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This is your life, no one else’s. You can decide your direction. You are the leader of your life.

Always pay yourself first in all you do, make sure the future you would thank you for spending what you save.

Other people are there for your guidance, some will show you what to do and others what not to do. Observe them well, but never judge them as there is no benefit in that. Take what you learn and test it, avoid assuming it to be right.

Treat others as you wish them to treat you. Other people deserve to be left alone until they ask for help. Charity begins at home and when you are fixed you can help many more than if you are not fixed. You cannot give what you do not have.

All the people you need will be there for you when you need them, all you have to do is ask and they will appear. Be careful as they may not look like you expect.

Beware, the solutions you seek can often come disguised as completely different things. Be prepared to walk down a few roads to see what’s down there, before judging them to be the wrong way.

The only person you are competing with is yourself. Others are there for inspiration and help, either them helping you, or you helping them… Whatever experience you get is the experience you need, so accept it, and be grateful for it.

Choose to accept what is, and learn to surrender to whatever happens as being what you needed to happen.

Understand that decades may pass before the reason why you experienced it is revealed. But when it is that you will be truly grateful. Why not just know everything will help you now and be grateful now. This alone will keep your life on track, if you allow it to.

Do not attempt to force change in others, be the change you wish to see in the world and you will shine a path for those who are ready for change.

Always be yourself, always look to raise your consciousness to a higher level. There is no way you can solve problems created by your mind if you stay at that same level, so you must continually look to raise your level of consciousness.

There is only one thing you can truly control in this life and that is what you think. No one can affect your thinking unless you allow them to. You cannot be depressed, worried or happy unless you have allowed yourself to be.

Your mind is not static; each thought is either taking you where you wish to go, or taking you away from it. Learn to look at each thought and check it is helping and not harming so you can quickly put down life’s unwanted baggage.

Always trust yourself, and always be delighted with yourself no matter what. Because there is no benefit in not being delighted with yourself.

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Is an Author, Business Owner, International Speaker and Success Specialist who has helped hundreds of thousands of people to get much more from their life.

After becoming extremely successful himself Andy became fascinated about how people could learn the same thing and achieve completely different results. He was also fascinated at how the more a person learnt, the less likely they were to succeed.

In 2004 he decided to look at what went on behind education and personal development. He looked into understanding how a person's mind worked so that it could be altered to give consistent results.

In 2010 he created the world's first thinking language with his Saltori System For Structured Thinking. The system was laid out in his two books called A Bug Free Mind which teach people how to think, whereas all other systems teach what to think. His results are now changing the lives of thousands of people from nearly 140 countries.

Andy believes that everyone is naturally successful and that all people can once again learn how to control their mind, free themselves from life's unwanted baggage and go on to create successful lives.

For more information, please visit

Comments (4)

  1. These are my favorite tips Andy:
    All the people you need will be there for you when you need them, all you have to do is ask and they will appear. Be careful as they may not look like you expect.
    Beware, the solutions you seek can often come disguised as completely different things. Be prepared to walk down a few roads to see what’s down there, before judging them to be the wrong way.
    As always, you share your points clearly and concisely. To bug free minds !

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