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10 Commandments for Success

I did not realize the level of sacrifice that would be required to become not only an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur. I wish I had understood the value of investing when I started out. I would done the things that I needed to do in order to "produce" and to make money very differently. The most important rule I have learned in life is to never, ever give up, no matter how difficult the situation may be. For every situation there is a solution! We dream and we dream big, but dreams are one thing - bringing them into…

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How to Take Advantage of Your Opportunity

The thrill of soaring comes with the fear of falling. Despite that, we should all aspire in life to dream big. There is so much opportunity just waiting for you - if you are willing to be consistent and persistent, there is no doubt you can achieve your dreams. It helps to discover who you truly are and live in a way that is authentic to yourself. You must do what you can to discover your truth... to achieve a deep connection with yourself and then with other people. Think about who you are now. If you are seeing habits,…

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It’s All in the PUSH

Let’s start from the beginning... When you learned to crawl, it required a pushing movement. You had to learn to push your knees to move yourself to another point. Then you learned to walk, same push, different position. Then you ran, you pushed further and harder. To think that pushing is not a necessary element of growth and life, try crawling into work or school tomorrow. Pushing is a physical activity that exerts more pressure out than you accept inside. Pushing is a fundamental of life. So why do so many resist it? Because it is uncomfortable, it is unknown... and sometimes…

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Embrace Your Bliss Every Day

True bliss is finding happiness in the moment, in what is. Doing whatever you love in life will bring that happy moment, but first you must figure out what that thing is that's most important to your happiness. And to figure it out takes self-reflection. That's where practice and process needs to happen. Every day. I recommend some practice that makes you pause and look within you like yoga, journaling, mediation or prayer. Whatever you call it. But you must stop consciously every day and do it. This is all it takes. Consistency. Devotion. The biggest discovery you will make…

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Why Perseverance is the Answer

Sometimes to grow and to truly change your life, you have to make difficult choices. To thrive and become better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually often times is painful. You get so comfortable being uncomfortable that you settle for less when you really are destined for greatness. Don't let past mistakes or failures define who you are because your past doesn't dictate what your future will be. When you make your plan of transformation remember to visualize... see the end goal, the end results of success. Map out your storybook of triumph. Whether you start a business or audition for…

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Happiness is a Choice

Here’s what I know for sure, Happiness Is A Choice. There is so much more we are capable of, and through mindset and beliefs, we have the power to design our life and choose happiness. The hustle of life is filled with people, events, and stimuli, there’s no avoiding it. The weather. Traffic. People at the coffee shop. Eating dinner with the family. Stimuli encountered throughout the day aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ they’re neutral, and often cannot be controlled. Everyday, we are presented hundreds of situations. The beautiful part is that based on our beliefs, we have total self-power to…

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Take Charge of Your Life

Be a doer, not a watcher. So many temptations lure you into sitting on the sidelines of life, just watching: riveting TV shows and movies, websites, social media. We emerge blinking and wondering where the time went. Turn off the distractions. Map your dream. Take one step toward it every day. Your time is your most precious asset. Do not give it away carelessly, and don’t fritter it away. Learn to say no to requests for your time that don’t get you closer to your dream. Don’t let time get away from you. Wake up before everyone else and feed…

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Your Hero In Times of Need

You are the hero you've been waiting for. No matter what challenge you're facing, there is no one who can save you the way that you can. We all need support, but it's up to you to take the first step. Deep down within all of us is a strong spirit, an unseen force that we're born with. I call it the hero within us -- and you are the hero you've been waiting for. When you're lost, when you're feeling like you need someone to rescue you, that someone is you. The most important thing you'll ever do in…

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Remembering to Dig Deep

The best lessons I've learned in life have happened while running and if there is one thing I can share with the others, it is "Dig Deep." It's a phrase I say to myself whether on a daily run where I feel less than strong or in a road race when I feel as if my legs are like noodles and I am going to bring up cookies. Not the prettiest of all imageries, but "Dig Deep" has carried over into other areas of my life when I felt like the world was handing me way too much. You don't…

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5 Principles To Lead A Fulfilled Life

1. To learn anything, you cannot be afraid to ask questions. This fear no doubt harkens back to grade school, when other kids would poke fun at the kid who asked for clarification on something. Unfortunately, most people don't grow out of it, fearing others will think them simple. The reality is, while everyone is an expert at something, no one can be an expert in everything. If you don't ask, you won't learn. Ask questions until you are satisfied you understand the answer. This may be the only opportunity you have to learn. Don't miss out on the experience.…

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