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Share Your Gifts to Overcome Adversity

Over the past few years, every one of us has been through some form of adversity. In fact, many of us have been hit by more than one serious, disruptive challenge. In this "perfect storm", everything that we have come to trust and believe about ourselves and our lives has come under some form of attack. Whether it is an illness, loss of job, erosion of wealth, divorce, or a death in the family, it seems as though the path on our journey has gotten a little more difficult. As we stand here looking into the future, looking for answers,…

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Recognizing The Person Behind The Mask

Most of us wear a kind of mask, a persona that hides our deepest thoughts and feelings, and presents a polished, controlled face to the world. Much of the time, we interact mask-to-mask with other people. There's a place for that. But remember times when someone saw through your mask to the real you, the person back behind your eyes. If you're like me, those times were both unnerving and wonderful. Even though it's scary, everyone longs to be seen, to be known. Besides the ways that seeing the person behind the eyes benefits others, it's good for you. And…

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What Ties Possibility and Expression

You are the connection between possibility and expression. You are the miracle, the means through which thoughts and intentions are transformed into things and experiences. By your living of it you make life happen. With your love you make life beautiful. In your every urge is great power. For you can act and achieve and fulfill, and give meaning to every moment. Give generously of yourself, never holding back, never being afraid that you're not good enough. Within you is goodness itself, along with the desire to express and to spread that goodness in your own special way. Listen to…

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6 Ideas to Create Change

Take care of yourself. Continue to persevere: do not allow doubt to creep across your goals. Always make sure to take some time every day to rest. That time should be just for you to keep stress away. If you don't take really good care of yourself, you may not succeed as highly as you could have. Continue looking at the night sky and wonder about all the many new things yet to be discovered. The answer is clear. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. We all exist…

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Embrace Your Connectedness and Affirm Your Greatness

Recognize that we are all connected. There is a Oneness of all Life, so leave your thoughts of exceptionality and separation behind and embrace that Life. A daily practice of meditation, prayer work, affirmations and reading will grow, over time, from daily practice to what you practice daily. That is a whole new way of life. Be aware for synchronicity and follow your guidance. What you call your intuition is the voice of God - Guidance-On-Demand. The Source of all your experience is at the very core of your being. Spirit is in me and I am in Spirit and…

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5 Ways to Create Passionate Connections

Be of Service Do you know what Web 2.0 is? It is the evolution of the current state of the Internet and the trend of social networking and all of the technology that supports it. I love that the present culture of the Internet has evolved to focus on people and that the technology makes it even easier to be of service. Being of service and helping others feel good about themselves is not only rewarding, it allows you to grow exponentially. You grow internally as a person and externally because your influence will have a farther reach. Be a…

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Taking Control of Your Story

None of us know when our last day in this realm here on earth will be, as each moment dies in order for the next moment to be born. Know that we are not our experiences. What happens to the physical does not need to alter the spirit, the essence of who we truly are. You are not your stories: if you don't like your history, tell yourself a new one, a more positive one. Create your story the way you want it to be. In full knowledge that I am lucky to be alive, each day is a blessing. Each…

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Living the Downward Way – Through the Senses to the One

To truly know what it means to be human, to feel fully alive, is to deepen awareness of our interconnectedness with the greater web of life. This awareness is innate; we are born with it. But as we are indoctrinated into the social and technical complexities of the industrialized world, maintaining that awareness requires conscious effort. Our innate human senses are dulled by the assault of distracting forces in our hyperactive, social-technological systems. Such is life in the human-built world. But life can be richer, more glorious and refined, when we use our eyes, ears, nose and skin to return…

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Tell the Truth, Even When It’s Scary

I have learned nothing more deeply satisfying or life-affirming than this: The more we can discover what is true with us, the more open become the walls that constrict our souls. And when we do so out loud with a trusted friend or partner, the more permeable become the walls that separate us from each other, and the more connected we become, Soul to Soul. Lesson 1: Discover new Truth. Where we are keeping secrets from ourselves—false personalities we developed in childhood, traumas we “forgot,” truths about us we dare not think—we must work hard to not face them. Hiding…

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Creating a True Connection with Other Human Beings

