A wave of awakening is finally breaking into the mass consciousness that has been building for decades. As a planet, we are awakening from the dream of separation and learning to let go of victim consciousness as we take greater responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and how they create what we experience as our “reality.”
Within the last few years, the Law of Attraction has reached the attention of millions of people with the advent of the book and movie phenomenon, The Secret. More recently, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle has brought forward a large and growing interest in awakening from the dream of the ego. But how do we bridge the gap between getting what we want through the Law of Attraction while not creating greater attachment to the ego? The Sedona Method is that bridge.
Most often, when we try to create what we want, we use external action, forcing or cajoling our conscious thinking to align with our intent using the force of personal will (ego). We affirm, or visualize what we want without letting go of the thoughts and feelings to the contrary, so we end up sometimes succeeding, and sometimes succeeding only in creating more suffering for ourselves and those around us.
One of the cornerstones of The Sedona Method is that it can free you to attract all that you desire. We have always done this in a very unique way by helping people to manifest their goals through dissolving rather than strengthening the ego. Rather than trying to want our goals more and force ourselves to think and feel a certain way, with The Sedona Method, we create what we want by letting go of our imaginary sense of limitation, our incessant need for more, our desire for the goal, and our attachments and aversions to the goal – in short, ego itself.
By creating through letting go of every goal, we also support ourselves in awakening.
Manifesting in this manner has a surprisingly wonderful result. Not only do we tip the scales in the direction of creating what we choose, but also we feel better and better along the way as we become less and less attached. As we let go, our mind naturally gets quieter and the remaining thoughts naturally get more positive without effort. This is because we are being motivated from our own intuitive knowingness instead of surface ego desires. We also uncover and feel a greater sense of aliveness, presence and spaciousness inside.
As we continue to let go, our goals may naturally change, evolving from goals we feel we “must” or “should” achieve – goals we have based on what we believe our parents, spouse, peers, friends, coworkers, boss or society want from us – to ones that are actually a part of our true life purpose. We also naturally gravitate from win-lose to win-win.
As we continue to let go, we are attracted to the goals and actions that are for our own highest and best good, and for the highest and best good for everyone.
I LOVE the Sedona Method!!! Thanks Hale!!!
The Sedona Method has been the best group of tools in my tool belt. I will admit that the best thing I ever did for myself after practicing the Sedona Method on my own for a few years was to hire Annrika James & Tim McCavitt (two certified Sedona Method Instructors & Coaches) to work with me one on one for a couple of months. That took my releasing / letting go to the next level! I worked with one of them once or twice a week for a couple of months and my life has never been better!
I now couple the Sedona Method with Loving myself & others as much as I can throughout my day and find that to be a winning combination. Lester Levenson (the originator of The Sedona Method & a Fully Realized Master) started his awakening with Love. Two other method’s of Loving that I highly endorse are: A guided Heart Meditation you can find on youtube by Drunvalo Melchezidek (It’s an abbreviated version of the Unity Breath Meditation given by Sri Yukteswar) & Unification as taught by the Living Love Fellowship.
Their are an infinite number of paths to the Infinite… And… The Sedona Method & Love are two of the most powerful I’ve ever come across 😉 🙂 <3
Love, Light & Blessings on all our heads and hearts and the unfolding Path each of us is on!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! 🙂 <3
I LOVE Hale Dwoskin’s The Sedona Method Course; Glenn and I have been sharing it with others in ten week, two hours per Tuesday evening, workshops. Watching people, including ourselves, grow and change this effortlessly — everything he claims is, in our experience, true!! — is fun and amazing. He has created a technique that is both simple AND easy (so often we hear that something is simple but not easy). He has made the intangible easily tangible — the promise an almost magical reality; the ahh-ha’s just keep happening!! I wish everyone could hear his wisdom and incorporate it into their life; it has certainly, in a very short time, helped us and those who have taken our workshops to literally effortlessly change. Glenn & Linda @ Two Spirits
Fabulous! Big fan of the Sedona Method.
