- True courage is loving another person fully and deeply without requiring or expecting them to feel the same way back.
Rediscovering Your Love of You
We need to make self-love a lifestyle, not just a practice! I truly believe that the root cause of the majority of the challenges and problems that we as humans face is a lack of self-love, self-worth and self-respect. This is the true epidemic that we face at this time in our evolution. The funny thing is, though: we are all born with the natural ability to love, respect and value ourselves. It is not something we need to learn how to do as we grow up - for the most of us it is something we just need to remember…
Empowered YOUth: 5 Ways to Restore Peace and Repair Connection in Your Family
By Michael Eisen. In a day and age where parents and kids text more than they talk, where a family that doesn't feud is an anomaly, and where the one thing that most parents and kids have in common is the stress and anxiety they face—something's gotta give! If we are going to empower the next generation and generations to come to live up to their true potential and to live a life full of passion and optimism, it is incredibly important that we create a more supportive and understanding family unit. Below are five principles and strategies that will…
REVEAL Your Truth to the World
As the end of another year comes to a close, I have been spending a lot of my time lately in deep reflection. I find this time of year tends to bring forth a more reflective and contemplative mindset for many others as well. It is a time to look back on the year, recount all that we have experienced, and set goals and intentions for the year ahead. However, the end of this year in particular, 2012, doesn’t just mark the end of another year but quite possibly the end of life as we currently know it to be…