I have found that applying these principles consistently creates a life of miracles and joy.
- When starting to focus on something that you desire to create, invite your intentions to have surprisingly positive results. Be open to the delightfully unexpected.
- View the physical world as delicate and changeable—and the spiritual world as solid, strong, real, and constant. Spirit is the foundation from which to change the physical.
- Positive manifestation power is enhanced by positive energy. The highest quality and most powerful energy is a loving heart. So live in wide-open-hearted gratitude, compassion, and praise of yourself, all others, and the universe. Appreciating beauty and grace in all their forms can help take you there.
- Use the affirmation: “In brother/sisterhood with all, I now rise up and claim my dominion”, to reinforce your position of responsibility and effectiveness.
- Being well-grounded is a key secret to strong creation. Bring your spirit fully into your body; suffuse your body with energy and light; encourage your body and emotions to speak to you freely as they are brimming with wise guidance.There is terrific power in your shadow (the unexpressed and acknowledged parts of self) so be courageous in compassionately seeing yourself as you are in all your glory and glitches. Then feel your connection with the earth, and receive her sacred energy, so that you are fully spirit and flesh at the same time.
- To form your goals, discover what would make your heart sing if unfettered by limits. See and feel your dream as real right now, fully experiencing how good this manifestation will be for you and how it will benefit others.
- Detach from results with full trust that goodness will come to you – for you are truly a sacred being to whom all good is available. Refresh your energy and visualizations organically when it feels right to do so. Obsessiveness implies lack of trust and is counterproductive. Remember – patience sweetens passion!For example, are you are more afraid of being jobless than you are in your desire for the best job in the universe for yourself? Fear truly is a prayer for what you do not want.
Remember – Fear is expensive and love is priceless, choose wisely! Fear in all its forms, from procrastination, boredom, doubt, cynicism, impatience, self-criticism, laziness etc., can be very challenging to release, especially if it is held in life-long patterns. Use meditation, friends, coaches, and courses to help you identify and release these limits. Yet sometimes all that is needed is to simply, non-judgmentally notice a fear, see that it no longer serves you, and then just gently bubble it away.
- Send positive energy to everyone, seeing them in their maximum soul potential for this attracts others to help and guide you. Be joyfully generous with yourself and others, in terms of money, smiles, time, attention, and thoughts, and the universe will be generous with you.
Happy Manifesting!
[…] To form your goals, discover what would make your heart sing if unfettered by limits. See and feel your dream as real right now, fully experiencing how good this manifestation will be for you and how it will benefit others….Continue reading on InspireMeToday.com. […]
Powerful. inspiring, yet practical words of wisdom. Wow! Thanks for sharing and enlightening us.