By Michele Howe.
When it happens to someone you love everything changes.
Several weeks ago, a very dear friend (one of those friends who can finish your thoughts or your sentences for you friends) found out she has cancer.
Breast cancer.
In all honesty, I didn’t know what to think. What to feel.
Then, in the mix of tears and sorrow and complete sadness… my thoughts started roaming from my friend’s cancer and her courageous response to this news… to wondering how I would deal with this diagnosis? How would I cope? Respond? Feel?
What changes would I make (practically and philosophically) in my life?
I had so many questions and precious few answers.
These were troublesome thoughts that just kept jumping around the periphery of my mind all day long and I was waking up a lot at night thinking (and praying) too.
Then yesterday morning I received an email from my friend announcing her new blog titled, Denise4health.
Love it!!!!!!
You can imagine I set aside what I was doing, clicked on her site and devoured every post she had written.
I laughed.
I cried.
I learned some things.
I found myself getting all my questions answered.
This blog comforted me!
I hope you’ll take a few moments to read Denise4health for yourself.
I can assure you –
You will laugh.
You will cry.
You will learn some things.
You will find some answers you’re looking for (or maybe you didn’t realize you had).
Lots of people write about their challenges in life. There are lots out there on women who have gone through breast cancer.
But everything changes when it happens to someone you love.
I’m not so interested in “other people’s stories” right now.
Right now, I am only concerned with my friend and her journey.
How grateful I am she is willing to share it with me through words.
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