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You are the hero you’ve been waiting for. No matter what challenge you’re facing, there is no one who can save you the way that you can. We all need support, but it’s up to you to take the first step.

Deep down within all of us is a strong spirit, an unseen force that we’re born with. I call it the hero within us — and you are the hero you’ve been waiting for. When you’re lost, when you’re feeling like you need someone to rescue you, that someone is you.

The most important thing you’ll ever do in life is take care of yourself. Find out who you are, what you need, what you want. The more you take care of yourself, the more the universe will take care of you.

The longest distance is from the head to the heart. Sometimes we focus so much on being the figure out there that we forget to enjoy life. It’s good to take a break from thinking and just live from the heart more. Sometimes the best solution to any challenge is to leave it alone and go have some fun.

Go where it’s warm. You don’t have to chase unavailable people. You don’t have to change them or change yourself for them. Choose people who, when you need them, run to you instead of running to the hills.

It’s so powerful to go from can’t to won’t. “I won’t be in this bad relationship anymore. I won’t work at this job anymore.” When you go from can’t to won’t, then you go from being a victim to being empowered.

People want to be heard. Listening is underrated.

You don’t have to get anyone’s approval anymore. You’re not asking for approval, you’re giving it.

Look people in the eye. Let them really see you.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. Really.

In any situation, when the pain outweighs the pleasure, it’s time to go.

Sometimes just accepting something for what it is helps alleviate the obsession to change it.

You and your romantic soulmate will meet at exactly the right time when you’re both ready. Until then, focus on the soulmates you already have in your life. Maybe it’s a family member, a friend or a co-worker who is a special person in your life.

I think the next stage of the sexual revolution is going to be where men are accepted for being sensitive yet still strong and women are accepted for being strong yet still feminine.

Relax. You don’t have to figure it all out today.

Listen to your intuition. It’s a great guide for you.

Don’t give up. Most people don’t achieve their goal because they gave up too soon. It may be a hard climb, but if you stay the course, you will eventually succeed. It’s inevitable. If you feel like you’re having trouble keeping the dream alive, take a breather and get some rest. You’ll get your second wind. Whatever it takes, don’t give up.

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Rob Kaye is a life coach and radio personality. Since he was a kid, Rob has been guiding people through challenges and turning points in life.

He co-hosts The Rob and Cali Show, a podcast about two semi-enlightened friends who talk openly about life, love and the pursuit of being yourself.

His innovative album/ebook YOU ARE THE HERO: Coaching and Affirmations is helping people to relax and be inspired. It's your portable coach for the mind, body and soul!


For more information, please visit

Comments (9)

  1. Sounds great – until you are in the situation where what you need is a comforting hug and some appreciation and you are spending 24/7 caring for a bad tempered, thoughtless,paranoid, egotistical, disabled husband with aspergers and the beginnings of dementia. Learn to accept or move on? Hah! There is a limit to how much you can accept and not feel totally miserable.

    1. You are so right. When you are in the depths of misery because a very selfish person is sucking the life out of you and you are being swallowed up as in quick sand it is hard to take hold. I know. You must be gentle with yourself and as Rob said Don’t give up! Do not allow anyone to destroy you. Feed your soul and body – you have no choice – do whatever it takes to save yourself. Try to find peace for yourself and try to let go!

  2. When one makes the right choices and doesnt loose one’s good old self inspite of facing adverse situations one emerges as a hero.We can give our best to everything we do we are indeed a hero.Superman is a fiction , the truth is, I dont need a hero, when I discover my inner potential and keep going on strong.

  3. I agree with the concepts and facts you’ve presented in this article Rob. About 30 years ago I did a speech for Toastmasters titled “I need a hero and that hero is me”. We are the primary source to take care of ourselves, whatever the situation or relationship.

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