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C-A-R-E to Create Change

Some people look at their lives and say, "Poor me." They look at their home and wish it were bigger, better, or more organized. They look at their bodies and feel like they don't measure up. They look at their spouses, their kids, and themselves and the flaws become their focus. I've found the best way to beat these feelings of inadequacies is to get out and give. Helping other people not only takes our focus off our shortcomings, but it makes us feel better about ourselves. More than that, we touch lives and connect hearts! Here are four ways to C-A-R-E.…

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Empower Yourself and Our Girls to Pursue Dreams – Sponsored

Through the development of a mentoring relationship, The ATHENA Prodigies: Empowering Women Empowering Girls guides women and girls through a reflective process of identifying what they truly desire in life. Using her own life’s lessons, Danielle Joworski provides affirmations and stories that will motivate female readers of all ages to build their self-belief and confidence in order to start sharing their dreams. As the mentoring relationship grows stronger, readers will be inspired to help and support each other to break down the internal and external barriers standing in the way of their dreams becoming a reality. Great ready to learn more about yourself and the thoughts and dreams of a young girl and to see the truly amazing results of what can happen when you both pursue your dreams.

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A Random Act Of Kindness

If I were looking back from the end of my life and telling others what would help the world, what would make the biggest difference, I would ask each person to look around today and find a small "Random Act of Kindness" they could do that would help a stranger. I would say to go against your ingrained biases, suspend judgment, and think the best for someone who appeared to be on the other "side." Do something to help them without thinking of a return. I believe that when you envision the best traits for someone in need, they may…

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The Importance of Smiling and 15 Other Life Lessons of Kindness

Be still in your life. Take time to listen to nothing but the sound of your own thoughts. Learn to like your own company. Share with others what you have. Even if it is just a dollar, share it. Listen with your heart. Do not be in a hurry to tell your story. Listen as others tell their story first. See what needs to be done, and do it. Do the dishes need to be washed? Yes? Then wash them. Are there dirty clothes on the bed? Yes? Put them in the hamper. Send a smiley to someone just because…

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Creating Hope from Heartache

Barbara Marx Hubbard says that "Crisis is an evolutionary driver." Our world is certainly in crisis. I passionately believe the ultimate way to take part in the evolution of humankind is to wholeheartedly embrace our unique individual gifts and ferociously share them with others. The God within is calling out to all of us to contribute to each other in unconventional and profound ways. Rather than search for love, be love. Rather than wish the world would change, be the change. Honor your divinity within. Embody kindness, and let your generous spirit guide you. Cherish all your relationships, especially those…

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Finding the Path to Happiness

The pursuit of happiness in most people's lives is seemingly elusive. In some respects, it almost seems that the concept of happiness has been left out of the evolutionary design. Leo Tolstoy said, "Joy can be real only if people look upon their life as a service, and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness." I'm going to share with you a difficult part of my childhood in the hopes it illustrates that the path you choose is critical to the level of joy you experience. When I was 12, my family moved from New…

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Top 9 Tips For Joy, Love and Fulfillment

I'm so inspired to share the top nine most important things I've learned about life and how to navigate through it to experience the most joy, love, and fulfillment possible! (1) Being of service to others is the biggest factor in maintaining my connection with my innermost source of energy. I uplift others by letting my highest self shine through my being and inspire the actions I take. When my highest self expresses itself through me, it draws out that same highest self from others. (2) Meditating for 3 minutes, 3 times a day (what I call 3x3 Meditation) is…

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Stand Strong and Become The True You

View your life experiences as a stepping stone to becoming a better you. Use your gifts to help another person and be the voice for the voiceless. Walk in faith, humility, reverence and obedience to a higher power and the ‘otherness’ that fuels your spiritual awakenings and guide your steps through troubles, setbacks and struggle. Be willing to forgive and ask forgiveness for yourself when you’ve been assaulted by lies and slandered with untruths. Be strong in your resolve to become the bigger and better person than the person with unkind intent. Pray for forgiveness for your own ‘ugly’ ways…

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3 Compassionate Strategies for Living

I would share three bits of advice that have guided me and served me well in my life. 1. Always do your best. When you do your best, you will be proud of yourself. Being proud of yourself increases your self-confidence. I believe that self-confidence is an important key to success, in your career and in your life. Beware however: doing your best means that you are laying it on the line. When you do your best, you know that you have no one but yourself to blame if things don't work out like you want. 2. Treat everyone with…

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from Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-book™ by Absolute Love Publishing.

Ben Smith

The Importance of Being of Service to Others

"The greatest among you, shall be your servant." This has been one of the verses I have lived my life on and want to pass on to you. If you believe that you are created in God's image, and every other human is too, that will translate in every facet of your life. My son asks me, "Why do you do things for others?" I say to him, "Son, I am serving another of God's image bearers." I show him that service is an important part of life by exemplifying in my life. Our words can never speak more loudly…

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