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You Can Do No Wrong

Let go of being connected to the results. Just do and be because you are inspired and passionate about what you are doing regardless of anyone else. This is how you know if you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. The most important task is to love and accept yourself. You always receive the answers to your questions. It just might not be what you were expecting. Life is like a treasure hunt. Half of the fun is figuring out the clues and overcoming the challenges to finally get to the treasure. It wouldn’t be the same if someone just handed…

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Having It All

Learn Scientifically Proven Strategies To Re-Script Your Self Worth Have you ever considered the possibility that your life or financial success is caused by your own self-worth?  Maybe you've never thought of it this way, but your financial worth -- your income, business revenues, even your net worth -- is tied into your self-worth. If you think you may be one of these people, and would like to learn a few techniques and tips to adjust your self worth, register below for a "mini" 3 video series where my good friend John Assaraf will teach you scientifically proven strategies to start re-scripting your brain to achieve your life's goals and dreams.

>>Click Here To Register!

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Happy @ Work

Ready to reap the rewards of a job well and happily done? Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn't a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And workplace fulfillment spills over into happier families and better communities. In Jim Donovan's new book, HAPPY @ WORK, you'll learn shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip's method and rationale are clearly explained, and real workplace vignettes demonstrate the benefits and results that can be gleaned from simple shifts and actions. HAPPY @ WORK will empower you with the knowledge that no matter the circumstance, you can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.

Read HAPPY @ WORK now!

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From Survive to Thrive

What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that are woven into the fabric of everyday life—or choose empowerment. Breathe deeply, dance wildly, sing to the sparrows or indulge in hilarious laughter. Take brief respites from your endless list of tasks and drop into stillness. The spacious silence is a profound place to reawaken your intuition, creativity and life force. Instead of reacting from a jumble of emotions, develop inner calmness and shift from survive to thrive! Even in the…

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Discover Your True Purpose

In this course, international transformation expert, intuitive and author of The Destiny Discovery, Michelle Casto transforms the meaning of "work" into a way of living that expresses who you are on the inside. Based on more than 20 years of experience in teaching secrets and shortcuts, tips and techniques about purposeful living, Michelle threads a powerful course that will awaken you on a deep level from these time-tested traditions. She then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your most fulfilling life ever. She shares ways in which you come to know and honor yourself on a very deep level. You will learn to identify a false purpose from living your true purpose, and then once you are aligned with your greatest purpose, you will be amazed to see the money, recognition, fun, and fulfillment flow right into your life. Learn how to your true purpose leads to clarity, confidence, fulfillment, authentic success and happiness, how to navigate the 6 Stage Destiny Discovery Process, discover your unique soul essence color and how it relates to your sacred gift and much more.

Click here to enroll in this course.

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The Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned From Dogs

Everything I've learned so far I've learned from dogs! I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded, and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are very fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous amount of fun just frolicking on the beach. Going home without having caught a bird doesn't for one moment diminish their love of life. When we realize that just being alive is the gift that keeps on giving, we may pursue our own…

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7 Pearls of Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life

Is it true that man is the product of his environment? The answer is NO, because growing up in Haiti in times of political instability, insecurity and extreme poverty, the fate of my life couldn’t be anything but an enormous failure. I would not let circumstances define who I am but instead who I am would change my circumstances -- and who I am is a conqueror. Indeed, it took me some time to fully understand who I am; nevertheless, when I finally figured it out, nothing could stop me from living up to that standard. During my journey to…

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Do You Have Too Much Stuff?

In this very instant, right where you are, you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. In fact... You Have Too Much. We live in the most abundant times in human history. We're so blessed, we're stressed. We have so many clothes, we often experience Apparelization: the stress felt undecided, frozen in our closets, paralyzed by our apparel. Most Americans cannot fit their car in their garage. Storage is a billion dollar business. Our children have more toys and gadgets than their room was designed to hold. We get angry with them when it becomes a mess.…

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The Power of Purpose

If today were my last day on earth, the words I would share wouldn't necessarily be something that hasn't been said before, only something simply forgotten, more or less, buried, tucked away, locked inside our hearts. It's a message that we have all heard: a creed that we've all sworn to at some time in our lives. A burning desire that was placed in us a birth. I'm referring to our purpose and the power that it holds once it is embraced and acted upon. If today were my last day on earth, my only regret in this life would…

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Live Your LIfe With Purpose

I would share my knowledge of doing the right thing and listening to my mind and body all of the time. You see, your body can give you honest feedback - it doesn’t lie to you. If you pay attention to how you feel in any given circumstance, you will know what the right moves are for you and what the wrong moves are. With me, it is my heart and solar plexus that I pay the most attention to because I have spent so much time nurturing my mind/body/soul connection, I know right away if something will be a benefit…

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Let Go of Your Ego!

Our ego is an integral part of our human experience. How many times a day do we say “I”? The ego is a tool to discern “me” from the rest of the world. It helps us navigate through the earthly conditions and distinguish what is positive/negative or pleasant/unpleasant. At the same time, the ego is the cause of separation and the root of all suffering. If we forget that our activities also affect the rest of the world, we can easily hurt others. This can trigger a chain reaction and one gesture of hatred or anger will cause suffering not only…

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YOU are the Embodiment of Love!

Life is rich, filled with beautiful moments as well as difficult times. Life is a journey through the middle ground of the highs and lows, where you learn to find your sacred place of contentment. In this space of breath and awareness, you face life with a knowingness that whatever happens, this always remains true: you are strong, you are wise, you are loved and you are a beautiful person needed in this world. You have a higher purpose in life. You may bring certain qualities to everything you do, such as love, hope, faith, tranquility, abundance, truth, clarity, devotion,…

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Design Your Ideal Life

You truly have the power to live your life by design. This concept of "creating your reality" is not just some "personal development" idea designed to create a sense of empowerment or give people a positive outlook, though it has been used in that way. What changed my life, however, was finally seeing the Truth that we - consciously or not - are at the cause of our experience, pleasant or unpleasant. I see people wasting years of their lives trying to find the reasons "out there" as to why things aren't going how they wish they were. I did…

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4 Thoughts on Igniting Personal Passion

Personal passion is the explosive flame you possess inside in the form of strong ideas, gifts and fascinations. It is this passion that propels you towards your very own unique forms of creative expression, fields of interests and adventurous curiosity. It is also your passion that drives you to push beyond obstacles and self-limitation. The question then becomes, how do we tap into this enormous power? “You Are a Walking Phenomenon” As of right now, there are over 7.1 billion people on the planet, but only one of you. Down to your very DNA you are a walking phenomenon, an…

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