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Discover Your Creative Compass

Consider just how often you tell stories. On a daily basis, you express yourself to family and friends, as well as strangers via social media. What should be a source of bliss -- creativity -- can also generate confusion and doubt, even paralysis. That's because it matters what stories you tell and how you tell them. In this new course, Dan Millman and Sierra Prasada connect you with your inner storyteller. Whether you're a writer, artist, or innovator, you'll find greater creative and personal fulfillment thanks to their groundbreaking approach. Dan and Sierra offer guidance and encouragement to help you push through common blocks to writing or any form of creativity. They demystify the process without dispelling the magic. The hard-won truths they articulate, and the innovative exercises they present, will light your way and enrich your practice.

Register for Discover Your Creative Compass now!

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Are You Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?

People become entrepreneurs for many different reasons, some to do what they love, others to help serve people and others just to pay their bills or even live the lifestyle of their dreams. Regardless of the reason you may want to start your own business, you must realize that successful entrepreneurs are really artists. When a painter begins their masterpiece, they are looking at a blank slate. When a sculptor begins their masterpiece, they are looking at a lump of clay. What separates the master painter and master sculptor from the rest of the crowd is that they see opportunity…

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How to Uniquely Create Your Impact

Honesty, worth and love towards yourself and those within your life is what will connect you to your passion, values and unique abilities, which you deserve to share with the world. The world is screaming out for YOU to be YOU and for you to Inspire yourself, your family and millions of people around the world. Fear, shame, guilt and judgement towards yourself and those within your life will disconnect you from your passion, values and unique abilities. Pull back the layers which have been thrown upon you by friends, family, media, society and unleash the true greatness you have…

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Live Your Dreams

Care enough about yourself to live your dreams. Sometimes when I ask people about their dreams, an awkward silence ensues before the subject changes. It's almost as if there's a fear to admit to themselves what would make their heart sing. Their thinking must be something like this: "If I open my awareness to my dreams, that means I'll have to do something. But right now I can't. I have so many obligations I'll have to say no to my dreams. So why create the pain of even imagining these possibilities anyway?" At least, this characterized my thinking about fulfilling…

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The Guiding Light You Didn’t Know You Have

Forty years of pursuing and achieving the American Dream left me feeling unsatisfied, unfulfilled and not at peace with myself. What happened? Following an extended period of evaluation and self-searching I made a discovery that was so simple and at the same time frightening. Why hadn’t I found the answer earlier? What held me back? The fact is that our society teaches us that if we just follow the guidelines,we will fulfill ourselves via accomplishments and material rewards. And so we get on the treadmill and stay on the treadmill thinking that if we just clear the next hurdle we…

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5 Principles To Lead A Fulfilled Life

1. To learn anything, you cannot be afraid to ask questions. This fear no doubt harkens back to grade school, when other kids would poke fun at the kid who asked for clarification on something. Unfortunately, most people don't grow out of it, fearing others will think them simple. The reality is, while everyone is an expert at something, no one can be an expert in everything. If you don't ask, you won't learn. Ask questions until you are satisfied you understand the answer. This may be the only opportunity you have to learn. Don't miss out on the experience…

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Your Top Priority This Year

In my opinion, there is one thing that is much more important than anything else: learning to be happy and fulfilled in your life. Truly happy people tend to be richer, more giving, more productive, and even a lot healthier than everyone else. So how can you easily become much happier in this fast paced, crazy world we live in? Fortunately there are many simple, powerful methods that can make a dramatic difference in your level of happiness. In fact, some methods that take only a minute a day, have been proven to have more effect on your level of…

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Chase Your Dreams

I was sitting around the other day and began daydreaming about horses. I have loved horses with a passion for as long as I was aware of their existence. For decades they consumed my existence. I wanted a horse of my own with every ounce of my being. And always knew one day I would have one. Such magic, beauty. Words cannot describe their magnificence. The smell of a barn, the dust from the paths, the wet mark on the horse's back from under the saddle, the sound of a canter or trot  -- ah, nostalgia. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I…

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