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Why You Stop Working Towards Your Goals

Achieving a goal isn't about the goal; it's about the motivation to achieve the goal. Can you maintain motivation, or do you find yourself psyched about achieving a goal, with a good plan and a detailed picture in your mind, only to find yourself not working on the goal anymore? Maybe your work schedule is super busy, or your emotions are tightly wound because you're having trouble in a close relationship. There are seven Motivation Assassinators and they are the reasons we stop working on our goals. But they are easily identified and easily overcome. Do you know what yours…

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Your Most Valuable Asset

Time is our most valuable commodity bar none. It is, hands down, the most precious thing we have, yet it is the one thing with which we are most often wasteful. You can't recycle it, regain it, rejuvenate it, rediscover it, or reuse it. Once it's gone, it's gone. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't have relaxation time, hobby time, lay on the couch and read a book time, or sit in the sun and do absolutely nothing time. It's all about balance in our lives. But we all need to have some type of time management tool that assures…

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Forget Balance, Create Harmony!

Finding balance in our lives is an elusive dream for many of us. Trying to balance home, work, health, spirituality and free time seems almost impossible. Well, I am pleased to tell you that I've found the answer to creating balance in your life: Forget about balance, you'll never have it. Instead, create harmony in your life! This differentiation is more than just semantics. It is a critical approach to looking at life that can free you up to see the world in a different way. "Balance" assumes that we must spend a certain portion of each week devoted in equal measure…

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