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Susann Taylor Shier is a dynamic and gifted author, teacher, and intuitive counselor who is committed to inspiring the people of this world to access and live from the magnificence of their soul gifts, strengths and purposes. She offers powerful tools that bridge the soulful and heart-centered self to the vibrant, joyful expression of life. Her mission is to see each individual's Soul destiny known and fulfilled.

She has been gifted with and developed an advanced level of intuitive connection that assists her in working with diverse clients in guiding them to strengthen their intuitive abilities and inherent resources for living a soul directed life. She is a master of intuitive connection for the heart and soul.

Susann invites you to come alive to the power of your magnificent self in her book trilogy: Soul Mastery - Accessing the Gift of Your Soul, Soul Radiance - Bring Your Soul Riches to Life and Soul Reunion - The Return Home from Separation.

Susann Taylor Shier presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, trainings and teleclasses, as well as her renowned "Learning to Read the Akashic" records and "Soul Clearing" trainings. She has been featured on numerous television and radio shows and travels across the US and internationally as a therapist and intuitive counselor for clients and groups in person, online and by telephone. 

For more information, please visit

Moving Forward with True Courage

We could all agree that the nature of life is change, yet it seems that the speed of its momentum overwhelms us more often than we would like or are comfortable with. Not only is the world a whole new place than it was a year, a week, even a day ago, our whole inner reality is changing continually. TODAY IS THE DAY to discover how to make choices in your life that punctuate your willingness to honor change and your relationship to it. That is exciting! Take a few moments to ask yourself as you go about your day…

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The #1 Way to Succeed: Choose to Create!

Create! When given a choice - and we always are - opt for creating. I love that we have free choice in this world AND choosing out of the realm of creating, to me, is the only place to choose from. Imagine a world where everyone is saying, in essence, "I can't wait to see what I will create next." That is the world I want to create and inspire others to live in with me. In a collective sense, that is the world I know is possible to be in and I deeply feel that we are moving full…

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Searching for the Meaning of Success? Love Life

My success continually astonishes me. I feel very blessed in my life. So I ask myself, what does success mean to me? What does it look like, feel like, and especially, how does it feed me and those I influence. To be in love with life itself: that is success to me. I feel successful when I am in the state of thoroughly relishing all that the menu screen of life reveals to me. I feel successful when I can laugh at the crazy dishes that life presents. A key to being in love with life itself is to live…

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