loved ones. Robert Forman's SoulJazz answers this longing in a six class webinar. It helps folks make deeper, more intimate and loving contact with their friends, loved ones and work mates. If you have friends or live with a family, deal with other people in their day-to-day lives and want to do any of these things better, this is the course for you!

Enroll now!

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Attracting A Great Relationship

When you're looking for something deep and long-lasting, the clearer you are, the better your chances for attracting someone great. Max Highstein's course Attracting A Great Relationship will not only help you get clear, but also help you purge the four "Relationship Killers" responsible for virtually every bad relationship on the planet. These unconscious negative ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving can lead us to attract bad relationships over and over again. We think we're sending out a clear, positive message, but what we're actually putting out to the world is entirely different. Erasing those destructive patterns paves the way for positive, healthy relationships that can stand the test of time. This five-week course will first teach you about the negative patterns that attract bad relationships through video and audio lectures. Then, in guided meditation programs, you'll go deep within and knock out that old programming. You'll even benefit more each time you listen to these relaxing and easy-to-follow programs. With this groundwork, you'll be ready for a great relationship and to attract your ideal mate soon.

Register now!

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Ready to Improve Your Relationship with Yourself?

Relationships are so important. When everything else has faded - our jobs, our possessions, even our health - it is our relationships that remain. They can contribute to a wonderful life or they can dismantle it piece by piece, sending us into the darkest depths of frustration. Lucky for us, there is a way to ensure that we always have good relationships. Learn and hold dear this simple truth: your relationships with others are simply mirror images of your relationship to yourself.  Do you know yourself? Right now you are determining the quality of your relationships through your perceptions and your belief…

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3 Important Principles For Getting What You Want

Appreciate people. Growing up as a shy girl, I always kept to myself. I never felt compelled to depend on others or even communicate with the many wonderful people that surrounded me. Now all grown up and having come out of my shell, I realize that one of the most happiest feelings in the world can be found in the connections that we make with others. The general kindheartedness that I find in people is enough to light up the universe. We live in one life but also in one world that we share. As much control as we have over…

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4 Practices for a Healthy, Happy Inner Child

I would speak about what I have learned from the angels of transparency who have inspired me throughout my life. Look inside yourself and heal your inner child. This is the part of you that you have hidden for such a long time, that you have abandoned and rejected. Doing this for myself, I felt like a new world was coming to life - like I was reborn. It felt like my skin was being regenerated somehow and that all my old issues were being healed and addressed. When we heal our inner child, then we can think of moving…

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Alayjiah Bargnare

Know Your Worth With Optimistic Gratitude

Start each morning off by being grateful for waking up. Say "thank you" for all the stuff you currently have and expect to receive in the future. Focus on all the things you love and how they make you feel. Watch what you think and say because they become your reality. I am a survivor of a few of life's most horrible crimes and I was very bitter and angry for a long time. I had constant negative thoughts and fears that plagued my success. I did not realize God had spared my life through all those situations so I…

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5 Ways to Stay Vitalized

Follow your passions. Your interests, talents and dreams are made up of the things that you love to do and that come easy for you. Believe in yourself, yet be willing to put in extra effort to achieve your goals. Become an expert in your field; don't be afraid to ask for advice from others who have succeeded. My interest and love of music and children led me to a unique career which brought me wonderful experiences and great fulfillment. My passion to help others to achieve their highest health potential has served me well in my current career-and it…

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from Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-book™ by Absolute Love Publishing.

Speak Briefly, with Compassion and Warmth

There is one piece of wisdom that I believe would make this world a better place to live: “Speak briefly, speak warmly, and fill every sentence with kindness, clarity, and optimism.” We're all bad communicators, but don't realize it. The human brain can only absorb about 5-10 words and recall them with any degree of accuracy. That's one sentence, about 10 seconds. But most people talk for an average of three minutes before pausing. That means that the listener can only recall about 1/20th of what you said, and it is often the wrong 10 words! That's why, when I…

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