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Destination Awesome

Amiee is a true rags to riches story. Her mom left when she was two-years-old and her dad wasn’t around much so she pretty much raised herself. She was the first in her family to go to college and graduate debt-free. Then she opened her own business and built a team of more than 100 people. Amiee’s book Destination Awesome is a collection of wild stories of experiences she had growing up, the lessons she learned from those experiences and how those lessons helped her become a successful, happy adult. She also interviewed others who’ve overcome their own unique challenges. Destination Awesome is a road map that can help you achieve your awesome life regardless of your past or current circumstances. This book reminds us that no matter what we are dealing with or where we come from, we can create the life we want. Get Destination Awesome!
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Happy @ Work

Ready to reap the rewards of a job well and happily done? Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn't a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. In Jim Donovan's new book, HAPPY @ WORK, you'll learn shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip's method and rationale are clearly explained, and real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. HAPPY @ WORK will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.

Read HAPPY @ WORK now!

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Tim Storm

4 Steps to Outrageous Business Success

Don't be afraid to try. There are schools across the country teaching that "this" is the way business gets done and we read books and web blogs with all kinds of messages saying "this" is how business is done. You are going to find conflicting ideas, thoughts, and theories and hear what has worked for others, but you won't know what is going to work for you until you try it. If it were as easy as what the books say or what we are taught, then everybody would be doing the same thing and nobody would stand out. You…

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The Difference Between Winning and Losing

I sometimes wonder what the difference is between losing and winning in life. The difference between non-achievement and achievement. The threshold you have to cross to be considered a "success." And then, given the answers to these questions, wouldn't the answers be subjective? Aren't the terms "success," "achievement" and "winning" all conditional based on what these ideas mean to you? If you win a race, and were so happy about it that you did a back-flip and broke your neck, would you be considered a "winner" still? The moral to this commentary? Put your assessment of life's ups and downs…

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[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

How do you feel about getting more out of life than you currently do? Can I ask you if you’ve found it harder than you thought it would be to achieve all you’ve wanted in life? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple way you could learn to think that made it easier to succeed and get what you want, than it was to struggle and eventually fail… Can you imagine it being easier to succeed than to fail? Too good to be true isn’t it? Well not if the way it’s taught is completely different to anything else you’ve tried before… Please don’t misunderstand me, the techniques you are about to learn are similar, maybe even the same. But what’s different is the way it is taught and the way you learn. If you’d like to try ‘something very different’ for yourself… Check out for free the first five chapters of my friend Andy Shaw’s book

Creating A Bug Free Mind

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10 Commandments for Success

I did not realize the level of sacrifice that would be required to become not only an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur. I wish I had understood the value of investing when I started out. I would done the things that I needed to do in order to "produce" and to make money very differently. The most important rule I have learned in life is to never, ever give up, no matter how difficult the situation may be. For every situation there is a solution! We dream and we dream big, but dreams are one thing - bringing them into…

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Want Success? Start Now!

It all starts here for maximum achievement. "The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream," as James Allen wrote. That dream then grew into a dominating thought or definite desire. What is your definite desire? That one thing that you want, that dominates your thoughts. You see, if you don't have one, you need to find one. In order for us to live a full and abundant life, we must live with a purpose. A goal that is all consuming, that wakes us up in the morning and puts us to bed at night. If you…

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Brain-A-thon: Shattering Your Financial Glass Ceiling

John Assaraf, who you may recognize from the hit movie The Secret, has gathered a panel of the world’s top neuroscientists and brain experts to help you shatter your financial glass ceiling. Did you know that your inner world shapes your outer world? If you have any self-doubt, hidden fears or uncertainty, or even old limiting patterns, beliefs or habits, you’ll sabotage your financial ability and success! Click here to reserve your place for this incredible free live video web cast.

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Foundations of Well-Being

We want you to know about Dr. Rick Hanson’s online, yearlong program beginning in January 2016–the Foundations of Well-Being–which uses science-based methods to hardwire more happiness into your brain and your life. It’s a transformative program that uses the power of positive neuroplasticity to turn everyday experiences into a deep sense of contentment, love, and peace. It's thorough, it's deep, and it works—with insightful talks, guided practices, revealing quizzes, creative activities, and inspiring guest experts like Tara BrachJack Kornfield, and Gretchen Rubin. Sign up before Dec. 15 and save $141 with the early-bird special!

Click here to sign up.

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Searching for the Meaning of Success? Love Life

My success continually astonishes me. I feel very blessed in my life. So I ask myself, what does success mean to me? What does it look like, feel like, and especially, how does it feed me and those I influence. To be in love with life itself: that is success to me. I feel successful when I am in the state of thoroughly relishing all that the menu screen of life reveals to me. I feel successful when I can laugh at the crazy dishes that life presents. A key to being in love with life itself is to live…

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Empower Yourself and Our Girls to Pursue Dreams – Sponsored

Through the development of a mentoring relationship, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls guides women and girls through a reflective process of identifying what they truly desire in life. Using her own life’s lessons, Danielle Joworski provides affirmations and stories that will motivate female readers of all ages to build their self-belief and confidence in order to start sharing their dreams. As the mentoring relationship grows stronger, readers will be inspired to help and support each other to break down the internal and external barriers standing in the way of their dreams becoming a reality. Great ready to learn more about yourself and the thoughts and dreams of a young girl and to see the truly amazing results of what can happen when you both pursue your dreams.

Get the book!

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You Can Do No Wrong

Let go of being connected to the results. Just do and be because you are inspired and passionate about what you are doing regardless of anyone else. This is how you know if you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. The most important task is to love and accept yourself. You always receive the answers to your questions. It just might not be what you were expecting. Life is like a treasure hunt. Half of the fun is figuring out the clues and overcoming the challenges to finally get to the treasure. It wouldn’t be the same if someone just handed…

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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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Having It All

Learn Scientifically Proven Strategies To Re-Script Your Self Worth Have you ever considered the possibility that your life or financial success is caused by your own self-worth?  Maybe you've never thought of it this way, but your financial worth -- your income, business revenues, even your net worth -- is tied into your self-worth. If you think you may be one of these people, and would like to learn a few techniques and tips to adjust your self worth, register below for a "mini" 3 video series where my good friend John Assaraf will teach you scientifically proven strategies to start re-scripting your brain to achieve your life's goals and dreams.

>>Click Here To Register!

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