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How You Can Motivate Others Everyday

Believe in yourself! You are capable of doing anything you put your heart and soul into. I only choose to focus on projects I am passionate about and can dedicate 110% of my time and energy. Dream big and set high expectations for yourself. You are your best cheerleader, so make personal goals you want to achieve and focus on those. Write those goals down and periodically read them to see which ones you have already reached. Decide if you should alter or change any goals to better suit your ideals as you change. No matter what others may say…

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Are You a ‘Grow’ Model?

We often hear the term "role model" used in today's society. Role models range in profession, from super athletes to hometown heroes to entertainers and authors. They inspire individuals to reach for their dreams and complete the extraordinary. Of course, the context of extraordinary varies for everyone and dreams can vary from running a half marathon to winning a Grammy award. However, for a person to be a role model, they don't need to know the individual they are impacting. Most people may never meet their role model. For example, mine happens to be Oprah Winfrey (if you're reading this,…

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19 Lessons for Leaving a Notable Legacy

What I have learned in my life and career as a Registered Nurse Entrepreneur is that life is fragile and can change in an instant..... 1. Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal. 2. Create your own positive events to nourish your mind. Even the strong require sustenance to survive, especially when they aid the weak. 3. Do not expect miracles, rely on them. We have all seen turnarounds from positive life steps and direction. 4. Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Investigate. Evaluate your perceptions. 5. Fight back against injustice to yourself…

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How You Can Change the World

Happiness, health, prosperity and peace, a better world for our children - all of us want these same things in life. I believe that our wish for a harmonious world begins and ends with doing good. This holds the power to positively transform us from the inside and then ripple out in ever expanding circles, impacting the world at large. You can find your place in life by choosing to think good, speak good and do good. Good starts with each one of us as an individual. It's a personal journey filled with opportunities on which you can choose to…

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Be a Mentor and have Infinite Impact

Life today can provide us with many new challenges that can be difficult to work through. For some, especially youth who lack experience relating and responding to these situations, life's challenges can bring with them even greater feelings of emotional distress. What I have learned in life is that we each have the power as mentors to help others face challenges and come out stronger, wiser and more confident. If you are sharing your life experiences with the hope that you are providing guidance to another, you are being a mentor! You are positively impacting the life of someone else. You possess mentoring capabilities…

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Give Yourself the Permission You Need

Did someone in your past hurt you to the point where you can't let go? Were you abused as a child by a parent, guardian, or another adult? Or were you mistreated as a young adult and you're still waiting for that person to apologize for what they did? You are a beautiful, talented, and precious individual. The people you love need you here and now—100%. But it’s very possible that past experiences may be holding you back from living your dreams and being fully present for them. There’s also a chance you’re never going to get the apology you've needed for…

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Your Most Important Gifts

As a widow who has lost the majority of my family, I realize that life is the most important gift. We must use it wisely as life leaves oftentimes without warning taking with it all of the possibilities. People are next. Cherish every moment and be present with every person who feels special to you in some way and know that all people are special. There is only one race - the human race, and we are created equal. We all suffer regardless of age, race, educational background or income level. Life oftentimes is a struggle but we can choose…

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Synchronicity – Are You Where You Are Supposed to Be?

The door opens. The path is lit. A missing piece falls into your lap. The phone rings and the caller is someone you thought of just moments ago. The ever-famous "magic" parking spot opens up. I love it when I seem to just bump into someone I really want or need to see. What are the odds? There are 1,440 minutes in a day. What if I had walked a different route, took an extra minute to read my mail, veered left instead of right? There are 1,439 odds against me bumping into that person...if one goes simply by mathematical…

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3 Questions for Finding Purpose and Fulfillment

For many of us, we grow up and the most important thing is who we are going to be when we grow up. Then we focus on doing all these things in order to have the stuff that someone who is like who we want to be would have. Unfortunately for many of us, we focus more on the having than the being. We are designed as human beings, and when we lose sight of that and begin to do things in order to have things, we lose sight of why we are here. Don't wait to find your purpose...define…

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Making the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to receive the most amazing gifts in return with a more fulfilled and enriched life. You’ll know when this commitment of giving back feels right because you will truly be living and breathing your own legacy... yes, LIVING your legacy... not leaving it behind when you exit the planet. If you have ever been mentored, guided or coached by someone in any way, you understand the feeling of being supported by…

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The Joys of Discomfort

One of the greatest words I have ever discovered and one of the main contributing factors to my personal growth is discomfort. The opposite of discomfort is contentment, which in many ways can be the "killer of dreams and aspirations," because it somehow convinces you that you have arrived in a "safe place" and you should have enough common sense to remain there. I was at that place of contentment in my life. In fact it was more like I had decided to just accept the unfortunate cards life had handed me. I was a high school dropout, failed recording artist,…

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Steps to True Happiness

Under the umbrellas of intention and authenticity lie core values we can foster which will help lead us to, and maintain, the ultimate state of happiness - to be happy with yourself. Values such as integrity, compassion, empathy and trust are the cornerstones of personal growth and fulfillment. Living with intention simply means to be mindful that your actions are purposeful with forward movement. You intend to be compassionate, you intend to forgive, and you intend to choose love. Shed your expectations of others. No one is perfect, nor should you expect them to be. Flaws can build character; acknowledge…

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