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Happy New Year!

For many of us, when we think of the New Year, our minds turn to our hopes, dreams and resolutions for the upcoming year.

Today Darryl and I celebrated the end of 2009 and welcomed 2010 with about a dozen friends, by going snowshoeing in the Swan Mountains of Northwestern Montana. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of Nature at her finest, I too found myself reflecting back on 2009 and contemplating the magic of 2010. P1050070

Each year we get the present of another year. So far in my life, I’ve had 51 of these sparkly presents wrapped up and given to me. The thing is, we never know how many we’re going to receive and be able to enjoy. If you knew you were only going to get  30 or 50 of these, or perhaps 60, 80 or 110, you still have a finite amount. I think we enjoy them more fully when we’re able to recognize and treasure them as the gift that they really are- and know that we only get so many.

Earlier this week I asked my Twitter family to share their hopes, dreams, goals and resolutions with me for their 2010. Some of them included the traditional lose weight, improve financial and/or physical health, find love, get a new job… but some of them went even deeper.

Here are the responses from a bunch of great interactive peeps that I’m honored to follow. (and recommend you follow too!) Thanks to all who contributed.

May 2010 over flow with love, laughter and joy! I am so grateful for you in my life!

adryenn – I’m inspiring entrepreneurship as an alternative to joblessness. 🙂

pamdurkin -Collaboration-one of my MAIN goals for 2010!

bamagirlRN – To become a health nut…practice what you preach sort of thing

nmarchmon – #1 Goal is to take better care of me so that I can have strength, purpose and focus to serve others more!

katahdinme -For new year’s day, I have firmly resolved not to make new year’s resolutions unless I change my mind.

MelyTJ94 -To have a job I Love that will ultimately enable me to help others, especially children, that need help.

rawilliams08 -Lose weight! 🙂 It’s a battle I have been in for many years, and 2010 will be my year!!!!!

AnthonyLongoria -To appreciate each day as if it were my last.

steephy -Enjoy every piece of hell that college has for me …remembering priorities and becoming a great doctor by the time. HNY!

simplydawnb -Resolution? To live in the now…not compete w/past or future.

Seaway77 -2010 goals include approaching life with a open heart, do 2 things that really scare me & continue growing in this life.:)

santoshpradhan -Earn 10 million dollars.

chossi -Graduation. Then I can go to take some photography course. Or traveling around my country, Indonesia. #2010

OriginalLadyE – not really a resolution cuz I make em every year and NEVA stick to em, but a vow…I VOW 2 get healthy this year!

polly1013 -My resolution! “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.” Eliminate negativity!

CathiEifert – I want to live my life with more intention. Think why P1050064I am doing things and maybe not do them and then do others

stevebeec -to help others to achieve their goals. I believe that you only achieve your goals by helping others achieve theirs.

drmani – My 2010 resolution:

jenn_if_er – Goal #1 – to complete my first marathon, #2 – to run 2,400 in 2010!

sailorsmistress – To donate more blood. I’m O- my Granny just went through chemo. She can’t donate so I will.

sam101554 – In 2010 I want to try to be the best version of myself I can be.

commoncentsmom -I actually don’t believe in resolutions but I am working on being fit, frugal, fab and faith filled!

missphenom – To payoff my consumer debt and receive a promotion as either an economist or statistician. #FF

beccaislikewhoa – In 2010, I hope to start a healthier lifestyle and leave behind all of the gloom I faced through some of 2009.

allesegretti -For people to cooperate and work in the spirit of kindness and compassion, rather than greed and power.

ka_bal – Cancer free 4 my family members that have it, health & happiness 4 my sons, and being a better person.

pwllem -Find a way to become a bit more social with my social networking, spend more time with the fam, learn the Ukulele, sleep.

oneonfire -Our goals are to have 10 speaking engagements and complete our Stripped Down workbook.  Continue to Live, Love, and Laugh!

actionkj – For 2010 read more. Be more honest with the man in the mirror.

CraftsWeekly -My dream for 2010 is to have a life filled with creativity and fun.

adamlewis2009 My Dreams are to be the BEST person that I can be…to as MANY people as I can Encounter. How is THAT for sharing? My other dream…is to be SOOO popular and maybe even famous for doing something outlandish or politically motivated.

N2Bgurl – Dreams of health, love and happiness in the new year for me…I look forward to new beginnings.

GoodEnergyMB -Intention for 2010 the most prosperous loving year so far. Over $5000/week profit for my real estate biz & skin care co.

