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I was sitting around the other day and began daydreaming about horses. I have loved horses with a passion for as long as I was aware of their existence. For decades they consumed my existence. I wanted a horse of my own with every ounce of my being. And always knew one day I would have one. Such magic, beauty. Words cannot describe their magnificence.

The smell of a barn, the dust from the paths, the wet mark on the horse’s back from under the saddle, the sound of a canter or trot  — ah, nostalgia.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that I may never get a horse. I was alarmed. And in shock, really. The thought had never crossed my mind. I just always knew I would one day share my heart with a special horse. But, on this very day, seeing as my life was playing out every way but the way I imagined, the possibility of dying without fulfilling that dream was very real. And a raw, cold bitterness and stillness filled my veins.

Then I thought, no way. I will not die without fulfilling my dream(s). A swift shake of my head accompanied this denial.

It was at that moment I realized something tragic. Of all the most powerful dreams we have, as children or even as we are older, I imagine that a great majority are never fulfilled. Countless numbers of people settle for a life so much less than they intended. They give up on their dreams every single day. They fall victim to fears and self-limiting beliefs.

How terribly sad. With all the critics in the world, we need some more people who encourage us to dream and believe.

It was very painful to empathically feel dreams flying by the wayside into the abyss. The sour taste of conforming to mediocrity.  The deep emptiness that pulsates within your chest and bubbles up to your throat.

So, here I am today. I am the parental voice speaking to (and nurturing) your inner child. The child within you that dances with joy and dreams in vivid grandeur.

Dream Big. Dream often. Chase your dreams, no matter where they take you. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Believe you deserve it. Because you do. You are worthy. You are beautiful and perfect and whole. You need nothing, but you can explore and play and express yourself and your dreams freely. You are magnificent. Anything you desire you can manifest, if you so choose.

Please, if you do me – no, yourself – just one service, allow it to be openness that mimics the wonderment of a child. Follow what your heart speaks and chase down those dreams. This is your life. Allow yourself to live it, to love it (and love yourself) and do it fully. Today.

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Camille Lucy is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified Reiki & Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Ordained Holistic Minister, Certified Yoga & Meditation Instructor, graphic and web designer, business consultant, and Vice President of a local non-profit that “rehabilitates people through animals.” She is also a writer, a Mother of 3 girls, an artist, a Life-and-Love Junkie, a Self-Expression and Development advocate, and - well, you get the point. She’s a lot of things, just like all of us. Camille is also author of, "The (Real) Love Experiment: Explore Love, Relationships & The Self."  Learn more about her and her adventure(s) at

Visit her instagram at for photos and inspirations.

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Comments (3)

  1. Camille, well said. I had the same dream and I actually fulfilled it by volunteering at a therapeutic riding center. From there I was soon taking riding lessons and looking to purchase my own horse. I started riding at the age of 52! Now living in Texas I have my own horse and ride daily. All I can say is that dreams do come true. And this horse has filled my life with joy, companionship, and magic from the first day I saw him. I wish you a journey as wonderful as the one I’ve had the privilege to experience.


    1. Sandra, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this. It’s amazing to hear your story; I can feel the love and passion in your words. Horses are such amazing animals. And I am so glad that you have reached a place of fulfillment of your dreams!!! That’s what it is all about. – Sending some love to you and your equine friend 😉 xo

  2. Sandra, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this. It’s amazing to hear your story; I can feel the love and passion in your words. Horses are such amazing animals. And I am so glad that you have reached a place of fulfillment of your dreams!!! That’s what it is all about. – Sending some love to you and your equine friend 😉 xo

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