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Michele Howe is a reviewer for Publishers Weekly,, Retailers + Resources, Foreword Magazine,,, among many others national and international publications. She has published over 3000 reviews/articles and has been featured on numerous radio shows across the country speaking on topics such as parenting and a diverse range of women's health issues. Her work has been published in MORE, FIRST for Women, Good Housekeeping, Christianity Today, Discipleship Journal, Midwest Living, Parentlife, Fullfill, Christian Single, Single Parent Family, Focus on the Family, PRISM, and Connections. She also does manuscript reviewing for several publishing houses including New Growth Press.

Michele is the author of twenty books for women. Her first book, "Going It Alone: Meeting the Challenges of Being a Single Mom" (Hendrickson Publishers), provided hope and practical helps for single moms new to parenting solo. She has also authored "Pilgrim Prayers for Single Mothers" (Pilgrim Press) and a third book of helps for single mothers titled, "Successful Single Moms" (Pilgrim Press.) In addition to these resources for single mothers, Michele wrote four separate titles combining real life stories with inspirational prayer retreats. These titles published by (Jossey-Bass) include: "Prayers for Homeschooling Moms," "Prayers to Nourish a Woman's Heart," "Prayers of Comfort and Strength" and "Prayers for New and Expecting Moms."

Her more recent books include a follow-up resource to "Going It Alone" titled, "Still Going It Alone: Mothering with Faith and Finesse Once the Children Have Grown" (Hendrickson Publishers) and "Burdens Do a Body Good: Meeting Life's Challenges with Strength and Soul" co-authored with orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Christopher A. Foetisch (Hendrickson Publishers).

One Size Fits All: Making Meaningful Choices, Stepping Into a Meaningful Life was released in early 2013 by Lighthouse of the Carolinas. Burden Lifters: Every Woman's Every Day Resource Kit for a Healthy, Happy Life was released by Bondfire Books in late 2013 and ACTA Publications released, "Faith, Friends, and Other Floatation Devices" which is a compilation of stories, quotes, and practical lifestyle recommendations for "staying afloat" during life's toughest times. Her newest book, Empty Nest, What's Next? Parenting Adult Children Without Losing Your Mind was published fall of 2015. In the fall of 2016, "Caring for Aging Parents: Lessons in Love, Loss, and Letting Go" was released by Hendrickson Publishers. Summer of 2017, her sequel to Empty Nest, What's Next? was published, Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest. In 2018, There's a Reason They Call It Grandparenting and Navigating the Friendship Maze were released. In September 2018, Living Bravely: 52 Week Super Incredible Faith Devotional will also be published.


Read more of Michele's work at and contact Michele at: [email protected].

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Why You Need To Be Ready to Forgive

We are mistake-makers. It is part of being human. Every day, more accurately, every hour, we err. Whether in areas of judgment, precision, or skill...individuals forget to read an entire report, they overlook a deadline, or rush to the next task without first checking their calendar. In short, we are error-ridden folk. This we have in common. The difference lies in how we handle our mistakes and how we respond to the transgressions of others. Do we write people off, cut them from our life (personally and professionally)? Or in the midst of the heat, do we look for some…

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Appreciation: A Truly Humane Art

“The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out.” ~ Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends & Influence People There is something wonderfully enigmatic about sensing that another person notices your efforts, weak attempts though they may be, and kindly expresses such recognition with even a single word of thankfulness. One paltry word, even? Yes. A mere word can make or break a person’s spirit, depend upon it. On any given day, individuals, young and old, from every life background have…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Deal with My Son’s Addiction?

"My 26 year old son just came out of a very expensive rehab and seems to be relapsing. He lies to me blatantly. Should I be loving, strict, throw him out (I'm afraid he'll die alone).... What is the best way to deal with him?" ~ Knzah, Houston Dear Knzah, Every parent's heart breaks along with yours as you continue to deal with this ongoing painful scenario. As the mother of a daughter who went through several years of drinking in excess, driving while drunk, and getting thrown in jail, I understand your dilemma. Let me share what we did…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Both Save My New Marriage and Be a Good Parent?

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The Anatomy of Listening Effectively

By Michele Howe. I admit it. I’ve always considered myself a good listener. I was wrong. Not until I read Stephen Covey’s book, The 8th Habit, did I realize how limited my listening skills have been. Perhaps my biggest mistake is trying to formulate a response while someone is still talking with me. Instead of giving my full attention to the speaker, I’m guilty of (1) allowing my mind to race ahead trying to solve a problem and (2) busy deciding if I agree (or not) with the one talking. In either scenario, I’m not fully engaged in what’s being…

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1, 2, 3… Simple Ways to Reverse the Aging Process (No Purchase Necessary)

By Michele Howe. Sometimes we make things way more complicated than they are. Every marketer tries to sell us a product that includes a promise to reverse the aging process. In truth, it would be much easier if these products worked. But since they don’t…we have to rely on doing things the old-fashioned way by implementing self-discipline and doing some lifestyle introspection. Like most people, I love shortcuts…but with health and aging, they simply don’t work. Here’s what does…in three simple steps. There are several lifestyle changes that can result in improved health and positively affect the aging process. Promise…

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Implement a Timesavings Plan: Communicating Effectively with Your Physician’s Office

