Humanity has always confounded me. We are supposed to be an ever evolving species and yet we make choices to destroy each other, the planet and its resources. However, not all humans are destructive or violent…people to people we usually see our differences and learn. But politics, power, and greed get in the way of love, abundance and freedom.
My wish for all who read this is to know that we all have a unique purpose, a one of a kind story to play out while we are alive. We are relationship beings who are more alike than different.
My path has most often taken me to be a healer, a mediator and a teacher. I have experienced a life well lived, and today I concentrate on being of service where I can.
Most recently I have used my talents as a speaker and trainer of life coaches and have written books that illuminate. Many of us think we have to change our life by getting rid of stuff, a process of elimination. If we eliminate what bugs us, or gets in the way, or that which we don’t like, then our life will be better.
But the truth I have found is that what works better is a process of illumination…shining the light on what we hide, what we have not uncovered about ourselves, and what we can change from the inside out.
My questions then to all who find this writing, are: Who are you really? What is it you truly want? How are you feeding your soul and nurturing your heart? If money were no object what would you be doing? How would you be expressing your life every day?
And even if you believe you might be constricted or constrained by circumstances, what brings you Joy? Peace? Hope? Ecstasy? Meaning?
I believe one way is for all of us to find where we can explore our naked truth….to get naked with the right person, at the right time and place. Being vulnerable is a fact of living, but we also need to be protected.
I believe in living life as the fullest, most authentic version of you, cutting the crap, releasing the baggage that has kept you a hostage for so long, and embracing all of you—the good, bad, public, and shadow parts—so you can integrate them and become an even stronger force in the universe through the secrets of honest self-revelation. The key is to discover where and with whom to be emotionally naked. Being vulnerable does not mean being stupid and careless. For example:
• Practice being emotionally naked at the right place and time with the right people to release your negative patterns and create a provocative catalyst for reflection.
• Discover new or hidden parts of yourself that can guide you to create a more fulfilling life.
• Apply the tools of naked self-disclosure to your life so you can enjoy greater meaning and satisfaction.
Coaching works, I know that. It just doesn’t necessarily take hundreds of dollars to make it work. I’ve found coachingchain.com to be very effective and incredibly cheap.
[…] Originally From: https://inspiremetoday.com/brilliance/your-life-is-powerful/ […]
Many of us think we have to change our life by getting rid of stuff, a process of elimination. If we eliminate what bugs us, or gets in the way, or that which we don’t like, then our life will be better. But the truth I have found is that what works better is a process of illumination…shining the light on what we hide, what we have not uncovered about ourselves, and what we can change from the inside out.
Patrick – I totally agree with this thought pattern. I like to think that acting on our own behalf means taking the good points and increasing them. Then look at the other areas and see what can bring you more peace, happiness, and growth.
Virginia…i so agree….those words are exactly what are in my book….i use that phrase as well
Pat just reading your words sometimes sounds a little hollow. It is the way we read them on the internet as a coaching client of your, you have helped me take my goals, dreams, and actions to a higher level. I also appreciated the gift of being a teaching coach at your institute which reaffirmed we are all teacher-learners. I alway look forward to anything you have written and appreciate your contributions to the field of life coaching. Not only that you made it fun.
Thanks my friend!!!!
Thank you. I heard you talk at the National Wellness Conference and bought your book “Getting Naked”.
Thanks so much Mary….thats much appreciated
Patrick, this is a beautiful piece. You are leading a positive and uplifting movement that lovingly challenges us to be vulnerable and transparent. Being vulnerable is easier said than done…however, your vision for the fruit it bears is very compelling. Thank you for encouraging us and reminding us about how deeply this will enrich our personal world and the world around us. I am grateful that you are spearheading this very courageous and enlightening movement. Patrick, you are a very wise, inspiring and loving role model. I feel blessed to have you as a very dear friend. I salute you Patrick!
Thank you so much my special friend….lets start a movement!
The world is shifting, coming to understand that there is more to life than obsessive business and superficial interactions. Being emotionally naked (right person, place & time) is a huge part of the shift toward authenticity. Bravo Patrick for articulating this so clearly and shouting it out there!
Thanks my friend
Patrick you are a beautiful and gifted healer. You contribute so much to so many, including me. You have been instrumental in guiding me to be vulnerable, transparent and courageous. This has enhanced my ability to love more deeply and become less attached to things that out of my control. You have also helped me recognize, accept and let go of people that are not interested in seeing who I am at my core and who are in conflict of my values. This has opened up a new brighter and more loving place for me to contribute more to others. I am forever grateful for your beautiful and loving friendship.