Steven_Jutzi -My resolution is to be more content with the energy of the flow of life, and to understand my existence within it.

blueblue321 -2010 will hold a more positive attitude & less worry by committing random acts of kindness. It’s all about doing for others!

beachcomber93 -Dreams/goals/resolutions for 2010/:not let the things standing in my way further delay realization of a dream.

adamlewis2009 – Me, Adam Lewis, I’m just going to start a New Vegie-based Diet. No more Animal based foods!P1050062

seattlebabygear -A new career and renewed healthy lifestyle (it’s almost there,  needs some tweaking!) Plus health and happiness for my fam!

mindi_rice – I don’t know where to start with 2010, other than fresh. New focus, new energy, new dreams and goals. I am in control.

2inspired -My 2010 resolution? To be able to continue to write and inspire others full-time for a living.

mckra1g -My goal is 2 take responsibility 4 my financial health/abundance this year. Thru achieving this, all other options/choices open 2 me. Thx!

ccchristine -My 2010 goals: Land big UX job in NYC and relocate there. Spend more time w family, do more volunteer work, stick to fitness goals. 🙂 tks!

youshellwilliam -My dreams/goals for 2010 is to stay on point and do what I say I am going to do and inspire my loved ones to achieve all!

Flynnie19 -My guiding principles for 2010: Follow your heart. Dream big. Be kind.

RVARealtor -More networking, less sweating the small-stuff,  less working when I should b paying attention 2 my kids & maybe C my abs 🙂

Suzyfluzz -My goal for 2010 is to start eating healthy and to quit smoking and excerise more!!!! Hope I can do it!!!! Happy New Year!!!

BruceBarone – Goals include: spiritual growth resulting in business growth; inspiring people and building community (and exercise).

DrMichellexox -My dream for 2010 is: Develop a new professional gig as Dr Michelle Gannon! Radio, TV: I am very open to new possibilities as psychologist. Also the usual resolutions: Spend more time with family & friends, stay healthy & strong, sell out workshops, care less what others think.

laurenonizzle -I resolve to design something every day, blog more regularly, be less judgmental, and strength train 2x a week! #in2010

chocolate_fash -Dreams/goal/resolution To love more/fall in love. Do a forty-day fast for healing and guidance-sign a contract for writing.

dolphyngyrl -In 2010, I want more resources, less need; more hustle, less scramble; days filled w/laughter, love & joy!

JeanetteJoy -Hello sweet Gail! Happy New Year! I know you will have a great one with your baby baby. One of my goals is to babysit more. JOY

JodiAceVA -My goal for 2010 – to be true to myself, challenge myself and my business, and write a draft of my book.

kyhick -My goal is to be healthy,(been sick way too much in 09), better organized and kinder to all I am in contact with!

frayedmomma -I am going to live within my means and I work towards financial freedom. I am very excited to be debt free w/in a few yrs!!

freethehikers -We dream of three free friends #in2010 – of Sarah, Shane & Josh being home in our loving arms #SSJ

MsShaneMichele – I plan to “marry” my books! Nothing less than a 3pt! I plan to better my relationship with God & become a better person

julietanajanela -Adopt a child, make money with art and lose 6kg.

sh3lli3b3an -My mother died from complications of Lupus; my goal is to be more healthy.  Not necessarily weight loss; increased life.

ANYLEVEL – I’m going to remix the same goals dreams and resolutions I had for 2009…grow..glow and go! It worked!

francoaceruti -My dream for 2010 is to finish and publish my book. 🙂P1050056

Undita It’d be nice to have a romantic relationship again & I’d like to figure out what is it I wanna do after graduating from Uni.

SherryHemstreet -For 2010 I want to provide more value to visitors of

Aliciadphoto -My 2010 resolutions!

HeidiChun -Peace. I dream of peace for 2010. Wouldn’t that be a new concept…

Lennisport -My goals are to become consistent with working out, love more, finish my first book, and to continually inspire the world…

justinyoung11 -I have quit all drugs except coffee and cigs. 2010, here I come!

zsaucy1 -My husband and I have already lost 22 pounds combined in 4 months, and we intend to continue living healthier and happier!

diangdwiyanti -I want to replay the past, to fix all my mistakes in the past, and you?

britbritbobit -Resolutions less thinking/more action, be truly happy inside, find luv, be the me i only let sum c, no regrets, surprise myself-  GOAL- let negativity be non existent.

Happy New Year! May it be filled with more laughter than you’ve ever known, more love that you think your heart can hold, and more than 31,000,000 treasured moments.

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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Comments (1)

  1. Happy New Year! My primary goal for 2010 is to become mcuh more comfortable in taking calculated, high stakes risks!

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