- Don’t waste a minute of life. Throw yourself whole-heartedly into it. Don’t waste a minute and try to make a positive difference in as many other people’s lives as possible.
10 Success Tips From Sir Richard Branson
Complied from an interview with Gail Lynne Goodwin at Richard's home on Necker Island. (Being shared with you today in honor of Richard's 65th birthday. Happy Birthday Richard!) 1) The Most Important Thing in Life is Family Our relationship with our family is the most important thing in life. As part of a close-knit family, raised in the countryside of England, Richard was strongly influenced by his parents, who still remain an integral part of his life today. 2) Live Life As An Adventure and Have FUN! Life is meant to be lived as an adventure and, equally as important,…
Inspired Interview: Sir Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson shares how saying ‘Yes!’ to life can change your world in this interview!