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Create Miracles and Joy in Your Life

I have found that applying these principles consistently creates a life of miracles and joy. When starting to focus on something that you desire to create, invite your intentions to have surprisingly positive results. Be open to the delightfully unexpected. View the physical world as delicate and changeable—and the spiritual world as solid, strong, real, and constant. Spirit is the foundation from which to change the physical. Positive manifestation power is enhanced by positive energy. The highest quality and most powerful energy is a loving heart. So live in wide-open-hearted gratitude, compassion, and praise of yourself, all others, and the…

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Andrew Schrage

7 Lessons To Live Fully

1. Life is far too short to hold grudges. I've seen too many people lose precious time that could have been used to become closer to family members, all because of a petty disagreement. You should either come to a resolution, or simply agree to disagree. No grudge is worth holding on to. 2. It is also important to remember that in life, there are two main questions you must ask yourself: Were you able to bring joy to others? And, were you able to find joy yourself? If you can positively answer those two questions, then you can deem…

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5 Choices that Will Change Your Life

We can choose to grow habits of the mind and the heart that will guide us naturally to love and service. We can blossom through presence and good mental habits to awaken our authentic spirit. Love is the common denominator. Love is the universal energy of the universe. The human condition is enduring; adversity will forever ascend. The impact of adversity can be an insidious virus or rich nourishment for our souls. We can choose to use adversity as nourishment to awaken our authentic spirit. Our authentic spirit is our love, which we are, and our service, how we act.…

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Share Your Wisdom

If everyone shared the lessons and knowledge of their lives, we could learn so much from each other, and there would be more empathy and less strife. Here is the wisdom that I’ve gained in my thirty-seven years: The color of someone’s skin or their financial status shouldn’t define how they’re treated. Someone else’s religious beliefs shouldn’t offend you if your own faith is strong. It’s easy to let drama into your life but it’s harder to get rid of it. Don’t stress out if no one else has faith in you, just have faith in your God and that’s…

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Top 9 Tips For Joy, Love and Fulfillment

I'm so inspired to share the top nine most important things I've learned about life and how to navigate through it to experience the most joy, love, and fulfillment possible! (1) Being of service to others is the biggest factor in maintaining my connection with my innermost source of energy. I uplift others by letting my highest self shine through my being and inspire the actions I take. When my highest self expresses itself through me, it draws out that same highest self from others. (2) Meditating for 3 minutes, 3 times a day (what I call 3x3 Meditation) is…

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All Is As It Should Be – Powerful Steps to a Peaceful Life

We are all looking for answers, a guidebook for existence, a roadmap. We want to follow measurable steps. Bottom line: we are all seeking peace and joy. At times, I’ve felt confused, cluttered, disempowered and swallowed up by the world. I’ve allowed everyone but me to define my truth and tell me what I need to be. The turning point that revealed the power of choice to me came in my mid-30’s when I woke up one day and asked myself, “What is this life I am living? What do I want to be? What is valuable and important to…

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Eat Right, Feel Right, Be Right

You were meant to have energy, joy and be pain free. You were meant to have chemistry happen properly in your cells. If you have lost your energy, lost your joy or have pain, the chemistry in your cells has gone awry. You are alive because of chemistry. When the chemistry stops, you die. When it happens incorrectly, molecules get made incorrectly and the wrong shape, or the molecules are not made at all. The accumulation of incorrectly shaped molecules damage you cells, then your organs and then you. You develop fatigue, pain, depression and more. That is how we…

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Live Your Dreams

Care enough about yourself to live your dreams. Sometimes when I ask people about their dreams, an awkward silence ensues before the subject changes. It's almost as if there's a fear to admit to themselves what would make their heart sing. Their thinking must be something like this: "If I open my awareness to my dreams, that means I'll have to do something. But right now I can't. I have so many obligations I'll have to say no to my dreams. So why create the pain of even imagining these possibilities anyway?" At least, this characterized my thinking about fulfilling…

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Sink Deeply into Bliss

Sometimes life is hard but it can still be filled with joy and happiness. You may not always get what you think you want, but when you grow older and look back on your life, you will see that you got what you needed. The pieces will begin to slip together in an awe-inspiring manner. While we all strive to find happiness, we must also accept that there is a natural ebb and flow to it and that when we experience hard times, those trials allow us to experience more profound joy. We cannot have one without the other, so…

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Ten Inspirational Lessons For A Beautiful Life!

I have lived a journey of gaining knowledge, understanding, and I have learned a series of lessons. I would like to pass along ten of these lessons: Know Thyself: This has been a significant lesson for me and a definite attraction for others who seek to see me. Seek to see your true self, take off your mask or veil, get rid of the noise and bring clarity, as you align your dimensions and vibrate as one. Avoid herd mentality: Much of the fear many experience as a group is captured from others around. Many feel they won't be able…

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Make Every Day Joy Day

Do you celebrate Joy Day? What? You've never heard of it? When is it? As soon as news of it reaches you, it's Joy Day! Actually you can make any day Joy Day. Today is a fresh brand new day. Twenty four hours to do whatever your heart desires! How great can you make it? I mean really forget everything on your to do list and let's commit to making this the very best Joy Day ever - until the next one of course! Start with creating your very own Joy. Let go of the same old same old and…

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Joy is a Practice

In the midst of our everyday routines, it is easy to forget how extraordinary — and fleeting — life is. It's easy to think that this is just one day amongst many: one more coffee klatch with a friend, one more day of carpooling kids around. It's easy to give our spouse or lover a distracted peck on the cheek as he zips out the door. It's easy to throw on those ho-hum sweat pants because we're "just running to the market." We can easily live as if our days are innumerable, but they're not. The secret to living an…

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What we can learn from the ice bucket challenge and Robin Williams’ death

The life and death of two prominent and beloved figures were brought into our national consciousness recently: Lou Gehrig and Robin Williams. They brought joy to the lives of others through their respective careers in the limelight—one a professional athlete and the other an entertainer. They died in different ways. Gehrig died slowly and methodically from an illness that now bears his name. Williams took his own life after a long struggle with depression, addiction, and perhaps a different chronic illness looming in his future. Williams’ death brought surprise and sadness. We still ride the ripples as the media presents…

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