- The truth is not afraid to be questioned. The Truth wants you to question it, so it can remove all your doubts. Only then can you be free.
- Opportunity is always knocking, but the problem is that most people have the self-doubt station in their head turned up way too loud to hear it.
- Flap your butterfly wings now, without hesitation, before your mind has a chance to whip out its caterpillar ID card!
Your #1 Priority
Believe in yourself, no matter what. Living brings challenges, traumas test you; obstacles threaten to block your every move. The only element strong enough to overcome all of these things is your belief that you can transcend them. Your belief system is at the core of everything you do, say, think and feel. The beliefs you hold influence your interpretation of yourself, the world, events and all that's possible in your life. Out of all the beliefs you carry, the most important ones are those that relate to how you perceive yourself. If you believe you are strong, courageous, creative…
6 Ideas to Create Change
Take care of yourself. Continue to persevere: do not allow doubt to creep across your goals. Always make sure to take some time every day to rest. That time should be just for you to keep stress away. If you don't take really good care of yourself, you may not succeed as highly as you could have. Continue looking at the night sky and wonder about all the many new things yet to be discovered. The answer is clear. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. We all exist…
Have Faith in Your Next Adventure
Dear fellow human being, You are standing on the shore of your next great adventure, looking out to sea as Columbus did more than 500 years ago. Everyone kept telling him that he would fall off the end of the world and surely die, but he refused to believe them, and he remained true to his convictions. And, he was right! The world is not flat, no matter what anyone tells you. Always set your sail for the far horizon, and embrace the splash of seawater across the bow! Don’t ever drop anchor, because that’s where limits come from. Don't…
Your Built-In Truth Detector & How To Have It All
In life there will be doubt, in even the strongest of minds and hearts. When in doubt, trust the body to lead you through it. Hand on heart, and the other on your stomach, ask if an option you consider is right for you. The heart will warm and feel light with a yes, the stomach will shrink and feel leaden or cold for a no. Your body may differ, but it will always give you equally clear signals, of what is best for you. Don't trust what your tongue says as it makes its arguments for or against a…
5 Steps to Living Your Dream
What could you accomplish if you stopped listening to doubt and fear and went after a life most people only dream of? For 12 years, I listened to my doubt and fear, I listened to the negative voices of other people telling me my dream wasn’t possible. Maybe they were right.... I had no college degree and no special skills - how could a bread delivery driver from Wisconsin become an author, speaker and coach? It seemed impossible. After the death of my father, I realized that whether or not it seemed impossible, I had to try. Life is too…
- Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
5 Solutions for Dissolving your Doubt
I doubt myself, I trust myself. The vision is clear, then I’m in the fog. I feel powerful and then the next moment I feel like nothing. These are the cycles I go through again and again as I work towards the vision I want for my life and this world. Because I’m usually happy people get the impression that I don’t struggle or have difficulties. This couldn’t be anywhere farther from the truth. I live my life between the space of who I just was and who I am choosing to become. This practice of constantly stretching myself makes for a…
Are You Acting from Gratitude, Love, and Trust – or Doubt and Fear?
As human beings, we operate daily reflecting a wide range of emotions with a multitude of motivations fueling our behaviors. All too often, we react emotionally to what others say or do. If our reactions are preceded by the emotions of fear, anger, or sadness, we forfeit our ability to act with personal power and effectiveness in lieu of a knee-jerk response. This reaction is all too often sourced in fear and low self-esteem. We may focus on what’s wrong with us and our lives, fear being controlled, hurt, or taken advantage of. We may overlook the many things we…
Last week I was blindsided by a state. Not a state of mind, but by the state of Montana. Our family went to visit a ranch we owned for nearly ten years but sold in 2004. We expected to have a great time with family and reconnect with Nature, but I didn't expect to turn my life upside down. Montana captured my heart the first time I visited in 1993, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised it happened once again. The result of our family vacation? Darryl and I are moving to Montana! As crazy as this may sound,…
I Have a Secret that I Can’t Wait to Share!
I have the coolest job on the planet. Each day I get to interview some of the greatest and most enlightened people in the world. I am blessed to have created a way to do this and each day I'm grateful for the opportunity to surround myself with such excellence. About three months ago I started to write a book, combining the wisdom that I've learned throughout my life, along with the information shared from our Inspirational Luminaries. Based on some of the same principles from Napolean Hill's masterpiece, "Think and Grow Rich", the preliminary title for my book is…