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Anthony Benson

Trust Your Vision

Many of us are creative life-adventurers that have often, personally and professionally, walked the road less traveled. I maintain that there is a unique and rewarding calling that we are responding to. A deep part of ourselves desires to shine—to become fully realized—such that, we are compelled to give it birth—ultimately gifting the world with our passion, desire, talents and individual spirit. This is, in great part, the evolution of self. Embracing, and succeeding at, this evolution of self is best served by incorporating a heart-based life-strategy—one that honors the true essence of who you are, and others, and is…

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Why Perseverance is the Answer

Sometimes to grow and to truly change your life, you have to make difficult choices. To thrive and become better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually often times is painful. You get so comfortable being uncomfortable that you settle for less when you really are destined for greatness. Don't let past mistakes or failures define who you are because your past doesn't dictate what your future will be. When you make your plan of transformation remember to visualize... see the end goal, the end results of success. Map out your storybook of triumph. Whether you start a business or audition for…

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Empower Your Life with Art

Make art and have visions. That is my gift to you today. Both art and visions are deeply healing for your whole life. Make art, anything, draw, sing, dance, write a poem, and you will find out who you are what you are to do in this life. Making art will heal your trauma and wounds. It will heal you, your family, your community and the earth. I know this is true. Make art to relax and to grow. Talk to spirit each day. You will know more about yourself and the universe if you talk to spirit. Close your…

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Challenge Yourself to Dream

I sat here thinking of what would inspire, challenge, encourage and empower each of you which was really a challenge for there are so many things to share. As I thought more about the concept, I kept hearing "Give them Permission to Dream". We have all had dreams at one time in our life and then life got in the way. I challenge you today to stop and take a deep breath and repeat these words: I, ______________, give myself permission to dream, visualize and step in faith to set goals that will take me to where I want to…

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Finding the Upside When Life Takes a Downside

What do you think of when you hear the word upside? Simply speaking, it is something positive that follows a downside. It is the promise or potential of a given situation. It's finding some clarity in the midst of chaos. Once the dust settles in your life, there is a little light or glimmer of hope that appears. But you have to be willing to reach out and grab the opportunity, nurture it and turn it into something meaningful. For example, I had a downside experience - a severe stress fracture in my leg, which laid me up for many…

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Finding the Good Even When Things Get Bad

Learn to love yourself. Once you love you, it opens you up to all different types of experiences in this world. Whatever you focus on is what you get, so why not focus on the good and the positive? Do your very best to live love and kindness and not in the Ego. When we live in our ego, life is complicated and distorted. If you want to experience everything fully, let go of your ego. Forgiving is key. Without forgiveness, you will stay stagnant. Remember when you forgive someone, it is for you, not for them. You are not…

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5 Ways to Create Passionate Connections

Be of Service Do you know what Web 2.0 is? It is the evolution of the current state of the Internet and the trend of social networking and all of the technology that supports it. I love that the present culture of the Internet has evolved to focus on people and that the technology makes it even easier to be of service. Being of service and helping others feel good about themselves is not only rewarding, it allows you to grow exponentially. You grow internally as a person and externally because your influence will have a farther reach. Be a…

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5 Solutions for Dissolving your Doubt

I doubt myself, I trust myself. The vision is clear, then I’m in the fog. I feel powerful and then the next moment I feel like nothing. These are the cycles I go through again and again as I work towards the vision I want for my life and this world. Because I’m usually happy people get the impression that I don’t struggle or have difficulties. This couldn’t be anywhere farther from the truth. I live my life between the space of who I just was and who I am choosing to become. This practice of constantly stretching myself makes for a…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Do Better in School?

"I am preparing for my GMAT exam as it can give a great lift to my career and give me great learning opportunities. I am having a tough time studying and answering the questions. It infuses a great deal of stress and depression in me while I'm preparing for exam. I've kept a tutor as well but no matter how hard I try it seems I'm not making any progress and I'm not those gifted people who are quick with answering numbers. I have never been good at math and I'm facing math problems here. It appears that an evil…

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10 Traits for Creating More Success, Abundance & Happiness

Are you suffering from “The Secret Syndrome”? You watched The Secret a decade ago, you’ve been visualizing what you want and now ten years have gone by and you’re still pretty much in the same place as you were then — minus a few free cups of coffee? Here are some 'Secrets' I have learned through the process of breathing life into many of my dreams. Turn these recommendations into habitual ways of being and I guarantee you will experience some tremendous magic bless your path. 1) A Clear Vision: Without a clear vision of what you want, how can you create the reality…

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Is It Possible to Control My Thoughts In the Moment?

