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Use Your New Year Wisely

This New Year gives us the gift of more than 525,600 minutes. Many of us say we "don't have enough time", but for this next year, as with all other ones, we all get the same amount of time- about 525,600 minutes. What we do with the gift of these minutes determines the quality of our life, the level of our happiness, the value of the memories we create and the difference we can make in the world. Our lives are determined by how we choose to live our 525,000 minutes each year. Minutes spent stressed or worrying are wasted…

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What Baby Steps Will You Take Today?

If you're anything like me, with the New Year ahead of us, our minds are now turning to the things we'd like to accomplish in the New Year and to our resolutions. With the close of one year, it seems natural to look at our accomplishments and our outstanding goals and dreams. Sometimes that reflection can bring a feeling of excitement, and sometimes it can create a feeling of overwhelming proportion when the mountain ahead of us appears too large to summit. It's critical when looking at any large task to remember one thing. You first learned to walk by…

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New Year’s Eve, Drop All That No Longer Serves Behind You

Before midnight on New Year's Eve, take some time to reflect upon on your past. This past year and as far as you can remember. Refrain from going into story about the past or reliving old memories,  just reflect. And everything that you don’t want to drag into 2014 with you, drop it. Drop it like the ball that falls in Times Square each year. Drop it like a hot potato and let it go once and for all. Leave the past in the past so that you can move into 2014 with clear unencumbered focus. Between Christmas and New Year's Eve…

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Watering the Bamboo

Many of us are heralding the arrival of the new year by making a New Year's resolution or two. Unfortunately, for the vast majority, the annual attempt to start fresh and turn over a new leaf will fail. But don’t despair. After more than a dozen years of working with and studying successful people, teams and organizations, I believe giant timber bamboo farmers can teach us a lot about what it takes to make our resolutions stick. If you water giant timber bamboo in the first year, nothing happens. If you water the second year, nothing happens. If you water…

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REVEAL Your Truth to the World

As the end of another year comes to a close, I have been spending a lot of my time lately in deep reflection. I find this time of year tends to bring forth a more reflective and contemplative mindset for many others as well. It is a time to look back on the year, recount all that we have experienced, and set goals and intentions for the year ahead. However, the end of this year in particular, 2012, doesn’t just mark the end of another year but quite possibly the end of life as we currently know it to be…

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Keeping New Year’s Resolutions Simple

Now is the time when we all want to start our New Year's resolutions. I agree that making positive changes and setting goals is a very good thing to do; however, it is important to do this all year round. We become these excited little souls and we make big lists of the positive things we are going to change about ourselves in the New Year. First thing I want to share about this is, YOU are already perfect the way you are and if you feel like making a few adjustments in areas of your life that is wonderful……

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Begin the New Year on an Energy High

Most people tend to get run down from all the holiday festivities. This time of year is when the body and mind are exhausted and ready for winter rest. Rather than tax your system even more, take this opportunity after the holiday rush to relax a bit and allow the energy that you’ve sent out to family, friends, loved ones create a tone of positive and sharing energy for the following year. Here are some tips to keep your energy high and healthy after the holiday festivities: Take daily baths with salt and a favorite essential oil (lavender, rose, or…

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Harvesting Happiness: Keeping Resolutions Part 2

With the new year just beginning, here are some tips to keeping the resolution you made for the New Year and how to be happy. Be specific. Instead of saying that you will “make friends” resolve to remember friends’ birthdays and anniversaries or friends’ kid’s birthdays. It will make things a lot easier for you. Write it down. Make sure it is somewhere where you will see it often – this will remind you of the resolution you’ve made. To go along with this… Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s easier to stick…

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Hopes, Dreams and Resolutions for 2010!

Happy New Year! For many of us, when we think of the New Year, our minds turn to our hopes, dreams and resolutions for the upcoming year. Today Darryl and I celebrated the end of 2009 and welcomed 2010 with about a dozen friends, by going snowshoeing in the Swan Mountains of Northwestern Montana. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Nature at her finest, I too found myself reflecting back on 2009 and contemplating the magic of 2010. Each year we get the present of another year. So far in my life, I've had 51 of these sparkly presents wrapped…

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2009- A Time For Giving

Happy New Year! As we enter into a brand new year, I'd like to share a short story with you in the hopes that it will remind you of what you already know. A few months ago I volunteered to help the homeless. As we were preparing goodie bags to distribute, a young homeless man walked in. He was ragged, thin, unshaven and looked like he'd had more than a few rough nights. We assumed he was here to ask for something from us. He approached our group, smiled, told us his name was Josh and asked how he could…

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