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I doubt myself, I trust myself. The vision is clear, then I’m in the fog. I feel powerful and then the next moment I feel like nothing.

These are the cycles I go through again and again as I work towards the vision I want for my life and this world.

Because I’m usually happy people get the impression that I don’t struggle or have difficulties. This couldn’t be anywhere farther from the truth. I live my life between the space of who I just was and who I am choosing to become. This practice of constantly stretching myself makes for a whole lot of growth, surprise, uncertainty and wild moments of explosive epiphany. With that being said, the journey of feeling confident and clear and battling self doubt is a fine balancing act that I am getting better at managing.

Here are some of the ways I deal with my doubts when they do come up…

1) Don’t look for outside confirmation: Looking outside of myself for validation or approval gives my power away to sources that are not my own. To feel confident I must remain centred and decisive. This depth of connection comes from my daily practices (meditation, stretching, journaling, hiking, prayer offerings, exercise & golf).

Starfish Beach2) Do look at the long-term vision: I have made a lot of poor choices because I lacked patience or didn’t feel secure in myself. The majority of my poor decisions have come from the energy of desperation: feeling like I’m not enough or don’t have enough. When things aren’t going as quickly as I want them to or when times get tight (especially financially), instead of worrying about the future, I do my best to do something I love to pass the time until a clear next step is revealed. While off on my adventure, I take time to appreciate the bigger picture of how perfect everything is and has always been.

3) Show up, Show up, Show up: The more I follow through with the little tiny small stuff, the more I feel like I can follow through with the really big stuff, like living my potential and fulfilling the vision of what I want. I remind myself often that it is those little tiny details that most people think mean nothing that are actually the secret ingredients to becoming the vision. (I’m glad I wrote that … I needed that reminder!)

4) Sit with the Universe: I would say the thing that makes me remember my own magic is by connecting to the pulsation of life in the Universe. This starts with my breath, feeling my cells, expanding my awareness to feeling the air, wind and elements, growing that feeling into hearing nature singing its song around me and resting in that presence as long as I can. This type of practice wipes away my doubt and makes me remember that I am the Universe and so creating these human dreams should be a lot easier than creating the cosmos.

5) Appreciate what I have: I find that when I get into my spirals of doubt it’s because I’m focusing too much on what I don’t have or what I’m not right now. It pretty much always comes from lack-consciousness. When I shift my focus from that to deeply appreciating what I do have in my life, I open myself up to feeling completely loved, supported and in the perfect place. Gratitude though simple can take any person from feeling unloved and unworthy to blessed and abundant quite quickly.

What do you do to deal with your self doubt? Share your strategies with everyone in the comments section!

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I help creative, entrepreneurial, freedom-seekers who are on a seriously awesome mission to share their gifts, serve the world and build a meaningful business that aligns with their passions to get clear, intentional & focused so they can create what they actually want in life.

I have consciously crafted my freedom lifestyle to align with everything I love most. I live in paradise on a small island with my wife and I am actively pursuing my life-long dream of playing professional golf. The way I fund my lifestyle is by creating transformatonial eCourses which have reached people in 27+ countries, producing comedy + music marketing videos with my best friends in my home studio and by coaching leaders and world-changers to rock their gifts and (#GSD) Get Shit Done while having fun!

For more information, please visit

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