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Patricia Albere

Our capacity to truly touch each other, to influence each other’s lives and make a difference, is one of our greatest gifts.

It is a way our love for each other creates something lasting and real.

In the last five years, both my parents and my two beloved cats of 14 and 17 years died in my arms. In the stark and strangely beautiful reality of death, what matters about life is vivid and undeniable; that we love each other in a way that we are changed by that love. That is what we carry with us. To be “un-get-over-able” is really the point (in a good way, of course).

As a spiritual teacher, I’ve had the privilege to work with over 150,000 people in my life. People who were open and willing for my knowledge, my love and my teaching that allowed them to change their lives. And in that openness, they affected my life.

My invitation to you is first this: “What are you paying attention to?”

Are you intending to be open, to let someone’s words, love, and actions make a difference with you? Are you willing to be affected, to care, to depend on another? Are you willing to extend yourself, to be generous, to take a risk and perhaps change another’s life and their trajectory?

Often we’re just too busy with our own concerns to want to, or even be interested in, taking a risk to love and facilitate some change for another. We can also be too proud and too self-determined to allow someone to influence us and be gracious about it.

In our post-modern culture, the emphasis has been on our hyper-independence, our individuality, our personal space, needs and desires, it’s been about “ME”, which has been useful in many ways.

Now it’s time for us to discover our interdependence, to discover “a higher WE” and the beauty of how we can love each other, and to create together and be unforgettable in each other’s lives!

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Patricia Albere is an internationally recognized pioneer and teacher, championing Evolutionary Relationships in our intimate, social and professional lives. By removing the traditional roles and broken rules that have held us down for millennia, Evolutionary Relationships is our ideal way of interacting -- recognizing that in order to succeed, we must develop the skills of 'mutuality' that include love, trust and sharing. She has facilitated the transformation of thousands of lives and countless relationships worldwide.

Patricia is the founder of the Evolutionary Collective a transformational educational institute focused on discovering what's possible through our connection, relationships, collective consciousness, and creativity. Through teachings, talks, web-casts, live & virtual workshops and collaboration with others, the Evolutionary Collective is opening people to a radical shift in perspective, out of self-contained consciousness and into the profound inter-connectedness and larger concern for the well-being of the whole. She is also the popular host of Evolutionary Collective Conversations. Her latest book, with Jeff Carreira, is Mutual Awakening: opening into a new paradigm of human relatedness.

Patricia and her fiancé live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

For more information, please visit

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