Believe in yourself!
You are capable of doing anything you put your heart and soul into. I only choose to focus on projects I am passionate about and can dedicate 110% of my time and energy.
Dream big and set high expectations for yourself. You are your best cheerleader, so make personal goals you want to achieve and focus on those. Write those goals down and periodically read them to see which ones you have already reached. Decide if you should alter or change any goals to better suit your ideals as you change.
No matter what others may say about you or your work along the way, know that you were born to do something great and make it happen.
Surround yourself with positive and supportive people!
I am so fortunate to have a family that is truly invested in my work and provides me with feedback, advice, and encouragement. They listen to any idea I may present and answer any question I may pose, never judging or doubting my work or vision.
In our personal and professional lives, we develop relationships with a number of people. While we always like to see the very best in people and give second chances, we sometimes have to recognize that some individuals may not click with you. Share your life with kind, genuine people who are truly interested in your hopes and dreams and celebrate in your successes.
Balance your life!
Some people say work hard, play hard; I do not disagree. A strong work ethic is essential to complete any task at hand. Determination and self motivation are necessary to become an expert in your profession; however, life is not entirely about your work. Life includes building relationships with family and friends.
Spend time with the most important people in your life from the daily routines to special occasions and all of the experiences and adventures in between. Do not use work as an excuse to miss a family dinner; you cannot get that time back. Take a vacation with your favorite friends and enjoy it; you can always go back to your work. Make memories and cherish the moments.
Give back to others!
Share your time, money, and/or possessions with those less fortunate than you are in life. Donate old or unused books to a school or clinic that does not have many books. This simple act makes a huge difference, especially for children who have no books at home.
Volunteer a half hour a week or one hour a month to visit that school either to read or assist in a classroom. This commitment is not only rewarding, but it is invaluable time for students and teachers. Think of a cause that is important to you or a talent that you can share with others and make it a priority.
Be kind to everyone!
Every person on earth is important and born with a talent or gift to share. Embrace each other’s differences and support each other’s work and contributions to your community and our society.
Very well said, Kathryn.