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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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4 Principles To Create a Magnificent Life

I made the most life-changing discovery of my life when I was 20 years old. I began to realize to fully grasp the fact that our thoughts and emotions are physical in the universe. I began to realize that time and time again, the thoughts and emotions that I was experiencing the most frequently were directly dictating how my life played out before me. When I made this realization, I had the "AH-HA" moment that I had complete control over how my life would transpire until I left this consciousness. It was one thing to understand this on an intellectual…

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A Caring Future Is In Your Hands

It is hard to put a lifetime of experience into so few words. There are so many angles to look at it from and most lessons come from the past. I want to look at what lessons could come from the future, a future we can all aspire to today. There is a future reality where all ages of life are valued. A baby is never ill-treated by uncaring adults. A young child is never bullied or insulted by his friends. A teenager doesn't consider taking their life because there is no hope for a job or career. No child…

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The Best Way to Predict a Future of Happiness

The choices we make every single day are crafting our future; one we either want to live in or avoid. This may sound like we humans have a tremendous responsibility to choose wisely. We do. Yet, there is a tool for building a desirable tomorrow that can be implemented right here, right now, today.  It is to Heed Your Call. As individuals, entrepreneurs, business owners, spouses, parents, friends, and lovers, it is our birthright to fulfill our unique journeys, yet we can only achieve this if we are willing to leave our known worlds. We need to peel ourselves away…

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Manifest Your Goals By Dissolving the Ego

A wave of awakening is finally breaking into the mass consciousness that has been building for decades. As a planet, we are awakening from the dream of separation and learning to let go of victim consciousness as we take greater responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and how they create what we experience as our "reality." Within the last few years, the Law of Attraction has reached the attention of millions of people with the advent of the book and movie phenomenon, The Secret. More recently, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle has brought forward a large and growing interest in awakening…

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Choose Wisely… Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

The original Star Trek series had a memorable episode in which the Enterprise visited a planet that allowed anything a person thought of to manifest. The planet was supposed to be used for entertainment purposes, but the unsuspecting Enterprise crew didn't know their thoughts were creating their reality -- and so suffered accordingly. What a perfect metaphor for our world! Human beings are creators and this world is our medium. We were created to create and we do so all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. There's an old saying, "Our creativity is our gift from God, and…

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Access Your Good!

I found a truly remarkable book by John Randolph Price that helped me to move forward in my spiritual life at a time I needed guidance. This article is a summary of that book entitled The Manifestation Process: 10 Steps to the Fulfillment of Your Desires by John Randolph Price, A Quartus Book Publication. I asked Mr. Price's permission to print this summary and it was granted to me. I have found his book to be very inspiring in my life and in sharing it with others through my workshops, seminars and lectures, we've all been blessed. If you practice or go through…

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Chase Your Dreams

I was sitting around the other day and began daydreaming about horses. I have loved horses with a passion for as long as I was aware of their existence. For decades they consumed my existence. I wanted a horse of my own with every ounce of my being. And always knew one day I would have one. Such magic, beauty. Words cannot describe their magnificence. The smell of a barn, the dust from the paths, the wet mark on the horse's back from under the saddle, the sound of a canter or trot  -- ah, nostalgia. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I…

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School of HP: The Mechanics of Making Your Wishes Become Reality

If you have read any books on spirituality or listened to any teachers you likely have heard this statement before - in order to manifest your wishes you must be very specific about what you ask for, focus on it and then detach from it. It is with the last part that I always had trouble. I didn't understand in real terms why I need to let it go - until just awhile ago when it came to me. Let's say that you dreamed up a new concept for a car. You drew it on a piece of paper, thought for…

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