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What Your Top Priorities Should Be

SIMPLICITY Enjoy and embrace simplicity. No, that doesn't mean poverty. Nor is that the polar opposite of wealth. Living simply is experiencing and appreciating the small things in life that are taken for granted by those constantly looking outside of themselves for happiness. Real happiness will never be found in a pill, television, car, or iPod. This materialistic view will result in a never-ending pursuit of "things" that never quite fill the hole trying to be filled. In fact, it only grows with the more "things" you acquire. Instead, the key to happiness is found by satisfying the needs that…

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3 Important Principles For Getting What You Want

Appreciate people. Growing up as a shy girl, I always kept to myself. I never felt compelled to depend on others or even communicate with the many wonderful people that surrounded me. Now all grown up and having come out of my shell, I realize that one of the most happiest feelings in the world can be found in the connections that we make with others. The general kindheartedness that I find in people is enough to light up the universe. We live in one life but also in one world that we share. As much control as we have over…

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Janine Kimmel

We Are All Connected

From my very earliest memories, I have had a love affair with Nature. I have stayed in touch with that love and know that there is a deep benefit that comes from an ongoing relationship with Nature. I tap into this love every day in my work as a poet, an artist, a writer, a therapist, mother of two sons, and a teacher of creativity. I am such an advocate of the importance of encouraging our children to have a relationship with nature because I attribute much of my strength and creativity to that connection. The best way to share…

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Embracing Our Global Family

Anyone who has faced the prospects of leaving one's words for posterity for real instead of a theoretical exercise and survives is blessed beyond words. Sharing the following words becomes a privilege and yes, even a responsibility. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. Over the years it has become commonplace for leaders all over the globe to obscure the light represented by acknowledging that our family, while at times dysfunctional should be guided by love and never hate. The legacy I would like to survive me is that…

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The Key to Contentment: Thankfulness

I have every reason to be content. I live in one of the most affluent and privileged cultures in the history of civilization. I enjoy the freedom to learn, speak, and even sing whatever my heart desires. I have daily access to clean water, wholesome food, and shelter from the elements. I am employed – and I even have the option to change careers at any time I wish. Friends, I am living the dream. I really have every reason to feel happy, expectant, and fulfilled; yet, I sometimes feel a disquieting emptiness and a deeper longing for significance. You…

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Your Most Important Gifts

As a widow who has lost the majority of my family, I realize that life is the most important gift. We must use it wisely as life leaves oftentimes without warning taking with it all of the possibilities. People are next. Cherish every moment and be present with every person who feels special to you in some way and know that all people are special. There is only one race - the human race, and we are created equal. We all suffer regardless of age, race, educational background or income level. Life oftentimes is a struggle but we can choose…

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Share Your Gifts to Overcome Adversity

Over the past few years, every one of us has been through some form of adversity. In fact, many of us have been hit by more than one serious, disruptive challenge. In this "perfect storm", everything that we have come to trust and believe about ourselves and our lives has come under some form of attack. Whether it is an illness, loss of job, erosion of wealth, divorce, or a death in the family, it seems as though the path on our journey has gotten a little more difficult. As we stand here looking into the future, looking for answers,…

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Recognizing The Person Behind The Mask

Most of us wear a kind of mask, a persona that hides our deepest thoughts and feelings, and presents a polished, controlled face to the world. Much of the time, we interact mask-to-mask with other people. There's a place for that. But remember times when someone saw through your mask to the real you, the person back behind your eyes. If you're like me, those times were both unnerving and wonderful. Even though it's scary, everyone longs to be seen, to be known. Besides the ways that seeing the person behind the eyes benefits others, it's good for you. And…

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What Ties Possibility and Expression

You are the connection between possibility and expression. You are the miracle, the means through which thoughts and intentions are transformed into things and experiences. By your living of it you make life happen. With your love you make life beautiful. In your every urge is great power. For you can act and achieve and fulfill, and give meaning to every moment. Give generously of yourself, never holding back, never being afraid that you're not good enough. Within you is goodness itself, along with the desire to express and to spread that goodness in your own special way. Listen to…

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6 Ideas to Create Change

Take care of yourself. Continue to persevere: do not allow doubt to creep across your goals. Always make sure to take some time every day to rest. That time should be just for you to keep stress away. If you don't take really good care of yourself, you may not succeed as highly as you could have. Continue looking at the night sky and wonder about all the many new things yet to be discovered. The answer is clear. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. We all exist…

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