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Become a Realistic Idealist

I'll confess that I'm an idealist at heart. I feel shy admitting this because idealism has a pretty bad reputation. Most of us think of idealists as people who dream big dreams but who don't know how to make things happen. Idealists are known for being impractical and naive. They often see the world as they would like it to be, not as it really is. But I'd like to make the case for a specific kind of idealism: Realistic Idealism. Before I get to that, I'll say with absolute conviction that anything great that has ever been accomplished has…

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Trust In Your Dreams

Trust in your dreams, for in them you will find what is real. Reality is not the day to day. It is not the ever-ending grocery list. It is not fretting about the layer of dust on the nightstand. It is not the balance of the checkbook. It is not dreading Mondays or celebrating Fridays. Look beyond what you see. Reality is the dream of love everlasting and unconditionally. The love of a parent, a child, a special person and the love of yourself; this is real. Dreams of celebrating life by using your talents to improve the lives of…

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Live Your Dreams and Shine

Let your fears and your dreams dance as one. Don’t allow either side to win, instead embrace both, and become neither. Both of them are your creations, and neither of them are who you really are. Learn to dance in this paradox, it will save you much heartache and disappointment. Don’t be afraid to be the one who loves the most. The secret of the one who loves the most is that they are also the happiest. Give and forgive, without any fear that you may ever lose, because it is not possible. Loss is an illusion of the mind,…

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The SMART Way to Your Dreams

Life is way too short, so take risks! Danger or risk can mean different things to different people. However, in order for you to achieve and create the life of your dreams and reach your goals you need to take risks! It is when you get out of your comfort zone that you truly live and achieve your goals. So how do you do that? Make a list of goals and dreams you want to accomplish. Then pick your top priority goal or the goal you wish to focus on first and define this goal by using the SMART system.…

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The Courage To Follow Your Heart

During my 61 years on this earth, I have learned that living life successfully requires great courage and risk. While I think I always knew this simple truth, I didn't find the courage to follow my dreams until I was 48. And I have never looked back! My life today reflects the dreams that I had 50 years ago, when I was 11 years old. I wouldn't have the life I have today had I not taken the risk--learning from the turtle that you only make progress when you stick your neck out. We are continually faced with great opportunities…

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How to Embrace Your Soul

We are inherently spiritual in nature and all connected at higher levels of consciousness. As spiritual beings, we operate on multiple levels of higher consciousness simultaneously, but our physical senses create the illusions of individuality and of only the physical universe existing. Because we are connected spiritually, in your interactions with others always keep in mind that superficial differences like skin color, race, religion and nationality are insignificant. When you acknowledge your deeper spiritual connections with others, your compassion and love for others and yourself will deepen. The reason we are connected to others spiritually is because consciousness is imbued…

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How to be Delighted with Yourself

This is your life, no one else's. You can decide your direction. You are the leader of your life. Always pay yourself first in all you do, make sure the future you would thank you for spending what you save. Other people are there for your guidance, some will show you what to do and others what not to do. Observe them well, but never judge them as there is no benefit in that. Take what you learn and test it, avoid assuming it to be right. Treat others as you wish them to treat you. Other people deserve to…

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Nurture Your Dreams

This inspiration is a bit different in that it was written by me from an interview with Cirque du Soleil founder and CEO, Guy Laliberté, while he was at the cosmonaut training facility in Star City, Russia. Guy was heading to the International Space Station for two weeks and entered quarantine the day after our interview. You really should listen to our interview- I believe it's one of the best we've ever featured. Below is the inspiration that Guy shared with me, paraphrased just a bit. Enjoy! Hugs, Gail Lynne Goodwin, Ambassador of Inspiration for When I came up…

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Making Your Dream A Success

Every person has something special on the inside of them that is just waiting to be shared with the world. That special internal something is wrapped up in our individually unique, gifts, talent and abilities but is locked away within us. What makes our distinguishing attributes so awesome is that no other person in the world can demonstrate those qualities quite like we can. Just think for a moment, that no two human beings have the same finger prints, not even identical twins. So this means that there is something in us that adds and makes a significant contribution to…

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Take Advantage of This Joyful Ride

Life is Mother Nature's most important gift. Life is the time provided to us by nature to pursue our dreams and goals and live it to the fullest. Life is an ongoing experience, where each one of us faces different situations and incidents that either make or break us. It's just a matter of the way you perceive things; it's your attitude towards the experiences that make your life a joyful ride. To me the difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is whether or not they are taking action instead of giving-up. If there is one thing I don't…

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The Secret To Maximizing Your Life [Free Training]

Are you ready for the secret to maximizing your life? Probably not as it must be too good to be trueRight? Well today I’ve got something for you that you may find unbelievable! You may have heard me mention my friend Andy Shaw’s work before, well he’s just released a new video training on The Secret To Maximizing Your Life. I’ve just watched the full training and what he explains in it is very simple to grasp, but actually shocking to consider…. Are you ready to take a look and see how far the rabbit hole goes on maximizing your success?

Click here to get free instant access to his new training.

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Make Time for What’s Important

Make time for your hopes, dreams and goals. Five years ago I had a life-altering experience that has contributed to the person that I am today, the adoption of my daughter, Mia. As my love for her grew, so did my hopes, dreams and goals, which were no longer just for me anymore but also for my daughter, husband, family, friends and the global community at large. With the demands of our busy lives it is so easy to lose sight of our hopes, dreams and goals. At every turn we are distracted by text messages, cell phone calls and…

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Being Authentically You

The most important gift that you can give yourself, and the world, is to live an authentic life. This takes a lot of courage and commitment as society tends to pull you in all different directions, pushing you to be everything and anything but who you wish to be yourself. If you want to live an inspired life, it's vital that you are true to you, what your dreams and visions are and what kind of life you would love to lead, not somebody else's idea of what that is. It's time for you to honour yourself and your passions…

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