"I have been reading the Power of Now and rereading A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. So much of what he says resonates with me. I have been trying to apply many of the principles. Because I tend to live so much in my head, it's not an easy task to quiet my mind or simple just observe my thoughts. However, I am working on it :-) The most challenging part for me is with my kids. I try hard not to react but instead respond. When I set this intent, it works for a little while but then I…

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The 5 Mind and Energetic Mistakes That Cost You Thousands!

Our minds are the greatest tool we have and without the proper use of our mental energy, mental creativity and right mindset opportunities for mistakes arise. Those mistakes or missed opportunities lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue and hundreds of hours of lost time. Here are the mindset mistakes we make: Allowing others to steal your vision and your energy. Being overwhelmed because too many projects press on you that all seem important. Keeping the employee or contractor that is the least productive and who takes the greatest amount of your time. Refusal to delegate. Not asking for…

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Use of Time Travel to Inspire You Today

By Dr. Murray Grossan. In Stressed? Anxiety? Your Cure is in the Mirror I speak of time travel for health and relaxation. What works is to relax, then recall using five senses – smell, taste, feel, sight, sound and joy. When you do this properly, your body chemistry changes, sometimes significantly. If you recall that happy 18th birthday, maybe you will have a similar chemistry that you did then. You can monitor this effect. Your blood pressure may change. Your pulse rate may change. Your white count may change too as well as your blood sugar. As a medical student…

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Abundance or Vision… Which Comes First?

Sometimes I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg. Recently I had an experience where a woman, Sue, visited our home and saw our vision board hanging in our bedroom. Sue was the wife of a contractor who was doing some repair work at our home and stopped by to visit with her husband. Sue works as a cleaning lady and in her mind, had already categorized us as "rich people".  I know what that's like, for I spent my childhood and the early part of my adult life thinking that I too was separate from the abundance around…

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Top 10 Things I’ve Learned from Bejeweled

Recently, I learned yet another lesson from a game called Bejeweled 2. I blogged about this game some time ago, but find I'm compelled to write about it again. For me, this game is a form of meditation as it requires great focus. I play it in my spare time, like when I'm waiting at the dentist's office or at the airport. Some days that may be 15-20 minutes and sometimes life gets too busy and I won't play for days. However, I always come away from the experience with a lesson. So, I decided to share my Top 10 Things…

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10 Tips to Get Through Hard Times

Each morning as we wake up we have a choice to determine the direction of the day. We can go into default mode and wake up fearful and worried about things like how am I going to pay the bills, heal this relationship, find a job, etc..... or we can make the conscious decision to choose the kind of day we'd like to experience. Many times the events of the day happen so quickly, we get caught up in the drama and we truly feel that we don't have a choice. Things just happen. Bad things happen to good people…

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Whatever We Imagine

Two evenings ago Darryl and I were sitting outside on the deck at a ranch in Montana we're visiting. Just the two of us on 310 acres, surrounded by the Swan Mountains and 2 million acres of National Forest Service wilderness land, alone with just the wildlife, miles from the nearest neighbor. This land is home to grizzly and black bears, elk, moose, deer, coyotes, wolves and more. We enjoyed the sun until after 9:30pm, but when it finally dropped below the mountain, it became very dark, very fast. The sky was full of more stars than we've ever seen…

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I Have a Secret that I Can’t Wait to Share!

I have the coolest job on the planet. Each day I get to interview some of the greatest and most enlightened people in the world. I am blessed to have created a way to do this and each day I'm grateful for the opportunity to surround myself with such excellence. About three months ago I started to write a book, combining the wisdom that I've learned throughout my life, along with the information shared from our Inspirational Luminaries.  Based on some of the same principles from Napolean Hill's masterpiece, "Think and Grow Rich", the preliminary title for my book is…

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Get Out of the Book!

This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking on the topic of success at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Part of the experience was a Q&A session where my friend Brian asked, "What do you do when you have a bad day? How do you get out of it?" Well, today is one of those times so I thought I'd answer the question best by sharing the process with you. Most mornings I wake up and write. This morning I woke up to an early telephone call and felt like someone not only threw the book at me, but…

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