Thank you, Hale!
I love the Sedona Method. I keep referring back to the simple concept of letting go. I hope to attend a retreat in the future
thank you hale — love and appreciate the sedona method and all the additional recording, e,g, inner circle et al. will be listening to them and releasing again and again over the next 6 weeks, w/ two broken wrists on the mend — maybe they may mend sooner, releasing on them!
The Sedona Method for me is the most effective tool on my path to liberation and freedom I have encountered. I am very grateful for that – thank you Hale!
Hale’s gentle guidance has changed my life in every way. The Method is a great tool and Hale is a great teacher. My life’s experience has changed and I feel more open from the inside out.
Hale – Wonderfully precise and concise explanation of the Method. Thanks for sharing with the world what you taught me a decade ago.
I love the Sedona Method. I was first introduced to it in 2003. It is definitely one tool in my toolbox that I use regularly. Other programs talk about letting go, but the Sedona Method from the beginning showed you how. Hale it is fabulous to see how the Method has reached so many people in a decade.
I am a big fan of the Sedona method and practice it daily. I have become calmer and less anxious which is great for me and I thank Hale for his inspiring talks and the way he explains things. I do not claim to understand it all yet, but I am content to wait until I do.
I’m forever grateful to Hale and the Sedona Method for helping me have more joy, peace, and vibrant aliveness each moment — no matter what is happening. Letting go is definitely the “missing link” for living our best life, and this method shows us how, easily and naturally. Also it greatly enhances and complements any other tools or therapies one may be using. I was trained as a Level 2 Coach of The Sedona Method so that I could share the blessings of this work with others. Barbara Lovejoy, MSW.
The Sedona Method has changed my life in so many wonderful ways. The key word to this practice is ‘effortless’. For some reason, that’s a hard concept for us…how can ANYTHING be effortless? Well, that’s the ego at work telling us that life should be hard and so this method should be hard as well. Once we let go of that thought, the practice becomes effortless and life begins to feel quite easy and beautiful.
How are you? You heading back to Sedona anytime soon?
The Sedona Method has been the best group of tools in my tool belt. I will admit that the best thing I ever did for myself after practicing the Sedona Method on my own for a few years was to hire Annrika James & Tim McCavitt (two certified Sedona Method Instructors & Coaches) to work with me one on one for a couple of months. That took my releasing / letting go to the next level! I worked with one of them once or twice a week for a couple of months and my life has never been better!
I now couple the Sedona Method with Loving myself & others as much as I can throughout my day and find that to be a winning combination. Lester Levenson (the originator of The Sedona Method & a Fully Realized Master) started his awakening with Love. Two other method’s of Loving that I highly endorse are: A guided Heart Meditation you can find on youtube by Drunvalo Melchezidek (It’s an abbreviated version of the Unity Breath Meditation given by Sri Yukteswar) & Unification as taught by the Living Love Fellowship.
Their are an infinite number of paths to the Infinite… And… The Sedona Method & Love are two of the most powerful I’ve ever come across 😉 🙂 <3
Love, Light & Blessings on all our heads and hearts and the unfolding Path each of us is on!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! 🙂 <3
The Sedona Method if the Real McCoy! It is so easy people think at first is “hard” or “not working” but usually it is because they are “trying” to hard and are just in their own way! Once you realize that letting go is easy then you have got it–and life just flows amazingly. It is a simple paradigm shift. Just keep doing the simple exercises and know that it is working. Take advantage of the member calls –you can ask questions or just listen to the others that Hale is helping–to keep on track. It is the most amazing and helpful program out there to get you and keep you from getting in your own way–The Sedona Method it the tool to being really free.
Love the Sedona method too. I went to the retreat in may 2014 as a losing, incompetant trader. Since taking the course i made money consistently. Amazing .. And mainly because it allowed me to forgive myself all the money i lost, all the mistakes i made. I Can’t recommend it highly enough.
The Sedona Method is a living miracle tool.
