Are you suffering from “The Secret Syndrome”? You watched The Secret a decade ago, you’ve been visualizing what you want and now ten years have gone by and you’re still pretty much in the same place as you were then — minus a few free cups of coffee?
Here are some ‘Secrets’ I have learned through the process of breathing life into many of my dreams. Turn these recommendations into habitual ways of being and I guarantee you will experience some tremendous magic bless your path.
1) A Clear Vision: Without a clear vision of what you want, how can you create the reality experience you’re intending? Oh wait, you can’t. Stop all this chaotic do-doing and centre yourself long enough to know what the heck you want. You’ve got to get off auto-pilot and start thinking and acting for yourself.
2) Making Friends With Your Fear: Once you decide what you want and commit fully to the vision, you can expect many suppressed fears to surface. YAY! Celebrate that.
Now that your fears are in your face, you can finally befriend them. Instead of procrastinating, running away or moving towards the comfy nice stuff, say BRING IT ON to them. Don’t worry, you’ll soon find out that your fears actually aren’t all that bad once you get to know them.
3) The Will to Succeed: If embodying your dream is what you want, then you have to drop wishy-washy new age language like, “It’ll happen if it’s meant to.” This is a cop out. If you want to succeed, then you need to commit and have the willpower to persevere even when things look uncertain or difficult. This will require will and personal power. You can do this!
4) Radical Dedication and Focus: Hello distractions, you sure do seem to be everywhere! You never realize how many distractions you have in your life until you find ‘the thing’ you want to focus all your energy on. Simplifying your life, your schedule, your commitments and the things you think you need to spend money on sure will free up loads of energy and space to create. Once you grant yourself this freedom, it’s going to be so much easier to stay focused and dedicated to your vision.
5) A Powerful Intuition: This is something you develop over time, kind of like a muscle. The more you learn to trust this powerful muscle, the more you will learn to flow with life. I’ll be honest when I say, on the road to building your dreams, life’s gonna get crazy and you’re going to have to make some tough decisions. The thing that you’re going to need to trust more than the self help guru on Youtube is … wait for it … YOURSELF!
6) A Sense of Adventure: Don’t take yourself so seriously. Don’t take your mistakes so seriously. Don’t take your ‘big goals’ so seriously. Don’t take your debt so seriously. Don’t take your family’s constant criticism so seriously (“get a real job”). And definitely don’t take that fearful, anxious, worried voice inside your head so seriously. Do all these things and KA-BLAMMO you’ve got yourself a life of adventure where you’re open to having a blast on the road to creating miracles.
7) Patience: Be sure to have a whole lot of great pastimes and hobbies because it ain’t gonna happen at the speed of light … at least most of the time. Instead of sitting on your computer hitting the refresh button on Facebook and email, hoping something new will happen, live your dream now in the best way you can. Just because you don’t have a million bucks in the bank, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. The more you enjoy your life, the process, and every tiny step along the way, the less you will project that desperate energy that repels people and the things you want most. Love the new now and be patient with the unfolding.
8) Gratitude: Life and the Universe is going to work in magical, mysterious ways through all the people you meet and experiences you have, so you better thank each of them. Even the doofuses and paradigm-shattering experiences that cause you to crumble in pain can be blessings if you let them be. The sooner you start giving thanks for it all, the sooner you can release your resistance and soar forward. Gratitude is learning to say thank you to all experiences, not just the nice ones.
9) Discipline: You must be the one to hold yourself accountable to your vision. There will be so many action steps to take along the way and you must be willing to follow through with them. If you can’t do that yet, then hire a coach to guide you. Staying disciplined will boost your confidence because the more you show up for yourself and follow through, the more you will trust yourself. People will also trust you and want to support your vision because they see how committed you are.
10) Healthy Habits: How horrible would it be to finally achieve your goal after a long, hard journey and find out that you have cancer or you’re just too stressed to savor the joy of a journey well-walked? This happens to so many people. Take care of your body so you can enjoy the sweetness of life every step of the way. Eat great foods, hydrate with awesome sources of water, get plenty of rest, take time off to do the other stuff you love, meditate and stretch daily … basically, stay as healthy as you can. To do this, you must commit to having healthy habits that fill you up and let the others fall away.
Breathe Deep. Stay Balanced on your Journey. And Have Fun.
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