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I am sitting in a self-development workshop. The year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we’d love to do before we die and likely never will. My “Bucket List”… climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I’m not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me.

Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035′ on the top of Mt. Everest, the world’s tallest mountain. Aside from two Japanese people, I am the oldest person in the world to do so. Since 2002 I have now stood on the highest point on each of the seven continents.

I reflect… what does all this mean and what have I learned along the way? Clearly, it’s not normal for a person, just two months shy of his 70th birthday, to have climbed to the top of the world.

But then, what is normal, other than a perception we collectively have bought into and now believe as true? Aren’t the only limitations, the ones we place on ourselves? And yes, I might have had something to prove. I grew up without running water, electricity and a telephone in a reasonably isolated farming community.

Like so many people, my underlying life’s theme has been, “I’m not good enough.” Three university degrees, a reasonable showing as an athlete, and success as a businessman were not enough to dispel this ingrained perception (which I had not even recognized as a conditioned belief).

The slow dawning, partly gained in the mountains of the world, was simply, ‘very little is as it appears’, and, if I follow my passion and stay in action, my perceived limitations, are not limitations at all. Instead they are motivators to excellence, and not only in climbing. Most everything I have attempted in life has been to make a difference, to leave a mark.

Interestingly enough, I know something about you, the reader: we are not that different. For the most part we all need to honor ourselves more, appreciate our individual strengths, and seek and approach life with maximum passion.

Many other learning experiences struck me along the way. When the mountains threw obstacles into my path, like crevasses, bad weather, avalanche conditions (to name a few), I simply asked, “OK, how do we deal with this?” There was no reason to get angry, the way I frequently have when the people in my life tossed ‘obstacles’ into my path.

Being passionate about the quest being clear on the goal and being able to visualize success even when the going gets tough…

Trusting, supporting and allowing support from the team…

Remaining in high and open communication even when emotions dictate a retreat or fight…

Being being willing to pay the price for success…

These are all ingredients to a successful quest.

My wish? That everyone be exposed to these lessons early in life, and not to have to learn them in the school of hard knocks….nor on the peaks of the world.

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Werner describes himself as, "A guy who thrives on challenge, making a difference, and who enjoys his fleeting time on this magnificent earth."

He has been a corporate consultant for 24 years with the purpose of, "Transforming organizations into unprecedented opportunities for personal fulfillment and success" - happy, focused employees, with the right motivation are generally highly productive, enjoy their work and thrive in their personal lives.

His latest venture is the production of a feature length film to be released in theatres, March 2009. It is titled, Back From The Edge, and is designed to transform North American health in a powerful and entertaining manner. His movie research has made him a staunch advocate of high quality nutritional supplements; it also frustrates him that so much useless junk can masquerade as quality, and rob unsuspecting buyers of their money and their health.

Amongst his talents are his recently acquired high altitude climbing skills. Last May he reached the summit of Mt. Everest, becoming the oldest person in the world, outside of three Japanese, to do so. He is also the oldest North American to have climbed the highest points on all seven continents.

His next major Endeavour is the launching of a World Peace Summit. He will return to climb Kilimanjaro for the third time, with young climbers from feuding nations, world media, dignitaries from different nations and 100 others dedicated to world peace. Concomitantly, young people's Peace and Leadership conference will be conducted near the base of the mountain by his fiancee for 8 to 14 year olds and non-climbers. His commitment, "This shall not simply be an event, it will be an ongoing initiative to herald a world free of violence and war.

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Comments (9)

  1. Wow, thank you for this post. I applaud your efforts that led to your achievements, but I’m really happy you shared your thoughts on what all that really means. Thank you again.

  2. Really eye opening sentences to take these lessons early on in life than when being knocked down.
    Thank you for sharing such a valuable lesson.

  3. Mr. Berger you are an inspiration and I enjoyed your article. I treasure words of wisdom and life lessons from my elders and take them to heart. Thank you for such perfect sharing your lessons!

  4. Thank you Werner for your insights, interestingly the “i’m not good enough” narrative motivates many (myself included) to try to better ourselves or achieve academic/business/sporting success instead of accepting who we are and following our true passions (which I am still yet to find or acknowledge at the age of 52). May your journey be long and fruitful.

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