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Surrender Equals Peace

The other night I had such a moment of clarity and sense of surrender that it took my breath away. I was listening to a track from West Side Story, "Somewhere" (Music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim). Here are a few lyrics: There's a time for us, Some day a time for us, Time together with time spare, Time to learn, time to care, Some day! Somewhere. We'll find a new way of living, We'll find a way of forgiving Somewhere . . . As I listened to the lyric: ‘we’ll find a way of forgiving’, my epiphany…

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Mindful Communications

By Sheevaun Moran. Most days we walk through the day without much thought about how we will communicate. We speak to our family in the same old way. Our chatter with the store clerks is fleeting. The emails we send are filled with our wants, needs, desires and demands. Where is the communication that is filled with goodness and intention? We say our intention is to communicate with love and kindness, but is that really true? If that were so true then our own inner voices would be much kinder and loving. The thought towards someone who is homeless would…

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By B. Lynn Goodwin. "Hello. I'm calling from the Starbuck's on Camino Ramon in Danville," the young manager in the green apron said into her cell. "We're currently experiencing a blackout." I’d never been in a Starbuck’s without inside light. A clerk who sounded like a high school student told me the coffee was cold. She suggested I try another Starbuck’s but I decided to wait. I liked the natural light coming through the windows, and besides, I wanted to be a part of the adventure. It’s not every day a business grinds to a halt because the power is…

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The Wake Up From The Break Up

By Sheevaun Moran. I have had many break ups in my life. My most memorable break up was when I was sixteen and I was dating a 21 year old. We were very aligned and we both knew it. He broke up with me because he somehow had a vision that I had to leave the small town I grew up in and make a difference. I was devastated and lost and yet I picked myself up and went off to Florida before college to begin my journey. My life has been an amazing journey and one that would have…

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The Secret to Success

What makes successful people so, well, successful? It's tempting to think that those at the top of the ladder know something the rest of us mere mortals don't—and at a time when we're all desperate to hold onto jobs, clients, and market shares, the quest for that missing ingredient takes on new gravity. But that "special something" you've been searching for isn't an uncanny ability to predict the market's future, a membership with MENSA, or a secret business formula. Quite simply, what sets you apart from the competition is your ability to connect. Relationships are the real secret to success.…

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Letting Go of Past Wounds

There are few things I've learned that are more important to my relationships, than learning how to love, forgive, and appreciate everyone in my life. This has not only helped me heal from abuse, but has also taught me how to be present, because I'm not carrying around wounds from the past. I struggled in a relationship with the man who was married to my mother for over 32 years. He started making sexual advances towards me when I was 16. Not understanding his behavior, I wondered what I had done to deserve this from a man who was supposed…

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Use it or Lose it: Connections Matter

We've all heard the expression "Use it, or lose it". Just a few days ago I was talking with a professor about neural pathways and how if we don't continually think certain thoughts or perform specific practices, we literally lose the neural pathways that have been established in our brains. The wiring just stops working.  If at some point in the future we choose to re-establish those connections, it's like starting from ground zero. I was struck by his terminology in saying "if you don't use the connection, it's gone". Not only does that have significant meaning for the connections…

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