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For many of us, we grow up and the most important thing is who we are going to be when we grow up. Then we focus on doing all these things in order to have the stuff that someone who is like who we want to be would have.

Unfortunately for many of us, we focus more on the having than the being. We are designed as human beings, and when we lose sight of that and begin to do things in order to have things, we lose sight of why we are here. Don’t wait to find your purpose…define your purpose. Declare who you are and make what you do the effect of who you are, not just something being done to have certain things.

When what you do is a result of who you are, you will have the things that someone who you declare to be would have. You must be true to your self and aligned with your highest purpose that you define. Ask yourself three questions:

  1. What comes easy to me, but harder to others?
  2. What would you do for work for years and years and never have to get paid for it?
  3. How can you be of service and how can you give back?

When you are true to these answers, you are fulfilled at the highest and most important levels.

While most of us focus on getting out of the rat race, we forget about our grand design which is to love, serve and be happy. But when you focus on loving, serving and being happy, all of your needs seem to take care of themselves and some of your old lower level needs do not exist and your become more aware of who you were really designed to be. When you are in this natural place as most children are, everything you do is play and you are revitalized with a new vigor and curiosity of life.

Stand guard at the door to your mind, because everything begins in thought. Your thoughts will create your emotions, which drive your actions, which produce your results. Surround yourself with positive, empowering people, and structures. You create or allow everything in your life, so put your self at cause for ALL the results in your life. This is not good or bad, it is only feedback. The power in this belief is that if you have created or allowed something in your life and you own that…you can change it also if you choose.

Connect with who you really are, stay true to that no matter what sacrifice you have to make because the universe always pays. The perfection of nature is always at work, so give more, love more and continue to be happy!

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Originally from New Jersey and a graduate of Towson University in 1999, Lautman immediately moved to New York City after college and began his full time, professional selling career. A "born salesman," Louis accelerated at his craft and quickly became a company leader for a competitive telecommunications company, knocking on at least 50 doors a day.

After sweeping the streets cold calling NYC for 2 years, Lautman moved to Tampa, Florida to hire, train and manage a sales office for the next year. After realizing his true passion of helping people, Louis traveled the country training executives for Anthony Robbins and Tom Hopkins.

In 2003, Lautman started a Training and Development Company ( working with top Fortune 500 Companies, and hosting public seminars. His audiences call him "Moving," "Motivating," "Energizing" and "Inspirational." Louis designed the entire curriculum in his training and produced five books and over 50 hours of training material. In Lautman's young life, he's made over 10,000 cold calls in person and on the telephone and has given over 1,500 presentations, workshops and seminars.

In the summer of 2007, Lautman created a virtual society of young like-minded motivated business people, The Young Entrepreneur Society. As Louis wanted to create a platform for young people who were looking for more in their lives he created The YES Movie as a launching pad to motivate and inspire others around the world. This enlivening documentary is impacting the lives of millions of people and becoming the catalyst for inspiring still greater passion in business and life.

In 2011, as Lautman's business and life were officially virtual, he found himself traveling globally and managing over 20 virtual employees. People's fascination began growing about how Lautman could manage this team, and naturally Supreme Outsourcing was born.

Today Lautman travels the world, helping entrepreneurs free up their time, do more of what they love and accelerate revenues by sharing his inspirational and transformational message of empowerment through conscious entrepreneurship.

For more information, please visit

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Comments (4)

  1. Powerful. Thank you–this resonated strongly with me, and was just what I needed to hear today.

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