Last week I was blindsided by a state. Not a state of mind, but by the state of Montana. Our family went to visit a ranch we owned for nearly ten years but sold in 2004.

We expected to have a great time with family and reconnect with Nature, but I didn’t expect to turn my life upside down.
Montana captured my heart the first time I visited in 1993, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised it happened once again.
The result of our family vacation? Darryl and I are moving to Montana!
As crazy as this may sound, it seems God talks to me more in Montana than anywhere else. I know that God talks to me everywhere, but more accurately, perhaps it’s just that when I’m in Montana, I slow down and take the time to listen.
I believe that when things just line up for us it’s the Universe telling us to go for it! I’ve been working with an amazing spiritual business trainer, Angela Bear, who teaches, “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory!”
I’ve been saying that affirmation throughout the day for several weeks now. Little did I know life could actually be this easy or joyful!
When my daughter first asked me to meet her in Montana, I called the new owner of our former ranch, who graciously offered for us to stay at our old home. Then I spoke with a good friend in Seattle and shared with her that we were visiting Montana. Within 15 minutes I received a call from a friend of hers named Joyce, who just happened to be a broker in Montana, offering her help with anything we might need.
Out of curiosity and to give Darryl a feeling for the area that I once called home, I asked Joyce to print off a dozen properties. The next day Darryl and I set off for a day of adventure to explore the area.
As we drove by a 20-acre property, the owner just happened to be standing in his driveway. Serendipity? He just happened to be a very talented builder and offered to show us his home and the property. We loved everything about it except the interior layout of the buildings.
The next day his broker called us directly to see if we were interested and I explained that while we loved the property, the layout didn’t work for us. As fate would have it, this broker had a similar parcel about 2 miles away with no buildings, and it wasn’t even listed yet! We walked the land, fell in love with it and made an offer which was accepted.
We weren’t even thinking of moving to Montana when we scheduled this trip. But yet, we called the builder whose work we so loved, walked the new land with him and over the next few days, we started plans for our perfect home. We found the perfect sanctuary for us, at an affordable price, all without trying.
Once again, a plan was forming right before us. Now we realized we wanted to move to Montana sooner rather than later. We asked Joyce to send an email to the brokers in the area asking for help with a rental. Within a day we found four rentals- one of which was the perfect lakefront home within our budget.

As Noah benShea , one of our Inspirational Luminaries say, “Slow down. What you’re chasing may be trying to catch you!” I’ve always been one to “make things happen” and slowing down isn’t easy for me. But this stuff works!
I got more accomplished by just slowing down and allowing it to show up with grace and ease.
I went to Montana to relax and enjoy the company of our family for a week. We ended up staying for two weeks and now we’re planning to relocate there. I didn’t plan this and I still don’t know how we’re going to pull this off.

Then I remind myself- I don’t have to know how. That’s the job of the Universe. My job is only to know in my heart what I want to create and why. The rest will fall into place if we just slow down and allow it to happen.
When the details of what I have to accomplish in the next few weeks appear to be overwhelming, it’s like I hear God’s voice saying, “Hey, didn’t I get you this far? Didn’t I give you the broker, the perfect piece of land, a great builder and an amazing place to rent- all yours for the asking in just a few days? Why would I stop now? Haven’t I always taken care of you?”
I almost feel ashamed for feeling any lack of trust or faith, because when I really think back, I’ve always been so cared for! I’ve been protected and so blessed that it’s amazing I can possibly have any remaining doubt at all. Perhaps that doubt is just part of being human.
For now, I’m choosing to focus on the what and the why, knowing without a doubt that the remaining pieces of the how will just show up with grace and ease.
And, in when I’m tempted to jump into the hustle and bustle and make it all happen, I know that if I slow down enough, the remaining pieces will catch up to me too.
You wrote:
it’s like I hear God’s voice saying, “Hey, didn’t I get you this far? Didn’t I give you the broker, the perfect piece of land, a great builder and an amazing place to rent- all yours for the asking in just a few days? Why would I stop now? Haven’t I always taken care of you?”
Brilliant! Gail, I love that you trust and follow faithfully God’s lead. Enjoy the process.
Best of Energy!
What a wonderful turn of events! I am so happy for you. Whether Victoria and I get out there soon or later, it sounds like a wonderful place. I am so happy for you. Happy happy joy joy!
What an awesome trip that turned out to be!
You know, it’s one thing for great things to show up in your life and another for you to be open enough to receive them. I think that when they fall into place so easily, it can only happen because you are open to the natural flow of the universe which is reciprocating your conscious and subconscious intentions.
I’m very happy and excited for the wonderful things in your life and heading your way. Congratulations!
Hi Gail
Thanks for sharing this wonderfully powerful and synchronous story. I SOOOO relate! It’s great for people to be reminded of what can happen…me too!
I laughed when I read the ‘ease, grace and joy’ part, I have been working with that one for years too and it definitely makes a difference!
I also loved the reminder to slow down so what the Universe is trying to give us can catch up to us, that one hit home.
It’s so important to be in an environment where the voice of your higher Self is heard most…congratulations! Thanks for Inspiring Me Today!
Hope we can get together in Boulder before you leave…when do you go?
Love Julie
I am so happy for you Gail!
I can feel the excitement through your words. I too can relate to the part where you wrote “I almost feel ashamed for feeling any lack of trust or faith, because when I really think back, I’ve always been so cared for! I’ve been protected and so blessed that it’s amazing I can possibly have any remaining doubt at all. Perhaps that doubt is just part of being human.”
Congratualtions on your new home and many more blessings to come!
I grew up in Montana and had a hard time hearing God and my inner voice while living there. Now that I’ve lived elsewhere for many years, when I go back, I truly feel the Spirit that I somehow overlooked while I lived there. I can see how it would call to you! Peace and blessings on this exciting journey!