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We Are All Singing Your Song

In the work I've done for the past many years, I've enjoyed opportunities to introduce people publicly in a way that shines light on their greatness. One imaginative day not long ago, a barrier opened up for me to a more magnificent way of singing these songs. I imagined how great it would be if all seven billion people currently sharing the earth collectively raised their voices in song. How great it would be to hear all those voices harmoniously singing in simple celebration of the magnificence of being alive. Imagine all of these seven billion people singing their hearts…

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Sink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner. While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so…

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What We All Desire In Life

Every single person on this planet shares the same desire… Happiness! It is how we imagine our happiness that differs from one person to the next. So what is the key to happiness? Today I would like to share three of the things that I have discovered that have brought me the gift of happiness and revolutionized my personality. 1. Appreciate everything and express gratitude. To live gratefully you simply need to become aware that every single moment is a GIVEN MOMENT. You have not earned it or brought it about in any way, and cannot assure that there will be…

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5 Solutions for Dissolving your Doubt

I doubt myself, I trust myself. The vision is clear, then I’m in the fog. I feel powerful and then the next moment I feel like nothing. These are the cycles I go through again and again as I work towards the vision I want for my life and this world. Because I’m usually happy people get the impression that I don’t struggle or have difficulties. This couldn’t be anywhere farther from the truth. I live my life between the space of who I just was and who I am choosing to become. This practice of constantly stretching myself makes for a…

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Appreciation: A Truly Humane Art

“The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out.” ~ Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends & Influence People There is something wonderfully enigmatic about sensing that another person notices your efforts, weak attempts though they may be, and kindly expresses such recognition with even a single word of thankfulness. One paltry word, even? Yes. A mere word can make or break a person’s spirit, depend upon it. On any given day, individuals, young and old, from every life background have…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Live in the Now?

"I've read a lot about living in the present moment, but yet I find myself in the past or the future most of the time, trapped in drama. How does one actually stay IN the present moment? Any hints on tangible things I can do?" ~ Elena, Anchorage, AK Dear Elena, The first step to create any change is to take 100% responsibility for all areas of your life. I notice that in the question, you say that you are "trapped in drama". I understand what you mean, but your language patterns shape your destiny, so consider that you are responsible…

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4 Tips for Staying Youthful — and Motivated!

USE YOUR IMAGINATION; BE SILLY; STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER CHILD - AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING Unleash the power of your imagination and you will be a-mazed at what you can achieve. The possibilities are endless when you allow them to be. Putting your imagination to work unlocks your creativity and inspires you to come up with new ideas that you never thought possible. Also, don't forget to be "silly". Silliness is a very important trait, and allows you to do crazy create a book when you're only 7 years old, which is what I did. How…

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By B. Lynn Goodwin. I know I've shared a gratitude list here before, but I always think of November as gratitude month. Maybe that’s because it’s the month of Thanksgiving. Or maybe it’s because so much in nature goes dormant, but I get to keep going on. This used to be the month when my high school actors performed the fall play, sometimes a drama and sometimes a comedy, but never a musical. Later my college students were putting together the student directed one acts in November, working frantically to have them ready to perform during the first two weeks…

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Little Notes of Appreciation and Words of Thanks Make a Difference!

All of us like to feel valued and appreciated. However, it is easy for most of us to go through our day forgetting to complete simple acts of kindness. My husband is in sales, and much of the time he travels. I try to find little ways to tell him that I appreciate his work and that I will miss him while he is gone. I might stick little handwritten notes in different parts of his suitcase. One time I made him a set of note cards with numbers marked on the front to show him when he should open…

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