By Michele Howe. Reminding myself here... to be an advocate for those on both sides of the medical arena with my attitude and my actions. With time at an all time premium, it only makes “cents” to learn the best ways to communicate with every physician’s office (for your sake and that of the office staff). Just about everyone has had at least one experience when they’ve felt frustrated waiting longer than they anticipated. This waiting too long can be felt in both in the scheduling department and the literal waiting room itself. While everyone’s time is valuable, it appears…

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The Physician’s Assistant: Your Doctor’s Newest and Best Secret Weapon

As I've personally benefited from these professionals... thought you might like to know more about who they are and what they do (for you). The Physician's Assistant: chances are your doctor has one. If he doesn't, then a colleague of his certainly does. Eventually, you're going to come face to face with one, but if you're not sure whom you're dealing with, there could be confusion, frustration, and some irritation tossed in for good measure. So what's this illusive, often-misunderstand and occasionally maligned medical mystery component? It is your doctor's new best friend. It is his colleague, trusted confidante and…

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Whatever Your Destination – Travel Tips for Staying Healthy Stay the Same

By Michele Howe. I like to travel. I like to anticipate what I'll experience when I arrive. New places. New people. New tastes, sights, and smells. Love the whole "new" experience. I also like to ensure I’ll be healthy wherever my foot steps…and that takes a special kind of planning. Any trip takes a good amount of preparation, but there’s an equally important pre-trip planning that should take place before every trip we take — and that’s planning to travel healthy. If you’re not sure what that type of planning looks like, read on for specific recommendations offered by a physician…

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Denise4health – Friends, Family and Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis

By Michele Howe. When it happens to someone you love everything changes. Several weeks ago, a very dear friend (one of those friends who can finish your thoughts or your sentences for you friends) found out she has cancer. Breast cancer. In all honesty, I didn’t know what to think. What to feel. Then, in the mix of tears and sorrow and complete sadness… my thoughts started roaming from my friend’s cancer and her courageous response to this news… to wondering how I would deal with this diagnosis? How would I cope? Respond? Feel? What changes would I make (practically…

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Happy Physician – Happy Patient (The RX in Three Simple Steps)

By Michele Howe. Your doctor wants to see you happy and from the moment you enter an exam room, the attention is centered on you as the patient. Your physician takes notes of your symptoms, your pain, and every medical reason for being in his office. As he listens, your doctor is also making mental notes on how to best diagnose and then treat your condition. He is developing a plan of action scripted just for you. It’s his job to help you get better and he’s happy to take on the role of caregiver. What physicians aren’t happy about…

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Getting a Good Night’s Sleep at the Self-Help (or any) Hotel

By Michele Howe. If you know me, you know I value sleep. Good sleep. Every night. No exception. Everyone has a weakness and mine is being able to rest soundly night after night…and when obstacles such as (my loose shoulder) keep me tossing and turning throughout the nighttime hours my mind can wander…and lately it’s been wandering back to a trip I took with my good friend, Mary. She’s going back to Europe soon. I am not. Sadness. But, I can reminisce about our two wonderful trips together and dream. Here’s one snapshot of our travels….and how we learned to…

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How Your Child’s Sports Training Program Might Be Hurting Her Health

By Michele Howe. When my kids were younger, each season brought with it a different type of sport. That meant fall, winter, spring and summer, they were participating (or just enjoying) varied kinds of physical activity. As they got older, I started noticing that coaches were pushing for same-sport off-season training (year around). It bothered me for several reasons. First, I think kids need to explore a variety of kinds of activities to discover their giftedness (and they don’t know until they try new things). Second, the major push to be super competitive (at the risk of an athlete’s health)…

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Keeping Your Orientation – In Life and Work (Avoiding Unnecessary Missteps)

By Michele Howe. Taking a misstep here would be fatal. Taking a misstep in daily life happens more often than we realize (with perhaps not fatal results, but otherwise unhealthy ones.) Why? It's so easy to lose our focus (lose our orientation) because of the demands placed on us by others (and ourselves.) Keeping your orientation is one principle that crosses over into every area of life. Home. Work. Health. Play. Not convinced? See how this phrase, "Keeping Your Orientation" put me on notice after a fast-paced morning in the operating room. Not too long ago, I was given the…

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Post a Note – Sentiments That Stick

By Michele Howe. I was telling a good friend how much I had been appreciating reading two books on gratitude - the kind of gratitude that is not dependent upon having good things happen or experiencing favorable circumstances. In other words, developing an attitude of gratitude that “sticks” no matter what. This friend (whom I am always so grateful for…) recommended another book on the same theme called 365 Thank Yous by John Kralik. The timing of this book was perfect because this author, a lawyer, discusses his 15 months of sending out 365 thank-yous to different people who touched…

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Birthdays and Bone Density – How One Should Remind Us of the Other

By Michele Howe. Making the most of every birthday (every day)...aging strong (and healthy.) I love own and everyone else's! Call it a hangover from childhood memories and those early traditions...but birthdays are the single one day of the whole year when it's just fun to pick what you where you want to go (sitting on a warm beach) and what you want to do (sitting on a warm beach with a great book and playing my favorite music) and what you want to eat (sitting on a warm beach with a great book and playing my favorite music…

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