I would share these four "secrets" for living: Being content and fulfilled in life does not really come from the success of your results. True contentment comes from being completely present and conscious of the experience of what you are doing in any given moment. Every relationship we encounter in our lives uncovers a part of us we need to see in order for us to become more aware of who we really are. BEING in your field of now means showing gratitude for life as it is, whatever it is and as it is. Do not mind whatever happens!…

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We Are All Singing Your Song

In the work I've done for the past many years, I've enjoyed opportunities to introduce people publicly in a way that shines light on their greatness. One imaginative day not long ago, a barrier opened up for me to a more magnificent way of singing these songs. I imagined how great it would be if all seven billion people currently sharing the earth collectively raised their voices in song. How great it would be to hear all those voices harmoniously singing in simple celebration of the magnificence of being alive. Imagine all of these seven billion people singing their hearts…

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How To Use The Mantra, “Just This Much”

If you watch your mind, you will see that it goes into the past or future all day long.  It especially loves to go into the future and when it really gets activated, it moves from a whole different place.  It will convince you that that you can’t do it right, or you can’t do it at all, or something bad is going to happen, and the thoughts go on and on.   These thoughts are just not true because we don’t know what is going to happen.  All we have is this present moment, but you can begin to see…

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School of HP: We are all ONE! (Poem)

A people, standing face to face, Interconnected human race So much alike, all breathe same air… And yet they act like no one’s there They’ll feel each other’s pain and sorrow When tragedy occurs tomorrow They will unite and they’ll pull through… Unless they disagree with you They’ll feed the hungry worlds apart They’ll open up their purse and heart But mention politics and done…. They aren’t friends with anyone So quickly they forget the books That show them how compassion looks All that they ever seem to hear Are things that bring up only fear Why is this so?…

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Bouncing with Style: Better Boundaries

Yesterday I read a book about boundaries. Why? I had to for one of my upcoming shows.  Much to my delight, I started understanding what that bandied-about term meant in relation to me, my family and friends, and my kids. Even my dogs will benefit from my reading the material. We hear a lot in the media about boundaries. Gotta set boundaries. That’s a boundary violation. I have firm boundaries.  I have no boundaries. But what does that really mean? I started thinking about how boundaries are being erased as we groove into a society where personal choice often trumps the rights…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Stop Feeling Bad?

"These days I have become so lazy and shiftless! I don't do anything except watch TV and sleep. I wanna do something productive like studying or reading but every time I think about this, I have this bad feeling inside me that I just can't describe, so I convince myself to just relax another time and not do anything. I've been doing this boring routine for like 2 weeks now and I'm sick of this and I really wanna change, but I CAN'T! Please, what should I do to remove all these bad thoughts in me and become determined? Thank…

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You Can’t Do It Alone: The Power of Community

It is only in the most recent history that people subscribe to the ideal of "independence," of doing it on your own, of not needing anybody to support you. And in concept, this may be a good idea but only as a concept. We have millions of years of a genetic heritage that argues for community and we have maybe 75 to 100 years that argues for independence. Human beings have survived out of their interdependence, not their independence. When infants are born they are completely helpless and would surely perish if not for the love and care given by…

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Ask a Luminary

How Does Karma Work In My Life?

"I am getting confused.... I thought that we agreed to have a human experience in order to learn certain lessons like compassion, self reliance, gratitude, etc... and if we have not learned these lessons in previous lives, we will need to keep trying to master them in future lives... but now I am being told that past karma has nothing to do with our lessons in our present lives? I guess another way of asking the question is - many people tell me that if you were a serial killer in this life, then you may be a Holocaust victim…

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‘Lost’ Loved Ones

During the holidays, many of us become acutely aware of “lost” loved ones — family members, friends and colleagues who are no longer with us in physical form. So, instead of experiencing the holidays as a fun and festive time of year, we wind up feeling sad, lonely or even overwhelmed by a sense of grief and loss. I understand. And yet, I know with every fiber of my being that life is eternal. Those loved ones who are no longer in their physical bodies are not gone. They are simply not here in the same way that they were…

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Experiencing More Than Just This Reality

Physics says that there is no time and space, we live in a multidimensional universe and that we are all connected through energy. It's a heady concept, but if, for a moment, you stop to think about it, physics is describing a larger world than we are able to see and feel. If there is more out there, and we can experience glimpses of it, then why not believe that people's reports of connecting with angels, seeing the future, being able to know about things beyond our immediate space, is not really far fetched. Our minds may actually be able…

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