Thank you
Sedona Method has certainly been of help to me as well. It’s a tool that helps greatly with getting the mind/ego out of the way, so that you ‘become the Way’….. If I recall correctly, am pretty sure I recall Hale saying that about half or more of the names that appeared in “The Secret” use the Sedona Method.
Hi, I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I have been following the Sedona Method since 2008. It has certainly changed my Life. This year in May I attended the Retreat in Sedona, Arizona all the way travelling from Pakistan. It was a pleasure to meet Hale Dwoskin in person. Thank You Hale!
I think this is a great ad for the sedona method. I don’t think it’s very inspiring for someone who
just wants the message itself to be a ray of hope or inspire them with the message itself. What
does somebody do after reading this? Just sign up for the course? ie I wish the message had
contained a jewel, all by itself, that the message itself could have provided an idea that those
of us reading it could have immediately applied to our life. I found it intellectually stiff and unmoving to my soul. These messages have to move the soul, to really affect people’s lives.
I challenge Hale to do better. I know he can.
The first thing that struck me about The Sedona Method was that it did not avoid anything! Name the issue and feel it like never before….then let it go. No avoidance, no intellectualizing, no scab picking. Just feel it and deal with it. Done. Next?
Of course getting the reward of Hale’s laugh makes all the mind bending worthwhile. Something not found in the books.
The Sedona Method is the best !! 🙂 Thankyou Hale !
There is no higher recommendation that I could offer than to the Sedona Method and the impact that it has had on my life.
Hale has evolved and transformed the Sedona Method from its origins and from the teachings of his mentor Lester Levinson to a course and teachings that transcend the ego yet include and celebrates it. In fact, the Sedona Method includes and celebrates all the human experience and paradoxically the methodology in the most counter intuitive way, brings about the best in us. Not as a set of more beliefs that strengthen the ego and validate our existence and way of being, but rather as a set of practical and easy to use tools that naturally dissolves the ego and calls for our highest good and intention.
The ‘letting go’ teachings of the Sedona method are not about letting go of ‘having’ all the blessings that life has to offer, but rather ‘letting go’ of the ‘wanting’ of these very same things. It is that ‘wanting’ or ‘lack’ that creates so much suffering and agony. The wanting approval, security and control that so drives my life even when I don’t consciously know it and the daily letting go of ‘wanting’ approval, control and security. Sounds too easy, and yet scary to let go, and yet the impact in my life has been profound.
Hale has also incorporated into the Sedona Method, in the most practical and grounded of ways, the teachings of Advaita or non-duality taught by masters like Sri Ramana Maharshi and in modern days, teachers like Jeff Foster and many others. Yet, Hale Dwoskin has done so by adding an even deeper way of letting go of all those emotions that get in the way of allowing us to have our dream lives. Thank you Hale for the inspiration and the gift that you are.
The Sedona Method is liberating–it allows you to be as you are without conditions, removes the frustrations of wanting and needing, and opens you to higher states of awareness and personal peace. Hale is a kind, generous guide who makes every moment the right one for transforming fear and welcoming endless expansion.
In her call today (August 11, 2014), Mary A. Hall recommended the Sedona Method as one of the top 3 tools she recommends for connecting to the love we truly are. I’m still trying to learn how to let go, though.
In my experience, this technique is the fastest way to having happiness; it’s that how-to have that peace of mind for being-in-the-world but not-of-it. Without this method, I dont think I would have survived my PTSD. It’s the “real thing” and teaches us how to have, be, do Love as the answer to everything.
Thank you Hale, Lester and all the coaches and partners that make it possible.
Since our son Alberto introduced us to the Sedona Method several years ago and we witnessed his enthusiasm about it we have been enjoying the effects of putting it into practice in our lives. It is a useful, practical and powerful tool. Thank you Alberto and thank you Hale!
Franco and Ann Voli
The Sedona Method is such a part of my life now. I love attending the Retreats and I love the feeling of being able to let go and release when I notice that I am not being the loving me that I am. Thank you Hale and all Sedona participants!