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In the work I’ve done for the past many years, I’ve enjoyed opportunities to introduce people publicly in a way that shines light on their greatness. One imaginative day not long ago, a barrier opened up for me to a more magnificent way of singing these songs.

I imagined how great it would be if all seven billion people currently sharing the earth collectively raised their voices in song. How great it would be to hear all those voices harmoniously singing in simple celebration of the magnificence of being alive.

Imagine all of these seven billion people singing their hearts out. Not just singing, but letting their glorious souls burst out fully through their voices, in unison.

Most scientists say our bodies are composed of somewhere between 10 and 75 trillion cells. Imagine that seven billion of those cells are individual entities endowed with the shining faces of those currently living on the planet. Imagine each cell as a human life endowed with a human soul and that these particular seven billion cells comprise the cells of your heart. Imagine that radiance singing out.

And now, imagine that the rest of your cells are the many other living beings of the plant and animal kingdom, large and small…no-legged, two-legged and more-legged; flying, swaying, swimming, walking, slithering, running. Imagine that these beings comprise all the other tissues, muscles, and organs of your body. Take a moment to appreciate the incredible diversity of life on Earth and the existence of that very level of diversity of form and function within each of us.

Imagine all these great beings singing YOUR song. Singing loud, clear and strong, in harmonic praise of the universe that is YOU. Singing your name. Imagine that every other person is comprised of this same great, grand chorus.

How might this affect the way you see everyone from here on out?

Imagine that every being is already singing songs of celebration, whether it’s to their daily tasks, their faith, their beliefs, their sports heroes, their possessions, what they cherish…it’s essentially what they energize.

Even if some such endeavors contrast and even clash with yours, imagine that in seeing all beings as cells of OUR universe one might now cherish that these beings have ANYTHING they are singing about…

Even if that being looks rough around the edges, the great news is they already singing and all that is needed is to imagine wanting them on your side, singing within you. Your true self is the brilliant orchestra leader whose sacred duty is to weave these parts together harmoniously.

In this paradigm, having an issue with even one “kind of being,” for whatever reason, might be like writing one’s own tissues, cells, organs, and vital functions, a cancer of sorts. I don’t want to write off, dismiss, or discriminate against diverse parts of my body…my universe. I want all parts singing ⎯; for all aspects of greatness to work collaboratively in perfect, radiant health. I want it all harmonizing YOUR song and MY song.

If it’s only a matter of imagination then why not imagine it? This entire great creation we call Planet Earth and beyond was born from imagination. AND imagination is one of the greatest gifts we have received as human beings.


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Howard Glasser is the founder of the Children's Success Foundation and creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach™ and the Inner Wealth Initiative™ which have been used in hundreds of thousands of homes and classrooms around the world.

He is author of Transforming the Difficult Child, currently the top-selling book on the topic of ADHD; The Inner Wealth Initiative, one of the leading books on school interventions; You Are Oprah – Igniting the Fires of Greatness, a book that outlines ways to apply the Nurtured Heart Approach to one's self; and All Children Flourishing, a book that describes the approach's use with all children, difficult or not. Four of his eight books are in the top one percent of all books on

Howard has been the subject of feature article in Esquire, a featured guest on CNN and a consultant for 48 Hours. He currently teaches the Nurtured Heart Approach through live presentations worldwide. He has consulted for numerous psychiatric, judicial and educational programs.

Although he has done extensive doctoral work in the fields of Clinical Psychology and Educational Leadership, he feels his own years as a difficult child contributed the most to his understanding of the needs of challenging children and to the success of his approach which is based on aligning the energies of relationship.

Howard has been called one of the most influential living persons working to prevent children from relying on psychiatric medications. His work also supports many children in developing the inner strength to resist addictive substances.

For more information, please visit and

Comments (1)

  1. Very inspiring article. Imagine one song, one voice, by all, in perfect harmony. I’m now compelled to research more works and writings of Howard Glasser. This type of work on pivoting and healing children is profound. Thank you for sharing.

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