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Follow your passions. Your interests, talents and dreams are made up of the things that you love to do and that come easy for you. Believe in yourself, yet be willing to put in extra effort to achieve your goals. Become an expert in your field; don’t be afraid to ask for advice from others who have succeeded.

My interest and love of music and children led me to a unique career which brought me wonderful experiences and great fulfillment. My passion to help others to achieve their highest health potential has served me well in my current career-and it too proves to be very gratifying. I couldn’t have succeeded without the advice and counseling of others who encouraged and helped me along the way. And still the adventure continues.

Kindred souls share their dreams, and those dreams can become reality. My family and friends have been my foundations of life. If you’re fortunate enough to have supportive family members or friends, be grateful for them, cherish them, make time for them.

If you lack close family or friends, then cultivate friendships; join groups that hold a special interest for you. Keep an open heart; you can make friends at any age. Listening to others is an excellent starting point. To find and nurture such close relationships is in itself fulfilling and life sustaining.

Become a life-long learner for personal growth. Sometimes difficult experiences force us to learn. Many years ago, when I was suffering from poor physical health, a family member faced a mental health issue at the same time. Those circumstances prompted me to seek a healing journey – to find healthier ways to live for both of us.

Soon after, I felt the need to share this healing pathway with others and in this way, I founded a new career. Clearly, it’s possible to learn something new or even change career paths at any age. But truly, every day can be a quest for learning. Keep curiosity alive.

I feel we’re here to learn and to be of service to others whether it’s through our work or our everyday life experiences – through encouraging words or kind acts. Even our faults can advance self-growth, for mistakes are lessons to be learned. Don’t be afraid to say “I’m sorry,” or “I don’t understand.” Being humble is an important part of living.

However, be proud of yourself and act in ways that make you feel proud. Stand tall and protect yourself from situations and people who can bring you down.

Remember to provide self-care and structure to your life – choose good food that will nourish both mind and body; seek physical activity and make time for spiritual reflection and rest. Take beauty into your heart whether it’s a spectacular sunset or someone’s warm smile. Appreciating our magnificent world and especially the positive qualities of others will boost your attitude and morale which is so important for accomplishing your goals and leading a happy life.

Be generous to those less fortunate than yourself and in turn, other people will reach out to help you. Seek awareness and awaken your passion for living. But mostly, let love be the guiding light through your actions and words. That’s the best any of us can do.

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Rosalie Moscoe, Registered Nutritional Consultant Practitioner, is an established author and former teacher of college-level courses in stress management.

A favorite international speaker for corporations, associations, government, education and hospitals, she avidly promotes stress relief and boosted nutrition for optimum well-being. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and personal coach on stress-relief, she also provides one-to-one nutritional consulting and private stress-relief coaching by phone.

Featured in numerous publications for her work on the frazzled lifestyle, Rosalie's knowledge, caring and experience make her the perfect mentor for your journey back to harmonious living. She was also nominated for 2 Juno Awards (Canadian Music Awards) for her inspirational, children's music CDs. Rosalie often uses humor and dramatic techniques or appropriate songs in her presentations. Participants walk away touched and transformed. She is author of print and eBook, Frazzled Hurried Woman! Your Stress-Relief Guide to Thriving. . .Not Merely Surviving.

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